英语人>词典>汉英 : 驳斥 的英文翻译,例句
驳斥 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
confute  ·  disputation  ·  refutations  ·  redargue  ·  refutal  ·  confuted  ·  confutes  ·  confuting  ·  disconfirm  ·  disconfirmed  ·  disconfirming

更多网络例句与驳斥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What ever the accuser said, he could give refutation.


What ever the accuser said, he could give corresponding refutation.


Hence, a refutation of Acheson may benefit many Chinese by widening their horizon


It is not necessary here to refute the many base and vile charges that have from time to time been brought against the conventual system; a mere general reference to them is sufficient, for the evidence of the salutary work done by convents and the gruits of the lives of the nuns are in themselves ample refutation.


Origen devoted no work exclusively to the refutation of Gnosticism but his four books "On First Principles", written about the year 230, and preserved to us only in some Greek fragments and a free Latin translation by Rufinus, is practically a refutation of Gnostic dualism, Docetism, and Emanationism.

奥利致力於完全没有工作的驳斥诺斯替主义但他的四本书"论第一原理",写230年,并保留向我们只有在一些希腊碎片和拉丁美洲的自由翻译Rufinus ,实际上是一驳斥诺斯底二元,幻影说,和Emanationism 。

The Summers memo was a 1991 memo on trade liberalization that was written by Lant Pritchett and signed by Lawrence Summers while the latter was Chief Economist of the World Bank .




It is also a critique of the entire intellectual apparatus that accompanies the socialist idea, including the implicit religious doctrines behind Western socialist thinking, a cultural critique of socialist teaching on *** and marriage, an refutation of syndicalism and corporatism, an examination of the implications of radical human inequality, an attack on war socialism, and refutation of collectivist methodology.


It is also a critique of the entire intellectual apparatus that accompanies the socialist idea, including the implicit religious doctrines behind Western socialist thinking, a cultural critique of socialist teaching on sex and marriage, an refutation of syndicalism and corporatism, an examination of the implications of radical human inequality, an attack on war socialism, and refutation of collectivist methodology.


Unlike the theatre or movies, it dose not require leaving your home. With virtually unlimited access, television both precedes literacy and, increasingly, preempts it.


更多网络解释与驳斥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

confutation:驳倒; 驳斥 (名)

confusion 混乱, 无秩序, 混淆 (名) | confutation 驳倒; 驳斥 (名) | confute 驳斥; 驳倒 (动)


Contradict: 反驳 | Confute: 驳斥 | Discoure: 谈话; 论述

confute:驳斥, 驳倒

confutation | 驳倒, 驳住 | confute | 驳斥, 驳倒 | conga | (起源于拉丁美洲的)康茄舞, 其曲子 跳康茄舞

contradict verb:反驳,驳斥

contract noun. 合同;verb. 订合同;收缩 | contradict verb. 反驳,驳斥 | contradictory adjective. 反驳的,反对的,抗辩的

controvert verb:反驳,驳斥

controversial adjective. 引起或可能引起争论的 | controvert verb. 反驳,驳斥 | contumacious adjective. 违抗的,不服从的


可见,这个例子是用于驳斥(refute)新"左"派理论家的观点的. C意为:"驳斥门罗主义政策". (注:美国总统门罗在1823年宣布了美国政策原则,反对欧洲各国干涉南北美洲事务. )(B) 研究者在仓鼠身上做了脑神经组织移植(tissuetransplant)试验,

refute an argument:驳斥一种论点

refute v.反驳,驳斥 四级词汇 | refute an argument驳斥一种论点 | refute an opponent驳倒对方

repudiate: v.1:拒绝,否定,驳斥 2.断绝往来,脱离关系

repudiate: v.1.拒绝 2.否认,驳斥 3.声明与...脱离关系 | repudiate: v.1.拒绝,否定,驳斥 2.断绝往来,脱离关系 | reputed: a.1.驰名的 2.被一般认定的,普遍认为的

repudiate: v.1:拒绝 2.否认,驳斥 3.声明与...脱离关系

repress: v.1.抑制,压制,约束 2.镇压,平息,制止 | repudiate: v.1.拒绝 2.否认,驳斥 3.声明与...脱离关系 | repudiate: v.1.拒绝,否定,驳斥 2.断绝往来,脱离关系

refutal:驳斥; 反驳 (名)

refutably 可反驳地 (副) | refutal 驳斥; 反驳 (名) | refutation 反驳; 驳斥 (名)