英语人>词典>汉英 : 高招 的英文翻译,例句
高招 的英文翻译、例句


master stroke · clever move · brilliant idea
更多网络例句与高招相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Unless you ' ve got an ace up your sleeve , we are dished.


Every successful designer has his own great skills, which come from clear design philosophy and professional attitude, also with religious logic in thinking, palmary ability of organizing function, space and form, and unremitting academic research.


Opposing Pelagianism, which held that humans can merit salvation by good works performed by application of their own will, Augustine insisted that humans require the help of God's Grace to do good and that this grace is a free gift, given by God without regard to human merit.


More adventurous types can create their own stress busters, perhaps by trying sailing,bike riding, walking marathon s or roller blading


Yes , stunningly that's it for now but maybe they have a few more tricks up their sleeves .


Sarah Palin's addition to the McCain ticket seemed to some (I stress the "some") a masterstroke: when Mr McCain was not reminding voters he was a war hero, the campaign could be fought on the well-trodden ground of culture wars.


NeutrogenaAdvanced SolutionsFacial Peel brings you the dramatic results of a professional facial peel--without acid and irritation--to reveal smoother, fresher, more youthfully radiant skin in just one step.


That is one of my more brilliant ideas. Between you and me, that is saying something.


But then he thought that not many people would have the spine to let a stranger throw a pointed stick at their head.


Yet it is this tactic that has enabled him to convince the paramilitaries to disarm and face justice.


更多网络解释与高招相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

High Fidelity:高保真度

在电声技术高度发展的今天,很多高档的音响设备,已完全能够高保真度(High Fidelity)地重放任何伟大的录音作品. 音响发烧友们大都是完美主义者,为了在家庭有限的空间中完美重现悦耳动听的美妙音乐,总是想尽各种办法,用尽各种高招,绞尽脑汁,


找了几个才华横溢的贼一起除暴安良的故事,听起来很邪乎,看着更邪乎,有点>和英剧>的味道. 几个贼各人有各人的高招,概括起来计有:黑客(HACKER)一头,打手(HITTER)一头,飞贼(THIEF)一头,骗子(GRIFTER)一...

ticket inspector:检票员

过了没多久,检票员(ticket inspector)来查票(ticket checking),美国人看见###人一起跑进厕所,检票员来敲门,他们就递出一张票给检票员. 美国人想,这可真是高招啊!!回程(return trip)时,两位美国人也照样只买了一张票,可是却发现那###人这次连票都不买,

Joe Jonas:乔.乔纳斯

甜蜜的约会,是否想尝试一下情侣装呢?如今情侣们搭配情侣装可是越来越高招,简单的穿不同SIZE的同款服装已经过时啦,一起来跟明星们学学最IN的情侣装服饰搭配吧! 乔纳斯兄弟(Jonas Brothers)老二乔-乔纳斯(Joe Jonas)与女友卡...

To new-found methods and to compounds strange:新奇的组合、前卫的高招

Why with the time do I not glance aside 为什么不顾盼,赶点时髦- | To new-found methods and to compounds strange? 新奇的组合、前卫的高招? | Why write I still all one, ever the same, 为什么我写的始终一致...


例如:我们可以在"任天堂"(Nintendo)游戏中增加一条对"自动电唱机"(Nickelodeon)或卡通 (Cartoon)网的链接,我们可以在"自动电唱机"或卡通网中增加"任天堂"游戏的链接,让人们可以访问,获得更多的享受,这是个高招.