英语人>词典>汉英 : 面部照片 的英文翻译,例句
面部照片 的英文翻译、例句


mug shot
更多网络例句与面部照片相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I also found it easier to make someone's Simpsonized picture if I have a mug shot picture of that person.


Frightening for sure, but even more frightening is her mug shot.


One bride even got hauled off to jail and had her mug shot taken — in her wedding gown.


Using Reallusion's 3-D muscle-based photo morphing technology, FaceFilter enables anyone to enhance expressions, remove common skin blemishes, smooth wrinkles, sharpen and improve facial structure, correct color balance and more.

使用Reallusion的三维肌肉的照片变形技术, FaceFilter使任何人都可以提高表达,删除共同的皮肤瑕疵,平滑皱纹,提高和改善面部结构,正确的色彩平衡和更多。

Software Description: About Reallusion CrazyTalk Media Studio Edition, This software combines facial animation technology with tools designed to bring your photos to lifethrough three specialized versions to create virtual hosts or animated actors.

Reallusion CrazyTalk Media Studio Edition 该软件使用被设计用于通过三个专业版本创建虚拟主机或者动画人物而为你的照片带来生命力的工具来组合面部动画技术。

I used an already retouched photo of the face and a slightly different source for the tongue.


Methods to 15 Han face bone fracture sufferer line thin layer continuous after scan, make use of the work station carry on empress the picture a processing and choose to use variety software technique, many flat surface reconstruction, the 3D surface cover up manifestation(3 D-SSD) and capacity reappear method etc. reorganization observation, reconstruction Han face the 3D image of the bone fracture, acquire the best picture photograph, and with CT crossing the picture carry on more analysis.


Facial recognition systems match key features on the holder's face and work best when the face has a neutral expression with the mouth closed.


The centerpiece of the film will be bringing to life the Smithsonian Institution, which houses the world's largest museum complex with more than 136 million items in its collections, ranging from the plane Amelia Earhart flew on her non-stop solo flight across the Atlantic and Al Capone's rap sheet and mug shot to Dorothy's ruby slippers, Fonzie's jacket from Happy Days, the still from M*A*S*H and Archie Bunker's lounge chair from All in the Family.

影片的核心会带来生命的史密森学会,里面有超过136万件收藏品中从飞机阿米莉亚亚埃尔哈特不等,是世界上最大的博物馆群飞到她不停整个单飞大西洋和Al Capone的饶舌负债表及面部照片的多萝西的红宝石拖鞋,方兹从幸福的日子,奥特曼和阿尔奇邦克的休闲椅仍然夹克从家庭所有。

Researchers tested about 850 male and femaleundergraduatesusually digitally altered pictures of male faces andfound womenviewed men with masculine features like prominent browridges andlarge jaws, as good short-term partners -- but saw themas morelikely to cheat on a spouse(4) and get into fights.


更多网络解释与面部照片相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absurdly ad. foolishly; ridiculously:愚蠢地,荒唐可笑地

vi. lower the body to the ground 蹲伏 | absurdly ad. foolishly; ridiculously 愚蠢地,荒唐可笑地 | mug shot n. (sl.) photograph of a person's face, used for purposes of identification 面部照片

mug shot:面部照片

mufti 便服 | mug shot 面部照片 | mug 杯子

a mug shot:面部照片;嫌疑犯照片

1. a mug shot 面部照片;嫌疑犯照片 | 2. take him right off his feet 把他摔了个大跟头 | 3. The policeman asked the driver for the registration 警察要求司机出示证件

take a mug shot:拍面部照片

出示身份证 produce an ID card | 拍面部照片 take a mug shot | 过去的好时光 the good old days

profile roentgenogram:侧面X射线照片

profe ion (专门)职业,行业 | profile roentgenogram 侧面X 射线照片 | kprofilograph 面形描记器,面部轮廓描记器