英语人>词典>汉英 : 非法调查 的英文翻译,例句
非法调查 的英文翻译、例句


fishing expedition
更多网络例句与非法调查相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Armenia, the worst offender of the 108 countries surveyed, 93% of software is reckoned to be illegal.


There were no signs of a break-in and investigators do not suspect foul play.


One-third of the callan that under nineteen have ever been drunk to excess, also to take drugs.


They're all adventurers or Carpetbag aristocrats. They all made their money speculating in food like your loving husband or out of dubious government contracts or in shady ways that won't bear investigation.


Police in China are questioning three top officials of the Chinese Football Association in an investigation into claims of match fixing.


We investigate and expose the trade in illegal and destructively logged timber.


Iv It will be illegal for any courts or wheels of state having competence who don't formulate, sigh, issue, or enforce any orders, laws, provisions, legislations, executory orders, prohibitions, break-offs, ordinances, or orders of detain to limit or ban the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement or declare the illegality of the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement; It will be illegal for any courts or wheels of state having competence who don't institute or threaten to institute legal proceedings , sues, investigations or legal procedures to restrict or prohibit the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement or declare the illegality of the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement.

iv 任何具有管辖权的法院或任何国家机构未制定、签发、颁布或强制执行任何命令、法律、规定、法规、执行令、禁令、中止、法令或扣留令,以限制或禁止完成本协议拟定之交易、或宣布本协议拟定之交易的完成为非法的;任何对有关事宜具有管辖权的国家机构未提起或威胁将提起任何诉讼、起诉、调查或法律程序,以限制或禁止进行本协议拟定之交易、或宣布进行本协议拟定之交易为非法

He is also accused of "seeking benefits for a number of unlawful enterprise owners", protecting lawbreaking aides and seeking illegitimate gains for his relatives.


Any court or agency of the jurisdiction fails to formulate or issue or publishe or enforce orders, laws, regulations, codes, writ of execution, prohibition, suspensions, decrees or detention orders to restrict or prohibit the the agreements'transaction from implementing , or announce the completion of the transactions is illegal; any organ of state of the country having jurisdiction to related issues have not present or threat any procedures being bring an lawsuits, accusation, investigations to restrict or prohibit the implementation of the agreements' transaction, or announce the completion of the transactions illegal.


The author found the phenomenon of breaking the law and committing a crime mainly lie in transferring the possession of land, occupying the land, breaking the tillable field and authorizing land illegally.


更多网络解释与非法调查相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

drug trafficking:毒品走私

为了回应这次调查,加拿大统计局提供了卑诗省六类犯罪的判刑数据,其中主要包括盗窃(theft)、入室犯罪(break and enter)、抢劫(robbery)、占有毒品(drug possession)、毒品走私(drug trafficking)和非法驾驶(impaired driving)等.

drug trafficking:走私

为了回应这次调查,加拿大统计局提供了卑诗省六类犯罪的判刑数据,其中主要包括盗窃(theft)、入室犯罪(break and enter)、抢劫(robbery)、占有毒品(drug possession)、毒品走私(drug trafficking)和非法驾驶(impaired driving)等.

fishing banks:浅水渔场

fishiness 多鱼 | fishing banks 浅水渔场 | fishing expedition 非法调查

fishing expedition:非法调查

fishing banks 浅水渔场 | fishing expedition 非法调查 | fishing ground 渔场


欧洲游戏公司Azume制作的DC超强作>(Headhunter) 这是一款包含动作、射击、RPG、冒险元素于一身的3D动作冒险游戏,故事发生于2019年的旧金山市,玩家扮演一名警探,为了秘密调查一个非法杀人并夺取被害者身上器官贩售的极邪恶组织"猎头者"而卷入重重的迷团与杀机中.

in cold blood:冷血杀手

>(In Cold Blood)是UBI开发的一个动作冒险游戏,在游戏中你扮演的是一位名叫John Cord的英国军情六处的特工--就是著名的特工007的同事. 很不幸,你在调查一个前苏联的将军非法开采铀矿的过程中被抓住了,

per se:本身

法院认定它们的行为是非法的,其恶意串通事实"本身"(per se)(未调查该事实对竞争的影响),就足以追究公司的责任. 因此,形成了"本身(per se)违法"的审判原则,至今法院仍用以惩罚公司的反竞争行为. (注:辛格尔顿 R.C.>,


为了回应这次调查,加拿大统计局提供了卑诗省六类犯罪的判刑数据,其中主要包括盗窃(theft)、入室犯罪(break and enter)、抢劫(robbery)、占有毒品(drug possession)、毒品走私(drug trafficking)和非法驾驶(impaired driving)等.


东方网8月15日消息:俄罗斯14日向加拿大提出正式抗议,指责加拿大警方非法带走俄罗斯"室女星座"(Virgo)号船员. 该船正在加拿大纽芬兰一个港口停泊接受调查.