英语人>词典>汉英 : 马龙 的英文翻译,例句
马龙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Marlon  ·  Maroun

更多网络例句与马龙相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Psychoanalyst, group therapist and body therapist, Mauro Mancini is a Ph. D. in psychology and a Ph. D. in History of Art and Philosophy (both at the University of Rome, Italy). He is member of AIPA (Italian Association for Analytical psychology). His first personal analysis and training was according the ideas and methods of the Jungian school.


So I gave him My Antonia as a sort of explanation. An explanation of what was not in the film, of what Malone is supposed to be leaving for in the end. This he understood.


AR: He is known as the Marlon Brando of China, a notoriously fierce actor and one of China's best and boldest film directors.


Though his feast is kept by Maronites and even by some Nestorians, there is no doubt that he accepted the Henoticon, and was afterwards in relation with the leading Monophysites, rejecting the Council of Chalcedon to the end of his life.

虽然他的宴席是由马龙派教徒保持,甚至一些Nestorians ,毫无疑问的是,他接受了Henoticon ,并随后在与领先的Monophysites ,拒绝了安理会的卡尔西结束他的生命。

Malay to name names: the Lucheng District Five Ma Street, Ma Chi Road, Ma House Lane, Ma spend camps Lane, wash Ma, head manger, the White Horse Temple, and so on; the Ouhai Qu Ma, Ma Ao, ra; launched in the city of Yueqing Shi, MA Hill, the lead horse, River coach, and so on under the ra; Yongjia County of Martin, under Malone, Ao Ma, Ma, and so on; Wencheng County of Masan, and so on; Taishun County Horse track, and so on; Pingyang, and other soft Pegasus; Cangnan horse station, Ma Tau , and so on; Ryan MA Lantau City, Tu Ma, Ma On Shan, Ma Shi Shan and so on.


Market generally felt that,* ST Malone is mainly due to the continuous limit Budie.


"This is the first and largest population-based study to date of these two important breast cancer susceptibility genes and their relation to contralateral breast cancer risk," Malone said.


Mr Diller's supporters say Mr Malone's claim—that the break-up is an attempt to disenfranchise him—is spurious, and that what Mr Malone really wants is to negotiate an exit that favours Liberty at the expense of other shareholders.

马龙先生声称拆分IAC是越权篡位,迪勒先生的支持者则说马龙先生在声东击西,他实际上是想牺牲其他股东的利益好让自己的Liberty Media全身而退。

Shanghai China Fund ahead of schedule in accordance with the restructuring plan, the sky will absorb the merger of Yunnan Salt,* ST companies such as Malone, and the sky of the Group of its acquisition of shares Phosphide held by the Group of 100% of the shares, and other assets; At the same time, the sky will of Malone and Yunnan Salt and Chemical Industry to provide the cash option, and so on.

超过上海中国基金按照提前与重组计划,天空将吸收合并云南盐,* ST公司,如马龙,以及本集团的天空它的股票收购磷化举行的100%的股份集团,和其他资产;在同一时间,天空的马龙和云南盐化工业将提供现金选择,等等。

In 2004, a dispute between Bryant and former teammate Malone became public prior to Malone's expected re-signing with the Lakers.


更多网络解释与马龙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jena Malone:杰娜.马龙

迈克尔.诺瓦克 Michael Nowak | 杰娜.马龙 Jena Malone | 奥克塔维娅.斯潘塞 Octavia Spencer

Karl Malone:卡尔.马龙

但在这一年,他被[[卡尔.马龙]] (Karl Malone) 取代最有价值球员的位置. 在总决赛中,他们面对马龙率领的劲敌[[犹他爵士队]]. 乔丹的篮球天赋与球场的灵魂作用再一次展现,在第一局比赛中,他以一个压哨球击败爵士队.

Karl Malone:四十六、卡尔.马龙

四十一、 帕特里克.尤因(Patrick Ewing) 大猩猩尤因四十二、哈基姆.奥拉朱旺(Hakeem Olajuwon) 梦幻中锋四十三、沙奎尔.奥尼尔(Shaquille O'Neal) 可爱的"大鲨鱼"四十六、卡尔.马龙(Karl Malone) 铁血"邮差"四十七、斯科蒂.皮蓬(Scottie

the mailman:卡尔 马龙

肖恩 坎普 Reign Man | 卡尔 马龙 The Mailman | 哈吉姆 奥拉朱旺 The Dream

Malon Wayans:马龙.韦恩斯

编剧:肖恩.韦恩斯 Shawn Wayans | 马龙.韦恩斯 Malon Wayans | 肖恩.韦恩斯 Shawn Wayans

Dushi Malon:都市马龙

宝贝会所 Baobei Club | 都市马龙 Dushi Malon | 慢摇吧 Manyao

Malone:马龙 奉献给圣约翰 男性 凯尔特

Malik 马利克 主人;大师 男性 阿拉伯? | Malone 马龙 奉献给圣约翰 男性 凯尔特 | Manavendra 男性 印度

Home Malone:马龙的家

709 大修理 The Big Fix | 710 马龙的家 Home Malone | 711 坏家长 Bad Dad Cafe

Moses Malone:摩西.马龙

的两大巨星麦迪和姚明伤病频出 致使火箭整个赛季报废啊今年又找了巴蒂尔 威尔斯 斯潘耨里斯 斯耐的退役球员球衣号码: (22) 德雷克斯勒(Clyde Drexler) (23) 卡尔文-墨菲(Calvin Murphy) (24) 摩西-马龙(Moses Malone) (34) 奥拉朱

Moses Malone:八、摩西.马龙

(Bill Walton)打球评球一样棒五、戴夫.考恩斯(Dave Cowens) 古典中锋六、威利斯.里德(Willis Reed) 纽约城的英雄七、韦斯.昂塞尔德(Wes Unseld) 另类中锋八、摩西.马龙(Moses Malone) 首位高中生球员卡里姆.阿卜杜-贾巴尔出生于纽约市,