英语人>词典>汉英 : 非活性状态 的英文翻译,例句
非活性状态 的英文翻译、例句


inactive state
更多网络例句与非活性状态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The drawback with GB3480-83 Methods for the calculation of load capacity of involute cylindrical gears equivalent to ISO/DP6336/Ⅰ∽Ⅲ-1980 is also pointed out: when taking into account lubricating state of gear surface influence on loading capacity of gear surface, In the above it is study on based EHL, and is ignored that in the state of boundary lubricating, as well as favorableness conditions in gear surface conjugate meshing, the active atom resolved from the additive permeates the surface and forms the modifying layer totally different from its basic structure, elements and function and thus greatly raises the loading capacity of gear surface.


The drawback with GB3480-83 Methods for the calculation of load capacity of involute cylindrical gears equivalent to ISO/DP6336/I∽III-1980 is also pointed out: when taking into account lubricating state of gear surface influence on loading capacity of gear surface, In the above it is study on based EHL , and is ignored that in the state of boundary lubricating, as well as favorableness conditions in gear surface conjugate meshing, the active atom resolved from the additive permeates the surface and forms the modifying layer totally different from its basic structure, elements and function and thus greatly raises the loading capacity of gear surface .


Endurance training increased the activity of iNOS in liver , thereby in2 creasing the level of NO , but the high level of NO didn' t result in the oxidative injury of the liver. I t indicated that the protection or oxidative injuri of nitric oxide in nonalcohol fatty liver was closely related to the physiological state of life.

耐力运动引起非酒精性脂肪肝小鼠肝脏iNOS活性升高,导致 NO水平升高,而高水平的 NO并未造成肝脏的氧化损伤,说明 NO水平的升高并不一定造成氧化损伤,其是否具有氧化损伤作用与机体的生理状态有关。

In unstimulated cells, NF-κB exists in the cytosol with an inhibitor protein termed IκB. Various stimulation lead to the proteolytic degradation of IκB and then NF-κB is released.


The study indicates that the content of soil carbon is on the low side because human behavior has a negative effect on sloping cropland. However, the content of every group soil carbon increased drastically by planting Robinia . With the increasing of the time of conservation, the relationship is very remarkable. After 50 years of restoration, the content of TOC, LOC, NLOC and AI in the study plot increased by 271%,174%, 467%, and 271%, respectively, compared with sloping cropland. The increasing speed of NLOC was faster than LOC. It is assumed that the increased carbon by restoration is stored in an inactive form to produce active matter which is necessary for biont. And the soil carbon must keep active to fulfill the balance of carbon dynamic transformation. At initial stages, soil carbon management index increased remarkably.


It was typically indirect effect that the following variations induced in the progenies of endosperms implanted by heavy ion beams were discovered. 1 In comparison with control, there were very high differences in biological trait, anti-oxidation enzyme activity, MDA content and protein content, chromosome aberration rate and micro-nucleus rate in M1 generation. 2 Shorter stem variants and purple stem mutants were analyzed by RAPD and AFLP. The analytic results showed that the sequences of their DNA were changed, so those variations were not physiological damage only. And there were differences among M2 generation plants of the same sort of variants or mutants, it was indicated that M2 generation may be in disjunction.


Single component and multi\|component of iron system colloidal catalyst \Ali\|Bu\-3CH\-2CHCH\-2Cl\ were mixed by different ratios in hydrogenated gasoline medium at 25℃.This paper studied the relationship between the nonaqueous systematic electroconductivity and the concentration of catalyst components.In combination with Tyndall effect,polymerization experimental results,Ali\|Bu\-3 existed in associated state and dissociated into ionpair.The reaction between Ali\|Bu\-3 and Fenaph\-2 was the main reaction which formed colloidal core.Ali\|Bu\-3 reacted on CH\-2CHCH\-2Cl and Ali\|Bu\-2Cl was yielded which joined the formation of active center on the surface of colloidal core.The excessive Ali\|Bu\-3 was dissociated into ionpair which formed double electrode layer,and the double electrode layer kept the colloidal particles relatively stable.
