英语人>词典>汉英 : 预备班 的英文翻译,例句
预备班 的英文翻译、例句


preparatory group
更多网络例句与预备班相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am John, and my English name is Guo Ji. I am a student from the class of Middle School English preparatory.

我是 John ,原名郭季,是初中英语预备班的同学。

Next Sabbath, Sabbath School Classes will end at 3:00 pm to prepare for the Health Seminar and, instead of the regular church service, we will continue with the Health Seminar.


This Sabbath (September 12), Sabbath School Classes will end at 3:00 pm to prepare for the Health Seminar and, instead of the regular church service, we will continue with the Health Seminar.


If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior and plan to be baptised, please contact Pastor Chow.

Wednesday 若您已经接受耶稣基督为您的个人救主并预备接受洗礼,请在这两周内与周牧师联络,浸礼班将於九月份开始。

We want to thank all of them, musicians- music directors, pianists, organists, soloists, accompanists, choir members, youth choir members, youth ensemble, platform participants; program coordinators; and all those working behind the scene, the kitchen hands, setup crew, audio-video technicians, cleanup crew, etc – for their dedication, hard work, and countless hours of planning and preparation in making this occasion very special and memorable.


更多网络解释与预备班相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

explosive distance:爆破距离

preparatory group 预备班 | explosive distance 爆破距离 | string formula 线性公式

Newcastle College:英国纽卡斯尔学院

本公司是著名的英国诺森比亚大学 (Northumbria University) 及英国纽卡斯尔学院 (Newcastle College)在香港及中国大陆的特许收生代表. 诺森比亚大学提供各类型高质素及国际认可的学士及副学士学位课程,英国纽卡斯尔学院则开办高中、学士及硕士预备班,

preordination:预定; 预先注定命运 (名)

preordained 注定的, 天命的, 命定的 (形) | preordination 预定; 预先注定命运 (名) | prep 预习; 准备工作; 预备班 (名)

prepackage:预先包装 (动)

prep 预习; 准备工作; 预备班 (名) | prepackage 预先包装 (动) | prepaid 预先付的; 已付的 (形)

preparatory group:预备班

phytoecology [植]植物生态学 | preparatory group 预备班 | explosive distance 爆破距离

principal ideal class:主理想类

preparatory class (入学前的)预备班 | principal ideal class 主理想类 | professional class 职业班; 职员阶层

They are busy getting the room ready for the meeting:他们忙着准备明天的会场

Please get your tickets ready. 请把票预备... | They are busy getting the room ready for the meeting. 他们忙着准备明天的会场. | 9.I found it a bit difficult to work in class.... 我发现在班上有点难以学习...


superneat soap 超液晶皂 | phytoecology [植]植物生态学 | preparatory group 预备班