英语人>词典>汉英 : 鸣鸟 的英文翻译,例句
鸣鸟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
songbird  ·  warbler  ·  songbirds  ·  warblers

更多网络例句与鸣鸟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Birdwatchers' networking system first came to the attention of the nation in l989, when a birdwatcher caught sight of the first Vermivora chrysoptera — a golden-winged songbird from North America — to be seen in Britain .

1998年,当一个观鸟者在不列颠发现第一只 Vermivora chrysoptera—一种来自北美的金翅鸣鸟,观鸟者网络系统开始受到全国的关注。

A small songbird or warbler of various genera, especially the European garden warbler, that is eaten as a delicacy in Italy and France.


American thrushes: wood thrush; hermit thrush; veery.


Among his examples are vampire bats tuned to extract blood from large slumbering mammals and bats that aim instead for the warm breast plates of birds; New World leeches that track their hosts through the water and Old World leeches that relentlessly stalk down blood bearers on land; the notorious vampire finches of the Galapagos that daintily peck open dribbling wounds on the hindquarters of blue-footed boobies; and the candiru, tiny, eel-like catfish that are reputed to have the power to swim up a person's urethra and suck blood from the bladder and thus are often more feared than their fellow river dwellers, the piranhas.


Largest order of birds comprising about half the known species: rooks; finches; sparrows; tits; warblers; robins; wrens; swallows; etc.; in four suborders: Eurylaimi; Tyranni; Menurae: Oscines or Passeres.


Any of various finches of the genus Loxia, having curved mandibles with narrow tips that cross when the bill is closed.


Canary a small finch Serinus canaria native to the Canary Islands that is greenish to yellow and has long been bred as a cage bird .


If a warmly warbling warbler warbles to another armly warbling warbler, which warmly warbling warbler warbles warmest?


Sing by changing register; sing by yodeling

n。 啭鸟,鸣鸟,用颤音歌唱的人

Devoted birdwatchers, those prepared to travel thousands of miles for a sighting of a rare Siberian bird, are fast being joined by a new breed of follower whose interest is satiated by watching a few finches on a Sunday walk or putting up a bird-box in the back garden.


更多网络解释与鸣鸟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bullfight | 斗牛(流行于西班牙和南美) | bullfinch | 红腹灰雀(欧洲鸣鸟) | bullfrog | 牛蛙, 菜蛙


kgangh kgac --鸟名,我翻译成"锦鸡". | degs --当地方言,专指母鸡或母鸟鸣叫. | Dogl degs--声貌词,母锦鸡鸣叫声.


greenery 温室 | greenfinch 绿黄色科鸣鸟 | greenfly 牙虫


rifle 来复枪, 步枪 | warble 鸟叫,禽鸣 | marble 大理石


人们知道到哪里去寻找麻雀(sparrow)、画眉(thrush)、刺歌雀(bobolink)、鸣鸟(warbler)和鹟(flycatcher). 可是到了冬天,这些居民的分布却像印地安人一样,稀稀拉拉,寥寥可数. 人们发现各处都有一些,一小群一小群聚集着,但在广袤的土地上,

Pipile jacutinga:黑胸鸣官鸟

Penelope albipennis 白翼官鸟 I I | Pipile jacutinga 黑胸鸣官鸟 I I | Pipile pipile 鸣官鸟 I I


核膜内有丝分裂 mesomitosis | 中位鸣肌 mesomyodian | 中位鸣肌鸟 mesomyodian passrines

mesomyodian passrines:中位鸣肌鸟

中位鸣肌 mesomyodian | 中位鸣肌鸟 mesomyodian passrines | 中纽类 MESONEMERTINI

Pipile pipile:鸣官鸟

Pipile jacutinga 黑胸鸣官鸟 I I | Pipile pipile 鸣官鸟 I I | Megapodiidae 巨足科 Megapodes, scrubfowl

tympaniform membrane:鸣膜(鸟)

07.0890 气管环 tracheal ring | 07.0891 鸣膜(鸟) tympaniform membrane | 07.0892 鸣管 syrinx