英语人>词典>汉英 : 非活动状态 的英文翻译,例句
非活动状态 的英文翻译、例句


inactive state
更多网络例句与非活动状态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The walking catfish found in Southeast Asia can stay on land for hours at time, while lungfish found in Australia, Africa and South America can live out of water, but only in an inactive state.


The severe seawater intrusion exists in certain eel farming factories within Changle, Fuzhou, in certain prawn farm within Jiuzhen county, Zhangzhou, and in certain saltern within Xiuyu district, Putian, all belonging to seawater intrusion in human activity areas. The maximum concentration of Cl and mineralization within those severe intrusion areas are 5629.00 mg/L and 33.16 g/L respectively. The slight seawater intrusion is monitored in Quangang district, Quanzhou, where natural conditions are kept. No seawater intrusion is monitored in Dongchong peninsula, Ningde. No soil salinization is monitored except Zhangzhou where the sand is slightly salinized.

在福州长乐市近岸某鳗鱼养殖片区、漳州漳浦县近岸某对虾养殖片区、莆田市秀屿区某盐田附近监测到严重海水入侵,均属人类开发活动影响区域内的海水入侵,严重入侵区域氯度最高达5629.00 mg/L,矿化度最高达33.16 g/L;在泉州市泉港区某自然村监测到轻度入侵,属自然状态下的海水入侵;在宁德东冲半岛外浒沙滩附近未监测到海水入侵;在漳州断面监测到土壤盐渍化,为轻度盐渍化土,其他断面为非土壤盐渍化土。

Firstly, we collected and sorted out the GPS data, established the uniform velocity field for the Chinese mainland and the surrounding regions, and the horizontal deformation field relative to the Eurasia plate; Secondly, we established a motion model for the entire rotation and homogeneous strain of the first and second level blocks in Chinese mainland, analyzed the motion pattern and strain behavior of active blocks in Chinese mainland, as well as the motion pattern of principal fault zones in Chinese mainland; Thirdly, considering the heterogeneity of strain distribution inside a block and supposing that the strain tensor inside the block is the linear function of location, we derived and established an equation for the entire rotation and linear strain of block and a motion model for the entire rotation and linear strain of principal blocks in Chinese mainland; We also calculated the principal strain field and the maximum shear strain field in Chinese mainland and the surrounding regions, analyzed the basic characteristics of strain field in Chinese mainland, as well as the relationship between the spatial distribution of strain field and large tectonic zones; Finally, we established the 2-D geotectonic model and digital model for Chinese mainland and the surrounding regions, calculated the stress field in Chinese mainland and the surrounding regions, and analyzed the basic features of stress field in Chinese mainland and the principal driving force for the motion and deformation in Chinese mainland.


Rapid eye movement sleep consists of a dreaming state in which there is activation of the cortical and hippocampal electroencephalogram, rapid eye movements, and loss of muscle tone. Although REM sleep was discovered more than 50 years ago, the neuronal circuits responsible for switching between REM and non-REM sleep remain poorly understood. Here we propose a brainstem flip-flop switch, consisting of mutually inhibitory REM-off and REM-on areas in the mesopontine tegmentum. Each side contains GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)-ergic neurons that heavily innervate the other.


There were no significant differences for the firing rates in the site of contralateral TNC neurons among during pre-CSD,CSD,and post-CSD (P>0.05).For flunarizine group,the firing rates in the site of ipsilateral TNC neurons during pre-CSD were higher as compared with during CSD(P<0.05).2.1 There were statistical differences on palasma levels of CGRP and SP among the three groups(P<0.05).The levels of CGRP and SP in CSD group were higher than control group(P<0.05).No significant differences on the levels of CGRP and SP in ipsilateral trigeminal ganglia were found among the three groups(P>0.05).2 The number of neurons with positive CGRP and SP immunoreactivity was statistically different in right-sided trigeminal ganglia among the three groups (P<0.05).The number in fight-sided trigeminal ganglia in CSD group was higher as compared with control group(P<0.05).The number in right-sided trigeminal ganglia was statistically higher than that in left-sided trigeminal ganglion in CSD group(P<0.05).3.1 Altered ReHo in ipsilateral pons and other brain regions response to pain such as basal nuclei,thalamus,cingulated gyms and prefrontal cortex was detected during the acute spontaneous attack as compared with during headache remission(P<0.05,corrected by Monte Carlo simulation). 2 Positive functional connectivity was detected between ipsilateral pons and other brain regions related to pain within pain state and within non-pain state (P<0.05,corrected by false discovery rate,FDR).Increased functional correlation between ipsilateral pons and other pain-related brain regions such as ipsilateral prefrontal cortex and contralateral subcallosal gyrus was detected during the acute spontaneous attack as compared with during headache remission(P<0.05,corrected by Monte Carlo simulation).

结果1。对照组未发现CSD;同侧TNC放电频率,CSD中>CSD后>CSD前P<0.05对侧TNC放电频率,CSD前、中、后无统计学差异(P>0.05氟桂利嗪组同侧TNC放电频率,CSD前>CSD中(P<0.05),CSD前与CSD后及CSD中与CSD后之间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。2.1关于放免测定,各组血浆CGRP、SP水平有统计学差异(P<0.05),CSD组高于对照组(P<0.05),CSD组与氟桂利嗪组、对照组与氟桂利嗪组之间均无统计学差异P>0.05各组之间同侧三叉神经节中CGRP、SP水平未见变化(P>0.05.2关于免疫组化研究,右侧三叉神经节CGRP、SP免疫阳性细胞数三组之间有统计学差异(P<0.05),多重两两比较结果CSD组大于对照组(P<0.05),CSD组与氟桂利嗪组之间、对照组与氟桂利嗪组之间无统计学差异P>0.05左侧三叉神经节CGRP、SP免疫阳性细胞数三组之间无统计学差异(P>0.05CSD组中右侧三叉神经节CGRP、SP免疫反应阳性细胞数大于左侧(P<0.05)。3.1局部一致性分析发现两组患者头痛疼痛状态较非疼痛状态脑活动发生变化的脑区有同侧脑桥以及其他疼痛相关脑区如基底节区、丘脑、扣带回、前额叶皮层等(P<0.05,蒙特卡罗模拟校正)。2功能连接分析发现疼痛状态与非疼痛状态下主要疼痛相关脑区均与同侧脑桥有功能联系P<0.05,false discovery rate,FDR校正疼痛状态与非疼痛状态比较,同侧前额叶皮层、对侧胼胝下回等疼痛相关脑区与同侧脑桥之间功能联系增强(P<0.05,蒙特卡罗模拟校正。

While some stubborn hairs may come back , most follicles that are zapped by the laser will remain inactive .

而一些顽固的毛发,可回来时,最卵泡是 zapped 由激光,将处于非活动状态

更多网络解释与非活动状态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


归档日志文件:是处于非活动(INACTIVE)的状态的重做日志文件的备份. 它对ORACLE数据库的备份和恢复起至关重要的作用. 是联机重做日志文件的一个副本,与被复制的成员完成一样,即重做记录相同,日志序列号相同.

inactively:不活动地; 无用地 (副)

inactive window 非活跃窗口, 当前不在使用中的窗口 (计算机用语) | inactively 不活动地; 无用地 (副) | inactivity 静止; 休止状态; 不活泼 (名)



biological rhythm:生物节律

3、生物节律:生物节律(biological rhythm)指动物和人的行为和心理活动的周期性变化. 它们是有机体生理功能周期性变化的结果,它们的存在表明有机体内部存在一个"生物钟",随时监视着时间的进程. 4、催眠:催眠(hypnosis)是一种类似睡眠又实非睡眠的意识恍惚状态.

triggerless transition:(无触发器转换)

360.无触发器转换(triggerless transition)没有明确的事件触发器的转换. 当它离开一个普通状态,就代表一个结束转换,就是说这个转换是被活动的结束而非某个明确的事件所触发. 当它离开一个伪状态,就代表一个转换段,此转换段可被自动通过,