英语人>词典>汉英 : 顺序统计量 的英文翻译,例句
顺序统计量 的英文翻译、例句


order statistic
更多网络例句与顺序统计量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These spacings are valueswithin the interval[0,1]such that the inverse of cumulative distribution function atlarge sample quantiles is equal to the value of spacings.


Under the heterogeneously exponential setup,we obtain the equivalent characterization in terms of parameters for the stochastic order between the sample range from nonidentical independent exponential observations and that from i.i.d,exponential ones;also,we derive the characterization for the likelihood ratio order between the second order statistics from heterogeneous exponential random variables.


Distribution free statistical procedures or methods valid under nonrestrictive assumptions: basic tools; counting methods; order statistics, ranks; distribution free tests and associated interval and point estimators; sign test; signed rank tests; rank tests; Mann Whitney Wilcoxon procedures; Kolmogorov Smirnov tests; permutation methods; methods for discrete data with zeros and ties; computer techniques and programs; discussion and comparison with parametric methods.

非参数统计引论:无限制性假定时的无分布统计方法:基本工具,计数法,顺序统计量,秩,无分布检验与关联的区间估计和点估计,符号检验,符号秩检验,秩检验, Mann Whitney Wilcoxon 检验; Kolmogorov Smirnov 检验,排列检验法,含有零值和同分值的离散数据的处理方法;计算技术与编程,与参数方法的比较。

更多网络解释与顺序统计量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ordered alternative hypothesis:有序对立假设

顺序统计量;有序统计量 order statistics | 有序对立假设 ordered alternative hypothesis | 有序分类 ordered categorization

smallest extreme value distribution:最小极值分配

"不常用料","slow-moving material" | "最小极值分配","smallest extreme value distribution" | "最小顺序统计量","smallest order statistic"

order simple group:序单群

order relation 序关系 | order simple group 序单群 | order statistic 顺序统计量

order statistic:顺序统计量

在一个由n个元素组成的集合里,第i个顺序统计量(order statistic)是该集合中第i 小的元素. 比如:在一组元素的集合中,最小值是第1个顺序统计量(i =1),而最大值是第n个顺序统计量(i=n).

order statistic:(有)顺序统计量

次序关系 order relation | (有)顺序统计量 order statistic | 序完备集 order-complete set

smallest order statistic:最小顺序统计量

小样本抽样理论 small sampling theory | 最小顺序统计量 smallest order statistic | Smirnov检定 Smirnov tests

Ordered probability model:排序機率模型

Order statistics 次序统计量;顺序统计量 | Ordered probability model 排序机率模型 | Ordered probit model 排序性常态机率模型

Order statistics:顺序统计量

Optrim efficiency,优切尾效率 | Order statistics,顺序统计量 | Ordered categories,有序分类

Order statistics:次序統計量;順序統計量

Order of aggregation 次序总合 | Order statistics 次序统计量;顺序统计量 | Ordered probability model 排序机率模型


空间均齐的 spacially homogeneous | 间隔(用于顺序统计量) spacings | 稀疏资料 sparse data