英语人>词典>汉英 : 静默 的英文翻译,例句
静默 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

become silent
更多网络例句与静默相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Users do not get any additional error messages from the quiesced state.


Let my thoughts come to you, when I am gone, like the afterglow of sunset at the margin


Let my thoughts come to you, when I am gone, like the afterglow of sunset at the


Besides, we also used AhR shRNA to observe the effects of BP on the hypoxia-induced tube formation.

此外,也利用AhR shRNA将人类脐静脉内皮细胞进行基因静默的方式来进行实验,观察AhR静默后对於苯芘所减少缺氧状态下的管状构造形成是否有影响。

It is shown in this research that:① The acoustic emission phenomena of rock discontinuously occur under the effect of temperature.

试验研究表明:①随着温度升高,岩石的声发射现象是间断发生的;②花岗岩存在一个开始发生热破裂的门槛值温度,其值为120 ℃左右;③试验温度范围内花岗岩热破裂的声发射现象可分为5个阶段,即岩石原生裂隙整合阶段、热破裂前声发射静默阶段、热破裂声发射阶段、大规模热破裂后声发射静默阶段、二次热破裂开始阶段。

An administrator can determine which sessions are blocking a quiesce from completing by querying the v$blocking_quiesce view.

在将数据库置为静默状态的过程中,管理员可以通过 V$BLOCKING_QUIESCE 视图来查询系统中哪些会话正在阻碍数据库进入静默状态。

With the established protocol, we were able to show that silencing COI1, an essential key player in the jasmonic acid signaling pathway, led to increase of R. solanacearum proliferation in stembases and mid-stems of 'Hawaii 7996', a tomato cultivar with durable resistance to BW. Our study provides the first demonstration for a positive role of the JA signaling pathway in tomato resistance to BW, and notably, is inconsistent with the reports in Arabidopsis. The involvement and possible interplays of other known defense signaling pathways in the tomato BW-defense network to R. solanacearum are discussed.

利用本文建立之静默系统进行茉莉酸防御讯息传递途径关键基因COI1之静默,结果发现青枯病菌在番茄抗病品种'Hawaii 7996'茎基部及中段内的菌量显著增加,显示茉莉酸防御讯息传递途径在番茄对青枯病的防御机制中扮演正面角色,此发现与阿拉伯芥对青枯病的防御机制研究所知的相反;文中并讨论其他防御讯息传递途径可能如何共同参与番茄青枯病防御网络。

Let the last touch of your hands be gentle like the flower of the night.


Database administrators can perform certain actions in the quiesced state that cannot be safely done when the system is not quiesced.


Begin your silent prayer, silent worship along with exhalations.


更多网络解释与静默相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mais mon amour silencieux et fidele:但我的爱 静默而坚贞

Les souvenirs et les regrets aussi 回忆与悔恨也是 | Mais mon amour silencieux et fidele 但我的爱 静默而坚贞 | Sourit toujours et remercie la vie. 保持微笑 感激人生

silence fini:请静默

silence cabinet 隔声室 | silence fini 请静默 | silence period 静默时间

silent partner:静默合伙人

sight draft 即期票据 | silent partner 静默合伙人 | sleeping partner 不参与管理合伙人;隐名合伙人

radio quiescence:无线电静默

radio pure 放射纯 | radio quiescence 无线电静默 | radio quiet quasar 射电宁静类星体

Or some turns to reticence:有的化成了你的静默

到你身边,有的就凋落 When coming near you,go withered | 有的化成了你的静默 Or some turns to reticence | 这是你伟大的骄傲 This is your great pride

Our days put on such reticence:我们的日子处于这样的静默之

在令人迷惑的光线中,移动, Place in a puzzling light, and moving, | 我们的日子处于这样的静默之 Our days put on such reticence | 这些声音仿佛就是它们自身的防卫. These accents seem their own defense.

Our days put on such reticence:我们的日子处于这样的静默之中

在令人迷惑的光线中,移动, Place in a puzzling light, and moving, | 我们的日子处于这样的静默之中 Our days put on such reticence | 这些声音仿佛就是它们自身的防卫. These accents seem their own defense...

Tacitism, scepticism, and reason of state Peter Burke:静默主义、怀疑主义和国家的理性

PART IV. THE END OF ARISTOTELIANISM亚里士多德主义的终结 | 16. Tacitism, scepticism, and reason of state Peter Burke;静默主义、怀疑主义和国家的理性 | 17. Grotius and Selden RICHARD TUCK; 格老秀斯与塞尔...

What, silent still? and silent all:怎么,还是静默?全然的静默

Of the three hundred grant but three, 即使只有三百中的三人, | What, silent still? and silent all? 怎么,还是静默?全然的静默? | Ah ! no; --- the voices of the dead 啊!不,......死者的声音


1.系统静默(Quiesce):为了确保备份数据的一致性,生成瞬时磁盘映像(Frozen Image)之前,对文件系统实施静默,之后对文件系统解除静默,都由NetBackup Server Free Agent来完成;对于传统储存区域网路(FC SAN)而言,