英语人>词典>汉英 : 非静止的 的英文翻译,例句
非静止的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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On the basis of the analysis of the scores, the author makes conclusions about the characteristics of Schubert"s last three piano sonatas as followings: 1 The device of universal development in the movements composed in sonata form and rondo-sonata form is the most distinctive feature in the last three sonatas, which is also decisive in the trend of the whole movement and makes the developments relatively "still". 2 In the device of themes, the method of irregularity is preferred. However, By using extension, abbreviation, repetition and further repetition of periods, Schubert brings those themes to ingenious balance in both architectonics and aesthetics. 3 Chain method is applied in the connection of themes, in which the previous material is taken as basis and then modified together with the variations of new materials. By this way, the theme is continuously developed. 4 The principle of the dominant-subordinate is followed in Schubert"s three-key exposition, and the process of each key is extended.

本文在详尽分析乐谱的基础上,对最后三首奏鸣曲的主要创作特点进行了以下总结: 1、奏鸣曲式和奏鸣回旋曲式乐章中展开的普遍化是最后三首奏鸣曲最为显著的特点,它决定了整个乐章的走向,并使展开部具有相对"静止"的特点; 2、舒伯特的主题写作中更喜欢运用非方整性写法,并通过自身材料的延长、缩减和重复或者更高一级的段落重复使其达到了结构上和审美上的巧妙平衡; 3、舒伯特喜欢用链式的主题贯穿方式,音乐以之前的材料为依据,经过变化后再加入新的材料,用这种方式不间断地发展; 4、舒伯特的三调呈示部遵循从主到属的总体原则,并扩展了调性历程。

The paper presents a linear transient solution for the solitary wave generated by a piston-type paddle in a finite flume based on the boundary condition derived by Dean and Dalrymple (1991). The wavemaker problem is simplified by decomposing the wave potential into two parts. One is the evanescent wave and the other is progressive wave. The possible solution for the evanescent wave is expressed in form of the Fourier series.


Being in a state of action; not passive or quiescent


By the expansion of a function in terms of spherical harmonics, solutions in form of separation about the asymmetry disturbance were studied. At last, by the theory of stability of differential equations, under the no limitation or less than 1 to the symmetry stationary radius, the asymmetry stability of stable and unstable conditions were obtained.


Any object can have static abilities that allow it to be played from a zone other than a player's hand.


If you were content to remain at rest or in uniform motion relative to an unaccelerated frame of reference, no force would be needed.


Both of conventional continuous medium mechanics and noncontiguous medium mechanics, having strong pertinence, can abstract and simplify the rock model in research procedure, in which the rock body lying over the coal face can be considered as a static beam or board to leave out the push changes and the changes of property and load during the stability of overlying rock deformation has lost. Hence the derived profile equation is only the approximate expression of final subsidence of surface after the mining finished, and it is difficult to obtain the dynamic subsidence process of rock body.


The state of a body or physical system at rest or in unaccelerated motion in which the resultant of all ''.'forces'.


The state of a body or physical system at rest or in unaccelerated motion in which the resultant of all forces acting on it is zero and the sum of all torques about any axis is zero.


Physics The state of a body or physical system at rest or in unaccelerated motion in which the resultant of all forces acting on it is zero and the sum of all torques about any axis is zero.


更多网络解释与非静止的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


屈光不正的定义:当眼睛调节静止时,外界的平行光线经眼屈光系统后,若不能在视网膜黄斑中心凹处聚焦,将不能产生清晰像,称为非正视(ametropia)或屈光不正(refractive error).


在方法论上,"二分法"(dichotomy)错误的产生,一方面,是因为把各种关系看成是静止的、非历史的;另一方面,是把历史看成是可还原的、非联系的. 这种二分法的错误方法,会把社会科学研究引入歧途. 因为各种关系是处在特定历史环境中的关系,

inactively:不活动地; 无用地 (副)

inactive window 非活跃窗口, 当前不在使用中的窗口 (计算机用语) | inactively 不活动地; 无用地 (副) | inactivity 静止; 休止状态; 不活泼 (名)

predominant a.1:占主导(支配)地位的 2.占绝对优势的,普遍的,显著的

paradoxical: a.1.似非而是的,佯谬的 2.自相矛盾的 3.悖理的,反常的 | predominant: a.1.占主导(支配)地位的 2.占绝对优势的,普遍的,显著的 | tranquil: a.1.平静的,安宁的 2.稳定的,静止的

trench foot:战壕足

如>冻疮记载:"冻疮多受其寒冷,致令面...浸渍足(immerision foot)又名战壕足(trench foot)、海船足(seaboot foot),是由于双下肢长期静止暴露于寒冷、潮湿环境中,局部血液循环障碍引起的一种非冻伤性组织损伤.

nonstatic universe:非静止宇宙

nonmagnetic 非磁性的 | nonstatic universe 非静止宇宙 | nonstationary universe 非稳定宇宙