英语人>词典>汉英 : 预定日期 的英文翻译,例句
预定日期 的英文翻译、例句


due date · target date
更多网络例句与预定日期相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beidaihe in Qinhuangdao 2008 Olympic Games competition is August 6 to 18, welcomed the audience cheering and numerous competitions scheduled to stay at hotels in advance, specific price dial the hotline :0335-8655643 inquiries.

2008年奥运会秦皇岛北戴河比赛日期为8月6日至18日,欢迎各国拉拉队以及众多比赛观众提前预定住宿宾馆酒店,具体价格拨打热线:0335-5993311 8655643垂询。

You can also use this program to plan for a certain due date.


General availability targetted for 2nd Half 2006 – exact date depends on quality.


Passengers can now move their itinerary up to 14 days before or after the scheduled origination date.


Predetermined dates occurring during a sp ecified avera ging period , w ith the exercise date

以 使日期为止日的特定平均周期中某一预定日期的市场价格。

Predetermined dates occurring during a sp ecified avera ging period , w ith the exercise date


You can also depend on project management consistency and on-going monitoring of budget and target dates.


I The expected time and duration for major audit activities; j The date s and places where the audit is to be conducted

主要审核活动的预定时间和起止日期; j 进行审核的日期和地点

You can schedule jobs to run at a designated date and time (such as every weeknight at 11:00pm), or upon the occurrence of a designated event (such as when inventory drops below a certain level).

用户可以使作业在预定的日期时间(例如周一到周五的 23 点)运行,也可以根据预定的事件(例如库存下降到一定程度)触发作业。

Save-the-date cards went out last week to family and friends and invites will follow.


更多网络解释与预定日期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

date prevue d'entree en Chine:预定来华日期

展期renouvellement,renouveler. | 预定来华日期date prevue d'entree en Chine | 停留时间duree du sejour

Target Date:预定日期

targe 圆盾 | target date 预定日期 | target language 目标语言

fixture target date:预定目标日期

564,"fixed-fee "," 固定费用" | 565,"fixture target date "," 预定目标日期" | 566,"flat position ","平面布局"

part target date:零件(供应)预定日期

part reference number;零件参考号 | part target date;零件(供应)预定日期 | part throttle instability;部分节流的不稳定性

antedated cheque:倒填日期的支票

antedate vt.在文件,信件或支票上写上比实际日期早的日期 | antedated cheque 倒填日期的支票 | APEX n.优惠价机票预定

Scheduled Down Time:预定停机时间

"排定完成日期","scheduled completion date" | "预定停机时间","scheduled down time" | "预定工程时间","scheduled engineering time"

foredated check:倒填日期的支票

foredate 倒填日期 | foredated check 倒填日期的支票 | foredoom vt. 预定命运,注定

TEME:日期和时间设定或或调整. 预定开始测定时间

REF :输出模拟电压. | TEME :日期和时间设定或或调整. 预定开始测定时间. | DATA :检查内设日期、时间.

target evacuation day:预定迁出日期

tanking 防水层;地窖防水层 | target evacuation day 预定迁出日期 | tarmac road 沥青路;柏油路

expected departure date:预定离开日期

expected arrival list 预定到达客人名单 | expected departure date 预定离开日期 | expected departure list 预定离开客人名单