英语人>词典>汉英 : 靠近边缘的 的英文翻译,例句
靠近边缘的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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These edge profiles are configured to reduce the volume of thin film residues that may form on a top surface of a semiconductor wafer at locations adjacent a peripheral edge thereof.


Bending around the edges of her vision she was conscious of curtains being swished closed, stone faces bathed by the grey light of televisions, broken roof tiles, satellite dishes, bay windows, the whole higgledy-piggledy collection of guttering and skylights.

弯曲靠近边缘的她的远见,她意识到窗帘被swished封闭,石头面临沐浴后,由灰色轻的电视机,破碎瓦片,碟型卫星天线,窗台,整个higgledy - piggledy收集guttering和天窗。

Reducing bond temperature and diminishing bond time are in favor of the mollification of interface stresses.


And for the stress in the directional direction, which is imposed on the lathe-bed, the bending plane is an epiplastron, therefore, the batten wall pore should be designed in the epiplastron.


And for the stress in the directional direction, which is imposed on the lathe-bed, the bending plane is an epiplastron, therefore, the batten wall pore should be designed in the epiplastron.


Give the edges additional attention by reloading your muneca and carefully bodying the last 2 inches around the edges of the guitar.


Extraction can often leave a 'haloing' effect where the background is just visible around the edges of the object.

提取常常可以留下一个' haloing '效果的地方背景,只是有形靠近边缘的对象。

The side of the air inlet (14) closest to the outer edge of the wings (13) on the fan wheel (12) is arranged at an angle of 10 DEG to 60 DEG in relation to the outer edge of the wings (13) on the fan wheel (12) to reduce the amount of sound generated.


The three control systems respectively were as follows:(1) The measuring part of the first one was displacement piezoelectric sensor. A pair of piezoelectric sensor/actuator was collocated by each side of the first solar array plate. The compensator was H = 2395-s;(2) The measuring part of the second one was also displacement piezoelectric sensor.A pair of piezoelectric sensor/actuator was collocated by each side of the whole solarfan.Tthe compensator was H = 244s;(3) The measuring part of the third one was velocity piezoelectric sensor.A pair of piezoelectric sensor/actuator was collocated by each side of the three solars array plates near to the body of satellite.


When the IAU's value for k is used to calculate these times, they must be corrected to accommodate low valleys or high mountains along the Moon's limb. The calculation of these corrections is not trivial, but is necessary, especially if one plans to observe near the path limits (Herald 1983). For observers near the central line of a total eclipse, the limb corrections can be more closely approximated by using a smaller value of k, which accounts for the valleys along the profile.

当IAU的K值被用来计算这些时刻,他们必须纠正并使其符合月球边缘的低谷和高山,这种修正并不是不重要的,相反是很必要的,特别是计划观察靠近极限路径时(Herald 1983),对于靠近全食中心线的观测者来说,在使用更小K值的情况下,边缘修正会被更准确地近似,这个K值代表山谷沿着轮廓。

更多网络解释与靠近边缘的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

barrel distortion:桶形失真

桶形失真(Barrel Distortion)又称桶形畸变,是由镜头引起的成像画面呈桶形膨胀状的失真现象. 我们在使用广角镜头或使用变焦镜头的最广角端时,最容易察觉桶形失真现象. 当画面中有直线(尤其是靠近相框边缘的直线)的时候,桶形失真最容易被察觉.


牙石(calculus)是附着在靠近牙龈边缘的牙面上或在牙龈沟内的沉积物,牙石表面粗糙,又可促进新菌斑的形成. 通常又分为龈上牙石(fig.5:牙石附着在釉质(E)上)和龈下牙石(fig.6:牙石附着在根部牙本质上),它是口腔卫生不良的主要标志.

Cape Verde:佛得角

然后这个漫游车驶到靠近一个被称作"佛得角"(Cape Verde)的悬崖底部的地方,给一处高6米(20英尺)的岩层进行了拍照. "佛得角"是维多利亚陨石坑边缘的组成部分. "机遇"号传回的有关维多利亚陨石坑岩层的资料显示,这些沉积物是由风堆积而成,


1河漫滩与沉积物的定义1.1河漫滩定义河漫滩( floodplain)是地球上最显著、最重要的地形之一,是侵蚀和沉积过程共同作用的结果. 河漫滩可以被简单的定义为靠近河流易被洪水淹没的平地,或者为由沉积物沉积形成的延伸到流域边缘相对较平的区域,

Kasper Salto:凱斯帕.薩爾托

凯斯帕.萨尔托(Kasper Salto)设计的这款小助手(Little Fiend)多功能桌桌面整体以白色层压板制成,桌面靠近边缘外的镂空设计独特且方便搬运. 该款多功能桌包括高度可调和高度固定两种款式. (共1页)


当微带天线只有一个靠近靠近辐射边缘的蚀刻槽时, 它的共振模态是受此蚀刻槽微扰(pertubed)的修正(modified) TM10模态. 而当另一对蚀刻槽加到靠近非辐射边缘, 与原蚀刻槽共同形成对称於x轴之π型结构蚀刻槽后,这样的双频带微带天线,

pincushion distortion:枕形失真

枕形失真(Pincushion Distortion)枕形失真是由镜头引起的画面向中间"收缩"的现象. 我们在使用长焦镜头或使用变焦镜头的长焦端时,最容易察觉枕形失真现象. 特别是在使用焦距转换器后,枕形失真很容易便会发生. 当画面中有直线(尤其是靠近相框边缘的直线)的时候,


靠近北极或南极的subpolar | 靠近边缘的submarginal | 靠近弹near-miss


submain /次主管/地下总管/辅助干线/ | submammary /乳腺下的/ | submarginal /靠近边缘的/在边缘以下的/收益标准以下的/

