英语人>词典>汉英 : 面无表情的人 的英文翻译,例句
面无表情的人 的英文翻译、例句


poker face
更多网络例句与面无表情的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There had been a moment during the breakfast meeting, though, after the backslapping and the small talk and when all of us were seated, with Vice President Cheney eating his eggs Benedict impassively and Karl Rove at the far end of the table discreetly checking his BlackBerry, that I witnessed a different side of the man.

那次早餐会期间,在表示过关心和寒暄以后,我们所有人坐了下来,我注意观察了一下,副总统切尼面无表情地吃着班尼迪克蛋(Eggs benedict,源自美国,以英式松饼、火腿、水煮蛋以及荷兰酱组合而成),卡尔。罗夫在餐桌的远端谨慎地经常查看他的黑莓手机,我目睹了他所不为人知的一面。

Some people do not catch his deadpan humor, which make it even funny.


She's born doormat ,afraid of going against anything.


"You know," she says drily, you really couldn't say anything questioning in this country for years, not until hurricane Katrina - 9/11 was still too much of a sacred cow.


That face of become noodles to have no facial expression again, eyes droop wear, she be whole personal start shiver, slowly flounce to be grasp of hand, a little a little of, more arrive to afterwards tremble more severe.


Behind his impassive kulak's face lay intense self-scrutiny, adamantine moral and physical courage and a sometimes unsettling disregard for the smaller and softer things in life.


But Mr Hatoyama's face hardly moves as he delivers the good tidings in a soporific murmur.


People using public transport all look stern(8), and handbag snatchers(9) increase the ill feeling.


更多网络解释与面无表情的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pressure cooker:高压锅

个子不高、头发花白的海菲兹教授面无表情地告诉我们:"希望那些最近刚刚有亲人过世、或者新近离婚和失恋的学生,不要选修我这门课. "教授自称他的课程是一只"高压锅(Pressure Cooker)". "我很乐意在课堂上使人难堪或者沮丧,所以你们要做好承受痛苦(Suffer)的准备. 我知道学生对.

a deadpan:面无表情的人

12.the restless mass慌乱的老百姓 | 13.a deadpan面无表情的人 | 14.began to invest开始投资

a poker face:面无表情的人

11.have one's heart in one's mouth提心吊胆 | 12.a poker face面无表情的人 | 13.go Dutch AA制

pokey:迟钝的; 破旧的; 狭小的 (形)

poker face 一本正经的面容; 面无表情的人 | pokey 迟钝的; 破旧的; 狭小的 (形) | Poland 波兰 (名)

poked his nose into:探听; 干涉

poke one's nose into 探听; 干涉 | poked his nose into 探听; 干涉 | poker face 一本正经的面容; 面无表情的人


poker 烙制 | poker-faced 不露真情的 | pokerface 面无表情的人


poker face /一本正经的面容/面无表情的人/ | poker-faced /无表情的/不露真情的/一本正经的/ | pokeweed /美洲商陆/