英语人>词典>汉英 : 高比重的 的英文翻译,例句
高比重的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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From the industry to observe,the author discovers that the regional gap of the secondary industry was the primary contributor,but the rate of was descending.The third industry was becoming the important contributor.The industry structure adjusting and the agglomeration of the third industry and the secondary industry are the primary reason of the forming of the disparity of between the east and the rest areas.In the 1978 to 2005,the absolute convergence of economic growth didn't occur,the other way round,the club convergence of economic growth occurred in the east and in the middle.The speed of the economic growth in the east was higher about 1 centigrade than the middle and the developing west,and was higher about 2 centigrade than the west.


This equipment use and popularity has the extremely vital significance to protect oil aerosphere, reduce the recovery cost, enhance the recovery ratio, protect environment.


The effect of post-sintering heat treatment on the mechanical properties of a liquid phase sintered tungsten-base ahoy (95W-3.SNi-1.5Fe) has been investigated.


The high specific gravity of a raw pearl made of crystal gives the Swarovski Crystal Pearl the same weight as a cultured pearl.


Especially prevalent in the retail sector, businesses where franchising has established a strong presence include fast-food outlets, convenience stores, automobile rental agencies, and service stations.


The light cut is lower in sulfur, higher in octane and higher in olefins than the heavy cut.


At present, we offer high quality high proportion fishing fall, high proportion alloy ball, high proportion alloy round stick, high proportion alloy unit, high proportion alloy golf head, high proportion alloy off-centered dipole and other high proportion alloy abnormal units. Production capacity: above 200T/year.

按合金组成特性及用途分为W-Ni-Fe、W-Ni-Cu、W-Co、W-WC-Cu、W-Ag等主要系列,其密度高达16 。5-19.0g/cm3,而被世人称为高比重合金,它还具有一系列优异的特性,比重大:一般比重为16.5-18.75g/cm3,,强度高:抗拉强度为700-1000Mpa,吸收射线能力强:其能力比铅高30-40%,导热系数大:为模具钢的5倍;热膨胀系数小:只有铁或钢的1/2-1/3,良好的可导电性能;具有良好的可焊性和加工性。

Due to their inherent high specific gravity, water does not drop to the bottom of reservoirs.


Hyponatremia, hypovolemia, hypernatruria, hyperdiuersis and hyperbaricuric were of good applicable value in dignosis of the CSWS, Hyperisotonic and normal saline was an effective medicine f...


Continue to raise interest rates. The portfolio will be short duration in both regions. Structured securities and corporates will be overweighted as fundamentals


更多网络解释与高比重的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




高半胱氨酸homocysteine | 高爆炸弹breadbasket | 高比重的hyperbaric

high-technology industry:高科技产业

培育中国风险资本市场 由现代科学技术成果(S&T),风险资本(Venture Capital)和人力资本(Human Capital)相结合所生成的高科技产业(High Technology Industry)正使现代世界经济发生着革命性变革.随着高科技产业在各国国民经济中所占 的比重日益扩大,


但也有高至0.99者. 润滑油的比重,通常以美制比重(API比重),与绝对比重(Specific Gravity)两法来测定. 除利用玻璃制的比重计(Hydrometer)直接测定油料的比重外,也可由魏氏比重天平(Westpal Balance),比重瓶(可抽真空)等方法测定.

Remy Martin:人头马干邑

较早进入中国市场的人头马干邑(Remy Martin),就是上等香槟干邑的代表. 这种干邑完全由大小香槟区所产的葡萄为原料,分为四个级别:V.S.O.P、club、XO、 Extra,就是根据大小香槟区所产的葡萄所占的不同比重,大香槟越多的等级就越高.

specific density:比重

Y-TZP氧化锆相较其他陶瓷材料具有高强度、高韧性,比重(specific density)大,很适合用来做在电子陶瓷厂中研磨陶瓷粉末用或颜料的磨球. 在低污染的电子陶瓷原料研磨要求下,目前会导致铁金属污染的钢珠研磨已不适合,在奈米及洁净度要求较严苛的环境下,


Q7、医生所说的"干燥症(xerosis)"和普通的皮肤干燥(dry skin)一样吗?脚底. 因为那里的"皮脂比重"(lipids weight percent)最小、皮肤水份最容易流失. 脸的皮肤相对身体的其它部分,由于"皮脂比重"高,其实是比较不容易干燥的.


hyperbaric 高比重的 | hyperbatic 倒装法的 | hyperbatically 倒装法地


hyperazoturia 尿氮过多 | hyperbaric 高比重的 | hyperbatic 倒装法的


hyperballistics 超高速弹道学 | hyperbaric 施压力以供氧气的 | hyperbaric 高比重的