英语人>词典>汉英 : 马亚群岛的 的英文翻译,例句
马亚群岛的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与马亚群岛的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adjusted the discovery dates of the Azores and Madeira.


Iceland Kelafula, Nama Fial and the Azores and some geothermal field, located in this land of tropical.


Among them are the Grand Canyon, Amazon rain forest, Dead Sea and Ecuador's Galapagos Islands.


At present the order has a cardinal, Sebastiano Martinelli (formerly Apostolic delegate for the United States), several bishops--Guglielmo Pifferi; Stephen Reville, Bishop of Sandhurst in Australia; Arsenio Campo y Monasterio, Bishop of Nueva Cáceres in the Philippine Islands; Giovanni Camilleri, Bishop of Gozzo; José López de Mendoza y Garcia, Bishop of Pampeluna, Spain; Giuseppe Capecci, Bishop of Alessandria in Italy; Francisco Xavier Valdés y Noriega, Bishop of Salamanca; William A. Jones, Bishop of Porto Rico; the Vicars Luis Perez of Northern Hu-nan and Dominic Murray, Cooktown, Australia; the Prefect Apostolic (Paulino Díaz Alonso) of San León de Amazonas--and, finally, two mitred abbots.

目前,为了有一个基数,塞巴斯马蒂内利,一些主教-古列尔莫P ifferi ;斯蒂芬雷维尔,桑赫斯特主教在澳大利亚;阿塞尼奥坎普y修道院,主教在新卡塞雷斯菲律宾群岛;乔瓦尼卡米莱主教Gozzo ;何塞洛佩斯德门多萨y加西亚,主教Pampeluna ,西班牙;朱塞佩Capecci ,主教在意大利亚历山德里亚;弗朗西斯泽维尔巴尔德斯y诺列加,萨拉曼卡主教;威廉A琼斯,主教波尔图队的路易斯佩雷斯Vicars北胡楠和多米尼克墨累,库克敦,澳大利亚;使徒的省长的圣莱昂的亚马孙-最后,两个m itreda bbots。

Any of various hard resins obtained from trees of the genera Shorea, Balanocarpus, and Hopea, native to southeast Asia and the Malay Archipelago and used in varnishes and lacquers.


They experimented with the effects of "artificially induced ionospheric depletions on very low frequency wave lengths, on equatorial plasma instabilities, and on low frequency radio astronomical observations over Roberval, Quebec, Kwajelein, in the Marshall Islands and Hobart, Tasmania" Advanced Space Research, Vo1.8, No.


United States Virgin Islands (insular area of the United States)- Charlotte Amalie South America Argentina - Buenos Aires Bolivia - Sucre Brazil - Brasília Chile - Santiago Colombia - Bogotá Ecuador - Quito Falkland Islands (overseas territory of the United Kingdom)- Stanley French Guiana - Cayenne Guyana - Georgetown Paraguay - Asunción Peru - Lima Suriname - Paramaribo Uruguay - Montevideo Venezuela - Caracas Oceania Oceania is a geopolitical region consisting of the continent and country of Australia and numerous countries in the Pacific Ocean (often called the Pacific Islands).

正美圣 55.17%,57.69%维尔京群岛夏洛特阿马利亚南美洲阿根廷-布宜诺斯艾利斯玻利维亚-sucr e巴西巴西利亚智利圣地亚哥哥伦比亚波哥大厄瓜多尔基多福克兰群岛-斯坦利法属圭亚那--卡宴圭亚那-乔治敦pa raguay-亚松森秘鲁利马苏里南-帕拉马里博乌拉圭蒙得维的亚委内瑞拉加拉加斯大洋洲大洋洲是缘重 gion由大陆的国家,澳大利亚和许多国家在太平洋(常被称作太平洋islan ds)。

The channels along the edge of a roof for carrying away rainwater (normally referred to in the plural) are variously known as eaves spouts or eaves troughs in New England and the Great Lakes states, spouting or rainspouts in New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania, and the Delmarva Peninsula, and gutters from Virginia southward.

在新英格兰和五大湖区,这种装在屋顶边缘用来排走雨水的沟槽被叫做eaves spouts 或 eaves troughs ,而在新泽西,宾夕法尼亚州东部和德马华群岛被叫做spouting 或 rainspouts ,弗吉尼亚以南人们把它称为gutters 。

Numerous archipelagos are part of the Brazilian territory, such as Fernando de Noronha, Rocas Atoll, Saint Peter and Paul Rocks, and Trindade and Martim Vaz.


They are the four French Overseas Departments - Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Réunion -, the Spanish Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands and the Portuguese Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira.


更多网络解释与马亚群岛的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


、巴布亚新几内亚的珊瑚礁、亚马逊丛林(Amazon)、科罗拉多大峡谷(Grand Canyon)、厄瓜多尔加拉帕哥斯群岛、委内瑞拉的平顶山区、撒哈拉大沙漠(Sahara)、南极(Antarctica)英国湖区(England's Lake District)、新西兰北岛(North Island,

Bismarck Archipelago:俾斯麦群岛

在巴布亚新几内亚,为俾斯麦群岛(Bismarck Archipelago)的延伸部分,包括约40座岛屿,位於西南太平洋中,离巴布亚纽几内亚北岸约300公里(190哩). 马努斯岛(Manus Island)占群岛陆地面积的大部分,也是群岛主要聚落洛伦高(Lorengau)的所在地.



Ionian Islands:愛奧尼亞群島

于是,它保留了马尔他、爱奥尼亚群岛(Ionian Islands)和赫里戈兰岛(Heligoland),密切注视西西里,而且显然从丹麦将挪威移交给瑞典,以及荷兰、比利时(前奥属尼德兰)的结合中得益.

Todirhamphus chloris marinus:分布于斐济东部的劳列岛

21. Todirhamphus chloris manuae 分布于美属萨摩亚的奥福岛、奥洛塞加岛 .... | 22. Todirhamphus chloris marinus 分布于斐济东部的劳列岛 . | 23. Todirhamphus chloris matthiae 分布于圣马蒂亚斯岛(俾斯麦群岛) ...


葡萄牙冒险家的足迹从摩洛哥(Moroccan)、马德拉群岛(Madeira Islands)直至无人居住的亚速群岛(Azores Islands),并为了奴隶及财富进军非洲大陆. )


今年第14号热带风暴"摩羯"(YAGI)今天下午在北马利亚纳群岛以东1000多公里的西北太平洋洋面上生成. 下午5点钟,风暴中心位于北纬21.1度,东经157.9度,中心附近最大风力有8级(18米/秒). 预计,风暴中心未来两三天内在原地回旋少动,

Paradisaea apoda:大极乐鸟

[50]所称的"无足极乐鸟",正是极乐鸟中的"皎皎者",生活在印度尼西亚伊里安查亚(Irian Jaya)省辖伊里安(新几内亚)岛西、北部和马鲁古(Maluku)省所辖阿鲁群岛、雄鸟体长约一百三十厘米的大极乐鸟(Paradisaea apoda).


● 加利福尼亚-萨卡拉门托/俄罗斯河(云顿(Win Tun),波模(Pomo),尤基勒(Yukil)与麦度(Mai Du)部落)● 墨西哥-米乔阿肯(Michoacan)群岛(太平洋海岸)● 达里安(Darien)半岛-白色印地安人(马什的达里安探险)● 委内瑞拉西部的印地安


[主要城市] 朗塞斯顿(LAUNCESTON), 巴尼(BURNIE) , 德丰港(DEVONPORT)[地理] 塔斯马尼亚岛是本州岛主岛,与州同名,也是澳大利亚最大的岛屿. 本州岛还包括巴斯海峡中的金岛(KING ISLANG),弗诺群岛(FURNEAUX GROUP)和东南海外的麦考里岛(MACQUARIE ISLAND)等若干小岛.