英语人>词典>汉英 : 预备学校学生 的英文翻译,例句
预备学校学生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与预备学校学生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Baez and her fellow students were part of Fremont's Business Academy, where project learning was applied to projects ranging from an on-campus sandwich cart to tax-preparation services.


The drama is set in an elite prep school for affluent students.


Western Reserve Academy has state of the art athletic facilities and 23 interscholastic offerings plus dance.


Francis Preparatory School in Queens, and as many as 100 of the students have fallen ill and will be tested for the virus.


At the same time students are provided with a college preparatory academic education. Our students enjoy a very rich and diverse education in both arts and academics, and go on to some of the top colleges and conservatories in the world.


At the very beginning, a southern boy on Wall Street against the east-coast preppies, living in a sixth-floor walk-up filled with $25-worth of furniture, it was almost foolhardy.


Courses range from college preparatory courses at the Advanced Placement or honors level, such as AP Calculus and AP Composition, which position a student well for admission to top-ranked American universities, to Pre-Engineering and Computer Technology courses, which prepare students to pursue degrees in architecture, engineering or IT.

Lyndon Institute有27座学校建筑,其中包括网络教室,科学实验室,图书馆多媒体中心,容纳650人的礼堂,250人的餐厅,2个设施完备的体育馆和一系列扩展运动设施。课程方面学校有AP荣誉水平的大学预备课程,如AP化学、AP微积分和AP写作,为我们的学生进入美国顶尖大学做好准备。

更多网络解释与预备学校学生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

preparatory school:预备学校

虽然有的高中学生以升入哈佛大学等著名大学为学习目标,但这些学校毕竟是少数. 在美国,也不存在像国内一样众多学生报考同一所大学的情形. 最后,那些预备学校(Preparatory School)性质的高中主要集中在美国东部,即以东部的名牌私立大学为升学目标.

preparatory school:(尤指在英国为十三四岁学生升入公学做准备的)私立预备学校

private school 私立学校 | preparatory school (尤指在英国为十三四岁学生升入公学做准备的)私立预备学校 | primary school (五岁至十一岁儿童上的)小学

preparatory school:(尤指在英国为十三四岁学生升入公学作准备的)私立预备学校

private school私立学校 | preparatory school(尤指在英国为十三四岁学生升入公学作准备的)私立预备学校 | primary school(五岁至十一岁儿童上的)小学

Cambridge Tutors College:剑桥都德斯学院

CTC 为剑桥都德斯学院( Cambridge Tutors College )的缩写. 本校是一所提供大学预备课程的学校,专门培养优秀学生进入英国顶尖大学和专业学习. 本校由剑桥大学毕业生于 1958 年创立,目前被公认为全英同类学院中出类拔萃的学校之一