英语人>词典>汉英 : 魏玛 的英文翻译,例句
魏玛 的英文翻译、例句


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Three years after a fire destroyed much of the famous Anna Amalia library in Weimar, the books are returning to the shelves of the world-renowned Rococo gem.

三年前,一场大火烧毁了著名的魏玛Anna Amalia图书馆。现在,这座世界闻名的洛可可式建筑,联合国教科文组织认定的世界文化遗产,正重新迎接藏书的回归。

He grew up in the turbulent years under the Weimar Republic with anti-Semitism galloping and inflation out of control.


Because of the fusion of the courts, he travelled between Weimar , Gotha and Eisenach and worked with Georg Benda on the reorganization of the Hofkapelle.


German bisque dolls continued to be produced into the war years, and the industry remained a crucially important one to the national economies of the Second and Third Reichs as well as the Weimar Republic.


Grosz's exquisite drawings depicting the excesses of the Weimar Republic also include a series called "The Robbers", a world of sleek black- marketeer s and industrialists, war cripples and plump prostitute s, as well as militarist s who have learned nothing from their experiences.

Grosz 细腻地描绘了魏玛共和国的过分行为。 Grosz 还创作了一个名为" The Robbers "的系列作品,作品展现了一个充满油滑的黑市商人和工业家,战争中受伤腿瘸的人和丰满的妓女,还有不吸取教训的军国主义者的世界。

As the Constitution of the Republic held in the city of Weimar National Assembly adopted, commonly known as "Weimar Constitution," so this Republic, also known as the Weimar Republic. January 30, 1933, to Hitler's German National Socialist Workers Party came to power, established a fascist dictatorship, proclaimed the end of the Weimar Republic.


Enforced strictly by the clergy, John Frederick in 1561 deprived ministers the right to uphold it, vesting that power in the consistory at Weimar.


Starting in 2003, the Bach Festival planning is no longer all in the hands of the incumbent Thomas Church克利斯托夫command Arbil hands, the former manager of the Berlin Art Week艾尔玛魏恩Kato and international renowned music research house will also be joined克利斯托夫Wolf.


In the First World War, the Allied Group of the Allied victory over the Group. In November 1918, after the end of the war, the German Emperor Wilhelm II abdicated, June 28, 1919, Germany signed the "Treaty of Versailles." July 31, 1919, the National Assembly, the small town in southern Germany Weimar Weimar Constitution was adopted, declaring the establishment of the Weimar Republic.


The prince lived in the shadow of his brothers, Friedrich Wilhelm IV and William I, Kings of Prussia.


更多网络解释与魏玛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




1900年尼采在魏玛市(Weimar)去世. 尼采的父亲是一位新教牧师. 尼采母亲是一位虔诚的新教徒. 5岁时,他的父亲患脑软化症去世了. 不久他随全家搬到了瑙姆堡(Naumburg)城. 但为了这部后来响彻地球每一个角落的杰作的出版,

Classical Weimar:古典魏玛

魏玛是一座比爱森纳赫有名也大得多的文化名城,1998年,"古典魏玛"(Classical Weimar)被列为世界文化遗产. 歌德、席勒、李斯特、巴赫、瓦格纳、施特劳斯、勃拉姆斯都曾在此生活. 魏玛有很多街道以名人命名,歌德大街和席勒大街自不用说.

Classical Weimar:魏玛古城

艾斯莱本和维腾贝格的马丁路德纪念地 The Luther Memorials in Eisleben and Wittenberg | 魏玛古城 Classical Weimar | 瓦特堡城堡 Wartburg Castle

Classical Weimar:(文化名城魏玛)

1996 Luther Memorials in Eisleben and Wittenberg (埃斯莱本和维腾贝格的路德纪念馆建筑群) | 1998 Classical Weimar (文化名城魏玛) | 1999 Wartburg Castle (瓦特堡城堡)

Weimar Republic:魏玛共和国

一战以后,魏玛共和国(Weimar Republic)保留了10万军队,斯坦纳便是其中之一. 1933年,斯坦纳以少校军衔从军队退役,加入了莱茵州的警察部队. 次年初,德国国防部筹建训练署,斯坦纳应邀加盟,晋升上校,负责探索新式训练方法,

U Weimar:(魏玛大学)

U Dortmund(多特蒙特大学) | U Weimar(魏玛大学) | TU Cottbus(科特布斯工业大学)


魏玛犬(Weimaraner)拥有灰色光滑毛皮,具有贵族般的外貌. 体型中等,有强壮的吻部和适中的鼻梁,头部和耳朵上的毛色较浅. 早期以魏玛指示犬而出名,属于历史悠久的德国猎犬,其中有些品种现今仍为人们喜爱. 这种从不知疲倦为何物的猎犬,

Sturm und Drang / Weimarer Klassik:狂飙突进时期/魏玛古典主义时期

o Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre <<威廉 麦斯特的学习年代>>(董问... | o aus "Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre" <<威廉 麦斯特的漫游年代>>(董问... | 7. Sturm und Drang / Weimarer Klassik 狂飙突进时期/魏玛古典主义时期

Bauhaus at Dessau and Weimar:德绍和魏玛包豪斯学校

1996 Places of Martin Luther's activities in Wittenberg Eisleben 艾斯雷本和维腾堡的路德纪念馆 | 1996 Bauhaus at Dessau and Weimar 德绍和魏玛包豪斯学校 | 1998 Classical Weimar 古典魏玛