英语人>词典>汉英 : 骑术的 的英文翻译,例句
骑术的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与骑术的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She had been learning to ride for a year,and weasked her riding teacher if she would honour Livia by headingthe cortege on Livia's favourite horse,Sam.


If the fressage rider has long hair, it is typically worn in a hair net.


He can outshoot his own shadow,he can lasso a whirlwind, he can outride (he once raced the Mississippi and won), outdraw and outshoot anyone.


If you say "I am just a normal person and 'classical' riding is too fancy and too difficult for me – I just love my horse", I would reply that if you love horses, then riding in harmony is the only way to proceed. Do not concern yourself that is "classical."


The climate and terrain combined with an incessant presence of horse-borne nomads (Of which the inhabitants of Northern India can claim much ancestry from) has made it a necessity of the kingdoms that rose and fell in the region, and with the Arab arrival into Sindh much of the chivalric Arab's horsemanship was admired by the Chivalric Rajput.


Any book about riding will tell you how to saddle a horse.

任何 骑术的书都会告诉你怎样装马鞍。

He was so enthusiastic about his task that he rode a bronco at a Montana rodeo and daringly took a ski jump at a winter sports tournament in Wisconsin to impress a crowd.


It is also believed that child jockeys guarantee that a race tests the horse's skill and not the rider's.


Ennis picked out a big chestnut called Cigar Butt to ride, Jack a bay mare who turned out to have a low startle point.


You guys seem to get jerked around a lot. Is that just part of bull riding?


更多网络解释与骑术的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cargo 货物 | carrousel 骑术比赛 | casual 偶然的;不定期的


epidemic adj. 流行的, 传染的, 流行性 | equitation 骑马,骑术 | equation 相等, 平衡, 综合体, 因素, 方程式, 等式

Exquisite horse, superb equitation:华丽的马匹 很棒的骑术

Mike, you were asking me what thejudges are looking for. Well, this is it.|迈克... | Exquisite horse, superb equitation.|华丽的马匹 很棒的骑术 | Perfectly turned out. Rider elegant- coat, custom boots....

Grandad's Ride:爷爷的骑术

At the Zoo在动物园里 | Grandad's Ride爷爷的骑术 | Where is the Money?钱在哪里呢?




北欧传说中有吸血僵尸的说法,南美传说中也有一个名为阿兹曼(Azeman)的吸血女鬼,白天为女人的形状手艺 (Craft)、隐藏(Hide)、方向感(Intuit Direction)、听力(Listen) 、无声移动(Move Silently)、骑术(Ride)、察辨(Spot) 、绳索使



Tim Stockdale's Riding Star:提姆.斯托克戴尔的骑术之星

2866 - Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows - 蜘蛛侠:暗影之网 - EUR | 2867 - Tim Stockdale's Riding Star - 提姆.斯托克戴尔的骑术之星 - EUR | 2868 - Transformers Animated: The Game - 变形金刚:动画版 - EUR

Tim Stockdale's Riding Star:(提姆的骑术之星)

2868 - Transformers Animated (变形金刚:动画版) 74.10MB ACT | 2867 - Tim Stockdale's Riding Star (提姆的骑术之星) 13.50MB SPG | 2866 - Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (蜘蛛侠:落入圈套) 27.27MB ACT


courbature || 肌肉痛 | courbette || (花式骑术中的)直立跳跃 | courge || 放鱼饵长篮