英语人>词典>汉英 : 马赛 的英文翻译,例句
马赛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Marseille  ·  marseilles

更多网络例句与马赛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Served adjacent to a 1995 Massetto There were all of the raw materials of very good wine.


And I thought also of a famous passage in Virgil's" Aeneid" about the death of Marcellus, a verypromising young man who was the adoptive son and heir of the Roman emperor Augustus.


Everything in Marseilles and about Marseilles had stared at the fervid sun


Everything in Marseilles and about Marseilles had stared at the fervid sun, and been stared at in return, until a staring habit had become universal there.


Every-tiring in Marseiiles and about Marseilles had stared at the fervid sun, and been stared at in return, until a staring habit had become universal there.


To that end, Argentinian playmaker Aimar is being tipped to be used as a makeweight in Valencia's bid for Taiwo.


Thomas, developping Neo-scholasticism, while Marcel, giving all kinds of systems, concentrated on life-experiences and advocated the concrete philosophy.


Field of car of Shanghai day Marseilles the major that has a high quality serves a group, besides sponsor large match, tounament of pulling force of car of tounament of autocycle of if southeast Asia is culminating big drift, whole nation, whole nation, still engineer every year, carry out public relations of nearly 100 trade, group to go vacationing, media publicizes a project.


The peloton leaves Marseille behind during stage three of the 2009 Tour de France on July 6, 2009 in Marseille, France.


It has found an unlikely solution from within the immigrant communities that some had blamed for its blights.


更多网络解释与马赛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Marcel Desailly:马赛尔.德赛利(France法国)

Marc Overmas 马克.奥维马斯(Holland荷兰) | Marcel Desailly 马赛尔.德赛利(France法国) | Marcelo Gallardo 马赛罗.加拉多(Argentina阿根廷)

Marcellus of Anceyra:(马赛路)

Marcellinus (马赛立那(296-304)) | Marcellus of Anceyra (马赛路) | Marcian (马仙(396-457))

marseillais, marseillaise:马赛人

Marseille:马赛[法国城市] | marseillais, marseillaise:马赛人 | Martinique:马提尼克[法国海外省]


马赛鱼羹(bouillabaisse)是法国南部临地中海的城市渔港"马赛"(marseille)一道有名的汤. 里面最主要的材料都是当地新鲜的鱼及海鲜再加上一些香料及番茄酱汁烹煮而成的. 吃的时候,把里面的鱼捞起放在盘子上,


马赛 马赛(Marseille)是法国的第二大城市和最大海港,城市人口123万. 该市三面被石灰岩山丘所环抱,景色秀丽,气候宜人. 马赛东南濒地中海,水深港阔,无急流险滩,万吨级轮可畅通无阻;西部有罗纳河及平坦河谷与北欧联系,地理位置得天独厚.

EUROMED MARSEILLE:马赛欧洲地中海管理学院 马赛

12 ESC LILLE 里尔高等商学院集团 里尔 | 13 EUROMED MARSEILLE 马赛欧洲地中海管理学院 马赛 | 14 ICN 南锡商业管理学院 南锡

Marseilles:法国 马赛

朗帕尔1922年1月7日出生在法国马赛(Marseilles). 父亲约瑟夫.朗帕尔(Joseph Rampal)是马赛交响乐团长笛首席,也是马赛音乐学院的长笛教授. 约瑟夫并不鼓励儿子从事音乐职业,不过从很早开始,就教给小朗帕尔很多演奏技巧,

Marseilles quilt:马赛提花床单布

Marsden''s paste (含亚砷酸)马士顿氏糊 | marseilles quilt 马赛提花床单布 | marsella linen 马塞拉纯亚麻布,马赛拉纯亚麻布


巴斯蒂亚 (BIA) 马赛 (MRS)从巴斯蒂亚 (BIA)飞往马赛 (MRS)的直飞航班巴斯蒂亚 (BIA) 马赛 (MRS)从巴斯蒂亚 (BIA)飞往马赛 (MRS)的转接航班巴斯蒂亚 (BIA) 马赛 (MRS)


Marcel, Gabriel (马赛尔(1889-?)) | Marcella (马赛拉) | Marcellinus (马赛立那(296-304))