英语人>词典>汉英 : 鱼的触须 的英文翻译,例句
鱼的触须 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与鱼的触须相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lantern fish When under attack, Mingkang fish will be used strictly as the head of the tentacles all the fish from the monster walk around with.


Any of various Eurasian and African freshwater fishes of the family Cobitidae, having barbels around the mouth .


Any of various brightly colored fishes of the family Mullidae of warm seas, having two sensory barbels on the chin .


Though corals get most of their food from the byproducts of zooxanthellae algae's photosynthesis, they also have barbed, venomous tentacles they can stick out, usually at night, to grab zooplankton and even small fish.


Though corals get most of their food from the byproducts of zooxanthellae algae's photosynthesis, they also have barbed, venomous tentacles they can stick out, usually at night, to grab zooplankton and even small fish.


Patterns in Nature: Coral Though corals get most of their food from the byproducts of zooxanthellae algae's photosynthesis, they also have barbed, venomous tentacles they can stick out, usually at night, to grab zooplankton and even small fish.


Though corals get most of their food from the byproducts of zooxanthellae algae's photosynthesis, they also have barbed, venomous tentacles they can stick out, usually at night, to grab zooplankton and even small fish.


Sea anemones have poisonous tentacles , which they use to stun fish in order to eat them.


Of the latter type, best known in Atlantic waters are the four-winged flying fish and the bearded flying fish, named for the long barbels around the mouths of the young.


"A spine-cheek anemonefish swims over a field of purple-tipped anemone tentacles, adding its vibrant colors to the living spectrum of coral Eden."


更多网络解释与鱼的触须相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


飞翔中的翼龙 鹦鹉螺(Orthocone) 利用触须来推动圆锥型身体喷气式的前进 利兹鱼(Leedsichthys) 40000颗牙齿过滤小动物 可能是最大的鱼 邓氏鱼(Dunkleosteus) 快速、强大并且乐于吃下所有东西 古海龟(Archelon) 这种巨大的海龟能


barbed 有刺的 | barbel 触须白鱼 | barbell 杠铃


smeller /闻的人/触须/鼻子/ | smelly /臭/有使人难受的气味的/臭的/ | smelt /香鱼/炼/冶/炀/烊/

wattle gum:澳洲树胶

wattle 鱼的触须 | wattle gum 澳洲树胶 | wave contour 波形