英语人>词典>汉英 : 飞越上空 的英文翻译,例句
飞越上空 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与飞越上空相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

North Korea's dictator, who riled the world again last weekend by firing a long-range rocket over Japan, has always proved an easy target for ridicule, with his tinted shades, platform shoes and bouffant hair.


Taking off from an Atlantic coast airport, the plane is soon flying over the gentle slopes of the Appalachian Mountains. Then, for hundreds of kilometers it crosses the fertile fields of the farm belt of the great Middle West.


In accordance with the exclusive economic zone system, foreign aircraft enjoy the freedom of overflight over an exclusive economic zone, but this freedom is restricted.


Flying out of European bases, bombers denied overflight permission had to fly lengthy, indirect routes to stay over international waters.


However, in the EFZ all nations enjoy the right to exercise the traditional high seas fr eedoms of navigation and overflight, of the laying of submarine cables and pipelines, and of all other traditional high seas uses by ships and aircraft which are not resource related.

EFZ: exclusive economic zone 然而,在专属经济区内,各国都享有传统的在公海航行与在其上空飞越的自由,铺设海底电缆和管道的自由,以及其他一切与利用资源无关的船舶和飞机传统使用公海的自由。

As PO1C Inoue and PO2C Shimohigashi passed over the coast near Qian Shan on the southeastern coast of Leichou Panto, the fog cleared, and both brought their aircraft down.


A Navy seaplane flew over Tsingtao on 5 September, shocking the Germans who had not expected aircraft.


Fly through the skies, shoot down evil unicorns and gargoyles, destroy zeus and check out ..


Pan Am 103 had been cruising over Srbska-Kamenice when an explosion occurred (The terrorist group, Croatian National Movement was named as responsible for the deaths of all but one) and as astonishing as it sounds V.V.

泛美航空103航班飞越Srbska-Kamenice上空时发生爆炸(克罗地亚国家运动恐怖组织声称对所有的死亡人员负责,只有一人除外),但最令人震惊的还有Vesna Vulovic的生还,她只是&颅骨、双腿和3节脊椎骨折而暂时瘫痪,术后她又能站立行走,偶尔还是会飞航班&她是吉尼斯自由落体纪录的保持者。

Fly through the skies, chase down airships, shoot flying mines with dragon's fireball and ..


更多网络解释与飞越上空相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(a) "飞机"(aircraft) 包括自由或系留气球、飞船、滑翔机、风筝、拖引式降落伞、不属拖引式降落伞的降落伞、遥控或无人驾驶的飞机及超轻型飞机;(b) "飞越"(fly over) 就禁区而言,包括在禁区上空的范围内飞行.


"该系统以飞越上空 (OverFlight ) 保护措施为特色,使机组人员具有避免因疏忽而穿越雷暴中心的能力,导致这种情况的最主要原因之一是与意外的湍流相遇.


曾经担任英国特种部队成员(SAS)的尼尔.劳顿计划"飞越"比利牛斯山(Pyrenees),然后再翱翔于直布罗陀海峡(Strait of Gibraltar)上空. 该车的设计师卡多佐曾制造过一个动力滑翔伞,并在前年与英国野外求生专家格里尔斯(Bear Grylls)一同驾驶这个滑翔伞穿越了珠穆朗玛峰顶峰.


欧洲彗星探测器"罗赛塔"飞越火星上空效果图 中新网伦敦2月25日电 欧洲彗星探测器"罗赛塔"(Rosetta)号在25日早晨完成在火星上空飞越. 这是它漫长旅程中的一个重要步骤. 探测器准确地利用火星的引力改变飞行轨迹,

Flying over Beijing we had a grand view of Tian An Men Square from the air:飞机飞越天安门上空的时候我们看到了天安门广场的壮丽景色

from the air从空中: | Flying over Beijing we had a grand view of Tian An Men Square from the air. 飞机飞越天安门上空的时候我们看到了天安门广场的壮丽景色. | from the bottom of one's heart衷心地;真诚...


日本一项研究发现,未来几年气温更加暖化将使泥炭地(peatlands)乾涸,释放出更多的二氧化碳进入地表,加速全球暖化. 美国航太总署(NASA)一架如轿车般大小的太空船今天飞越水星地表上空,以之前未有的近距离看到这颗位於太阳系最内侧行星上充满岩石的表面.