英语人>词典>汉英 : 骑兵 的英文翻译,例句
骑兵 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cavalry  ·  cavalryman  ·  dragoon  ·  horse  ·  saber  ·  sabre  ·  trooper  ·  sabered  ·  sowar  ·  dragooned  ·  dragooning  ·  dragoons  ·  horsed  ·  horses  ·  sabering  ·  sabers  ·  sabred  ·  sabring  ·  cavalries  ·  cavalrymen  ·  troopers  ·  cavalvy

更多网络例句与骑兵相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Horse Archers, Scout, Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Cataphract cost.


As a commissioned 7second lieutenant he will become a troop commander with 8The Blues and Royals, one of two regiments - the other being 9The Life Guards - that 10make up the Household Cavalry.


The Cavalry Division was under Major- General (soon local Lieutenant-General) Lord Lucan (54), its Heavy Brigade being led by Brigadier-General the Hon.


I thought dragoons were always rich," she used to say, peevishly."Girls always want to marry dragoons; and tradespeople always want to serve dragoons; and hotel-keepers to entertain dragoons; and theatrical managers to be patronised by dragoons.


N/nIn Arabian fashion, these Jagirdar lancers operate as medium-heavy horsemen, swiftly charging forth when opportunity presents itself and then either pulling back for another blow or remaining in close combat.


There was however one last opportunity for traditional glory when on 21 August 1914 the uhlans and dragoons of the 4.Kavallerie division clashed with their counterparts of the Imperial Russian 10th Cavalry Division in classic cavalry style at the Battle of Jaroslavice.


CHAPTER XV Chinese ROSTOV, with his keen sportsman's eye, was one of the first to descry these blue dragoons pursuing our Uhlans. Nearer and nearer flew the disordered crowds of the Uhlans and the French dragoons in pursuit of them. He could see now separate figures, looking small at the bottom of the hill, fighting, overtaking one another, and waving their arms and their swords.


ROSTOV, with his keen sportsman's eye, was one of the first to descry these blue dragoons pursuing our Uhlans. Nearer and nearer flew the disordered crowds of the Uhlans and the French dragoons in pursuit of them. He could see now separate figures, looking small at the bottom of the hill, fighting, overtaking one another, and waving their arms and their swords.


Cavalry balance reworked a lot (Hussars became a defensive skirmish cavalry, Lancers real chargers, Uhlans something in the middle, Cuirassiers a good all around cavalry and also other).

骑兵平衡返工了很多(骠骑兵成为防御战斗骑兵,李晓霞真正的充电器, Uhlans东西在中东, Cuirassiers一个很好各地骑兵和其他)。

I thought dragoons were always rich," she used to say, peevishly."Girls always want to marry dragoons; and tradespeople always want to serve dragoons; and hotel-keepers to entertain dragoons; and theatrical managers to be patronised by dragoons.


更多网络解释与骑兵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cavalryman:骑兵, 地面机械化部队

cavalry | 骑兵 | cavalryman | 骑兵, 地面机械化部队 | cavalvy | 骑兵,骑兵


进一步细分则包括:胸甲骑兵(Cuirassier);火枪骑兵(Carabinier:这个词直译应该是"卡丶宾丶枪手",早期骑兵中只有此类骑兵装备火枪,因此得名. 可是,到了拿破仑时期,骑兵基本都有火枪,并非此类骑兵独有,所以我不知这么翻译是否恰当,


党卫军骑兵符合欧洲近现代的步骑兵(Dragoon)概念,骑马是为了增强机动能力,战斗时依然采用步兵战术,基本不会象古典骑兵那样集团冲锋. 党卫军骑兵旅各骑兵团的炮兵比例之高超过了步兵团,体现了一种"突击部队"的建军理念.


骑宪兵(骑警) Gendarmerie | 义勇骑兵(志愿骑兵) Yeomanry | 芬兰刀骑兵 Hakkapeliita

Pindari Horsemen:平达里骑兵(印度强盗骑兵)

阿哈迪骑兵(绅士骑兵) Ahadis | 平达里骑兵(印度强盗骑兵) Pindari Horsemen | 希拉达骑兵(印度东部骑兵) Silladar Lancers

Silladar Lancers:希拉达骑兵(印度东部骑兵)

平达里骑兵(印度强盗骑兵) Pindari Horsemen | 希拉达骑兵(印度东部骑兵) Silladar Lancers | 巴尔吉尔枪骑兵(印度枪骑兵) Bargir Lancers


奥地利骑兵由胸甲骑兵(cuirassiers),龙骑兵(dragoons),轻龙骑兵(chevaulegeres (light dragoons)),骠骑兵(hussars)和枪骑兵(uhlans)组成. 他们是了不起的剑士和骑士,训练有素,马术精湛而且享誉欧洲.

Light Dragoons:轻龙骑兵

允许训练一些骑兵单位,分别为龙骑兵(Dragoons)、轻龙骑兵(Light Dragoons)和殖民地龙骑兵(Colonial Dragoons). Explosive Shells(爆裂弹):研究条件为改良手榴弹和大炮工厂. 填充了火药的抛射物,在落到敌人附近时就能爆炸.


奥地利骑兵由胸甲骑兵(cuirassiers),龙骑兵(dragoons),轻龙骑兵(chevaulegeres (light dragoons)),骠骑兵(hussars)和枪骑兵(uhlans)组成. 他们是了不起的剑士和骑士,训练有素,马术精湛而且享誉欧洲.

Beau Sabreur:骑兵指挥官

约希姆缪拉恐怕是那个时代欧洲最著名的骑兵指挥官(beau sabreur). 他的骑兵军中包括轻重两种骑兵师,重骑兵包括胸甲骑兵(cuirassiers)和龙骑兵(dragons),前者穿前后胸甲,当时的骑兵手枪在30米正常距离开火,大约能贯穿2毫米厚钢板,