英语人>词典>汉英 : 预备状态 的英文翻译,例句
预备状态 的英文翻译、例句


action station
更多网络例句与预备状态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Col. 2:13, and the Westminster Confession says:"Man by his fall into a state of sin, hath wholly lost all ability of will to any spiritual good accompanying salvation; so as a natural man, being altogether averse from that good, and dead in sin, is not able by his own strength to convert himself, or to prepare himself thereunto" IX.


This invention discloses a multi-queue sequence buffer management circuit and a method based on a pipeline applying a pipeline structure including: an arbitration circuit selecting one for process from read, write and distribution buffer requests, a buffer slot state module designing state of the slot requiring operation and queue numbers and assigning idle slots, a buffer slot filter module filtering the slot, a buffer slot filter module filtering the slot states not belonging to the current operation queues nor idle aligned in terms of the head pointer, a queue slot selection module computing continuous idle slot numbers from the slot pointed by the head pointer and refreshing the head pointer and selecting preparing slots, a queue slot prior queuing module refreshing the read pointer and result numbers of the current operation queues with the pointer of the first prepare slots and their numbers which can support multi-queue to share one buffer space, queues can access the buffer in overlap.


The men and women of our Coast Guard are showing once again that you are "always ready."


The Company is in the process of converting its computer systems to be Year 2000 ready.

公司在转换它的计算机系统是 2000 年预备好的状态的程序。

This way, it is easy to remove wet coverings and have a dry set ready.

这样, 它对距离很容易湿气复盖和有一干组预备好的状态。

Ready to carry out the death sentence...

实行 死亡句子的预备好的状态。。。

Because of their facial muscles at all times maintain a garrison state, they do not know how to prepare for a尊容to deal with the arrival of a face.


In calculated crime of joint crime, the paper discusses on the relationship between collusion without perpetration and calculated crime and points out that the person who only colludes but does not perpetrate belongs to co-offender and usually not belongs to co-principal offender. But we shall not always cognize these offenders to be calculated criminal ,we shall analyze their criminal formations combining the concrete situation .


Then the paper analyzes calculated crime, inchoate crime ,and discontinuance of crime, these three unaccomplished formations of joint crime one by one .


We're on a 24-hour stand-down.


更多网络解释与预备状态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rearm delay time:重新预备延时时间

Real-time radioscopy 实时射线检查法 | Rearm delay time 重新预备延时时间 | Rearm delay time 重新进入工作状态延迟时间

standby network link group:备用网络链路组

standby mode 候命状态;预备状态 | standby network link group 备用网络链路组 | standing wave 驻波

standby network link group:备用网络

standby current 待机电流 | standby mode 候命状态;预备状态 | standby network link group 备用网络

precompetition mental preparation:赛前心理预备

precompetition downcast symptom 赛前冷症 | precompetition mental preparation 赛前心理预备 | precompetition overconfidence state 赛前盲目自信状态


反过来说,预备好与撒但争战的人,却不逞匹夫之勇,他会要求自己里外如一,结出与悔改相称的果子;同时又因自己亦尝透陷溺罪恶的苦果,就更是随时预备好要向人见证福音的大能与人同得福音的好处,他这种"常预备好的状态"(preparedness)就正是 hetoimasia 的意思,

preparedness planning:预备工作的规划

preparedness预备好的状态 | preparedness planning预备工作的规划 | prepolymer预聚物

readership survey:阅读率调查

readership score 注目率 | readership survey 阅读率调查 | readiness 预备状态



on red alert:应急状态

Yellow alert (空袭)预备警报 | Blue alert(预备警报后的)空袭警报;台风警报 | on red alert 应急状态