英语人>词典>汉英 : 高位的 的英文翻译,例句
高位的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
exalted  ·  sublimis  ·  elevatus

更多网络例句与高位的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He seemed less an old man than mischievous child, brim ming over with irreverent comments about people in high places


The lower byte of the register is accessed with an even number address, while the upper byte is accessed with the address plus one.


The greatest frustration of high politics, for General Haig, was lack of that one voice.


There were differences among the incidence rates of high jugular bulb between two sides and different genders, but there were no significant difference among the pneumatolysis degrees in processus mastoideus and petrous apex. We can conclude that there was no correlation between temporal bone pneumatization and high jugular bulb.


The incidence rates of high jugular bulb in petrous apex pneumatolysis I and III were 31.25% and 30.58%,and 31.64% and 29.02% in processus mastoideus pneumatic type and other types, with no significant difference.


Support leg angle and movement timeAlong with the rotation of the body and the swing of the limbs, the bodily center of gravity has two movements progress by the top digit to the low position to the top digit .


The album kicks into high gear with the problematic female whinge of every decade –"Finding A Good Man".


For a hundred years most men inleading positions in banking, insurance, high finance, someindustries, the army, the church and conservative politicshave been educated at public schools.


In China, high-grade iron ore is in short supply, shipping prices are volatile and hundreds of steel companies compete against each other to buy ore to meet their aggressive production targets.

澳大利亚驻上海总领事Tom Connor抵达法院在中国,高品位铁矿石供应不足,船运价格波动剧烈,还有数百家钢铁企业为了实现定在高位的生产目标而对原材料你争我夺。

If tose in high position are sincere and affectionate to their parents and relatives, in the common people there will arise humane feelings; if they don't forget their former friends and colleagues, the common people will not be hardhearted.


更多网络解释与高位的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bloated aristocrat:拥巨资踞高位而趾高气扬的人

bloat | 使膨胀, 腌制 膨胀, 肿起, 得意 肿胀病人 | bloated aristocrat | 拥巨资踞高位而趾高气扬的人 | bloated | 浮肿的, 发胀的, 傲慢的

catbird seat:[美]高位要职; 令人羡慕的位置

by the seat of one's pants [俚]凭直觉; 凭本能 | catbird seat [美]高位要职; 令人羡慕的位置 | driver's seat 驾驶员座 具有控制、指挥权力的职位

gentleman in waiting:(英王的)侍从

gentleman in brown [谑]臭虫 | gentleman in waiting (英王的)侍从 | gentleman of condition [废]有社会地位的人, 居高位的

Not so high and mighty anymore:不是在高位而且那么强大了吧

And look at you now, Mr. Prosecutor, huh?|看看你这样子,检举人先生 | Not so high and mighty anymore.|不是在高位而且那么强大了吧 | Well, that's a noble gesture.|这可是个宁死不屈的姿态

sublimely:高尚地; 傲慢地; 卓越地; 高位地 (副)

sublime 庄严, 顶点, 崇高 (名) | sublimely 高尚地; 傲慢地; 卓越地; 高位地 (副) | subliminal 下意识的, 潜在意识的 (形)

kick upstairs:把某人踢到樓上去,表面上是讓他居高位,但實際上是為了自己的利益

We made our bed, we sleep in it. 我們自己闖的禍,我們自己擔. | kick upstairs 把某人踢到樓上去,表面上是讓他居高位,但實際上是為了自己的利益 | trickle 涓絹細流


prelatic 高级教士的 | prelatical 高位者的 | prelaw 法科预科


prelate /高级教士/ | prelatical /高位者的/监督制度的/ | prelect /讲演/讲课/

bumped up:骤然升到高位的 担任有名无实职位的

bump || 撞击, 肿块 碰(伤), 撞(破), 颠簸 | bumped up || 骤然升到高位的 担任有名无实职位的 | bumped || 凸起的 凸状的

bumped up:[口]骤然升到高位的; 担任有名无实职位的

bump up 突然增加; 提高 | bumped up [口]骤然升到高位的; 担任有名无实职位的 | 122-bundle n.捆, 束, 包