英语人>词典>汉英 : 风趣 的英文翻译,例句
风趣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
salt  ·  wits  ·  salts

更多网络例句与风趣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has not a speck of humour.


It is not just after-dinner speaking, when the audience is either drunk, wanting to go home or wishing you were someone funnier.


He was a marvelous man, bright, humble, funny as all get-out, and kind to a fault, even to his opponents' young campaign workers.


His poetry, by the sheer force of its humour and general amiability, reaches out to a wide audience.


The play is amusingly written,but its subject is a serious one.


"The play was amusingly written, but its subject was a serious one."


The play is amusingly write, but its subject is a serious one


The play be amusingly write , but Its subject be a serious one


He asked himself plaintively, then arose to respond cleverly and wittily to a clever and witty toast.


For every one beautiful woman who's married to a funny man, I can point out another 50 who are married to rich, unfunny men.


更多网络解释与风趣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


arcaded 拱廊街道的 | Arcadianism 田园风趣 | arcane 神秘的

Arcadianism:朴素之田园风趣, 牧歌般之情调

Arcadian | 田园牧歌式的 | Arcadianism | 朴素之田园风趣, 牧歌般之情调 | arcane | 神秘的, 不可思议的

E.g. The students enjoyed the teacher's bantering them with their mistakes:同学们对老师用风趣的方式讲解他们的错误很感兴趣

3. [ banter ] v. to speak to in... | E.g. The students enjoyed the teacher's bantering them with their mistakes. 同学们对老师用风趣的方式讲解他们的错误很感兴趣. | 4. [ venerable ] adj. considered on d...

Most people would classify Amalita as Euro-trash, I thought she was fun:大多数人将艾玛莉塔归类为 欧洲享乐派,我觉得她很风趣

Truth was, we'd only met a few... | Most people would classify Amalita as Euro-trash, I thought she was fun.|大多数人将艾玛莉塔归类为 欧洲享乐派,我觉得她很风趣 | Call me. I'm staying at The Four Season...

J: Jocular:风趣的 杰伦以为滑稽比帅更主要

I: Incomparable 有取伦比的 无可比拟演唱会 | J: Jocular 风趣的 杰伦以为滑稽比帅更主要 | K: Keel 推翻 杰伦推翻了乐坛

Kirsten:(克芮斯藤) 基督的随从者,文静、聪明风趣

Katherine (凯瑟琳) 纯洁,极有爱心、大家闺秀 | Kirsten (克芮斯藤) 基督的随从者,文静、聪明风趣 | Linda (琳达)美丽的,文静、漂亮

Uncles Josh's Punkin Centre Stories:乔希叔叔的风趣故事

223. Uncle Remus 雷默斯大叔 | 224. Uncles Josh's Punkin Centre Stories 乔希叔叔的风趣故事 | 225. Up From Slavery 摆脱奴隶制


savoriness /好风味/可口/舒适/ | savorless /无风趣的/缺少风味的/无情趣的/ | savorquin /二碘羟基喹啉/


eg. The police seatched all the fields and woods within a radius of two miles... | 53. scintillating 风趣的;充满才智的 | eg. I'm looking forward to some scintillating conversation at your party tomorro...

Oh, yeah? Is he funnier than me:喔,是吗?他比我风趣吗

You have nothing to worry about with Jeffrey.|你根本不需要担心杰佛瑞 | Oh, yeah? Is he funnier than me?|喔,是吗?他比我风趣吗? | Well, you're different funny.|你们风趣的方式不同