英语人>词典>汉英 : 高平原 的英文翻译,例句
高平原 的英文翻译、例句


high plains
更多网络例句与高平原相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These sites include major and lesser known waters in Utah's mountains, high deserts and plains.


In the high plains of the Dakotas, the Mandan developed a peaceful society centered on agriculture.


And the average WDI for every month was calculated from 60 decades WDI and the drought frequency for every month was obtained with a drought criterion. Results showed that: in spring, North-western China, Northern China and Southern China have a higher drought frequency; in May to August, the region that has a higher drought frequency focus on North-western China and Northern China; from September to December, North-western China, Northern China, center China and Sichuan basin has a higher drought frequency (6) The relationship between average WDI for all the 720 decades in 20 years and average precipitation was analysed and was used to regionalize drought in China.


These samples were collected along a main street across the urban area and a mountain route from foot to the top. Results demonstrate that the main magnetic minerals in the street dust are magnetite, maghaemite and haematite with some paramagnetic minerals. Plots of Mrs/Ms vs. Bcr/Bc and Xfd % vs. X ARM/SIRM indicate that the main grain size of magnetic minerals in the street dust are pseudo single domain. The results reveal that the Lanzhou city is more polluted in spring than in summer. The main pollution sources are anthropogenic activities (81.9%) and natural dust (18.1%), especially the former. The spatial distribution of pollution is controlled by the topography and weather conditions.


Soil organic matter is isotropous in north-south and northeast-southwest direction with stronger spatial correlation, and is anisotropic in the southeast-northwest and east-west direction with larger spatial variability.


The geometry of canopy and interception of photosynthetically active radiation were measured.


One is that,by the shove of passive rift valley polycycle,quartz sandstone with high maturity of lithologic composition deposits on the background of sub-plain during sag period;together with the rock formation environment of paranormal saltless local water,the reservoir characterized b.


Topography east Gao low .70% of the land is vast flat plains west of the Ural Mountains in Eastern Europe plains, mountains in order to East Yenisei River to the west of the West Siberian Plain.


Plasma ET was higher in high altitude residents than in lowlanders, while NO lower in high altitude residents than in lowlanders.


The southwestern Song -Nen plain is one part of Northeast plain of China. In this area, both F contens and the incidence of local F diseases are very high.


更多网络解释与高平原相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aggradation plain:沉积平原

aggradation of river bed 河床的淤高 | aggradation plain 沉积平原 | aggradational plain 加积平原


"盛典大道"的建造规格相当高,底下是一层泥沙和卵石,上面铺砖和沥青,最上层是90厘米 90厘米的白石板铺地,并有红色角砾岩(breccia)镶边. 这条宽约22米的圣路"圣路"并不水平,而是由外向内抬升,最高点比周边平原高出了大约12~14米.

elevated line:高架线

elevated delta 上升三角洲 | elevated line 高架线 | elevated peneplain 上升准平原

gather information:收集信息

如果在知识(地方)上级数达到5或更高,你在收集信息(Gather Information)检定上获得+2加值. 如果在知识(自然)上级数达到5或更高,你在地表自然环境(水域,沙漠,森林,丘陵,沼泽,山脉,平原)下的生存(Survival)检定上获得+2加值.

high plains:高平原

high performer 效率高的职员 | high plains 高平原 | higher education 高等教育

elevated peneplain:上升准平原

elevated line 高架线 | elevated peneplain 上升准平原 | elevated reef 上礁

high plateau:高地

high plain 高平原 | high plateau 高地 | high pressure area 高压区


(1)盐土(solonchak)盐土零星分布于黄淮海平原、松嫩平原、辽河平原、内蒙高原东部,以及沿海诸省的滨海地带. 气候为半湿润半干旱,降水量少,蒸发量大,地势低平,地下水位高,地下水矿化度大,植被覆盖度很小,仅能生长些盐生植物或耐盐性强的植物.

upland moor:高沼地

"高地","upland" | "高沼地","upland moor" | "高平原","upland plain"

upland moor:高沼

"upland","高地" | "upland moor","高沼" | "upland plain","高平原"