英语人>词典>汉英 : 青年的 的英文翻译,例句
青年的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与青年的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At present,The Chinese Communist Youth League according to the party constitution and a group chapter of stipulation,is the advanced youth\'s public organization which Communist Party of China leads,is the general youths studies the Chinese characteristic socialism and the communism school in reality,is Communist Party of China\'s assistant and the reserve force.


China in 1949 to the end of 1950"s, which witnessed the first unprecedented outburst of political passion of Chinese youth, 2 the ten-year "Cultural Revolution period: when Chinese youth, driven by enthusiasm and blinded by flightiness and rashness, became politically naive and fanatical, 3 after the Third Session of the Eleventh Party Congress period: when political passion of Chinese youth, with the great tide of reform and open-door policy, came to a new surge, 4 the late 1980s period: when western modern ideas flooded into China, a student movement took place with impatience and negation of Chinese traditions and biased worship of western politics, and 5 the 1990s period: when Chinese youth discarded their restless state of mind started to take part in politics more maturely.


As she was the most bashful and modest of existing beings (the moon Goddess was said the Goddess of Chastity), she cast him a deep sleep, that she might kiss him unseen and undiscovered even by him she loved: every night she visited the beautiful shepherd, whom Jupitor endowed with perpetual youth, and every night she loved him better than the night before...


Now is the time for youth to stand up. It is the Century of Soka Youth.


The sicties'"youth counterculture":The word "countercoulture"was coined in the 1960's for the attitude and life style of many young Western people who rejected conventional social values and demanded more personal freedom,Unable to find a more constructive way of struggling against the existing state of affairs in their society,they indulged themselves in sex,drugs,alcohol and rock music,and took great pride in wearing long hair and unusual clothes.


X5 W# s1 m: _! l# z G3 WAC四月青年社区 China ended up looking silly on June 4 when it blocked Twitter Inc. on the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown.

AC四月青年社区北京看起来很傻,在某月某日关闭 Twitter Inc。,对于N周年纪念的关于于某地镇压。

The young man's most charming; you could not possibly find a better sort.


If a girl loves someone, she will tie her colorful band onto his lusheng.


If a girl loves a young man, she will tie the colorful band woven by herself onto his girdle and dance with the music he is playing.


Now is the time for youth to stand up. It is the Century of Soka Youth.


更多网络解释与青年的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


青年期(adolescence)是童年和成年之间的一个发展过渡期. Hall(1916)是第一位形成青年期理论的心理学者,他主张青年期重大的身体变化也会导致重大的心理变化. Erikson(1968)相信青年期的主要课题在于解决自我认识与自我认识混淆的冲突,


现代国家由于确信教育的重要性,才向教育机构"投资",以期以获得一大群有知识的(enlightened)男女青年的形式收回"利息",这些青年是潜在的领导人. 教育的教学周期经过了仔细的安排,其周期的标志是教科书,后者是可以买得到的智慧源泉.

youth hostel:青年旅馆

在澳大利亚,有人把"青年旅馆"(Youth Hostel)称之为"青年学生旅馆",或干脆称为"学生旅馆". 其实,青年旅馆的接待对象主要是青年学生,但并不限于青年学生,住宿者也不需要提交任何身份证明(护照除外),只要有空床位(通常会在酒店外显著的位置,

Honey from Alcarria: Jota:来自岗地的蜂蜜:霍塔舞曲

22: 青年的故事:进行曲March 02:45 | 来自岗地的蜂蜜:霍塔舞曲Honey from Alcarria: Jota | 23: 来自岗地的蜂蜜:霍塔舞曲Honey from Al.... 06:12

Young Turk:青年土尔其党党员,少壮派,激进分子

Young blood 年轻人, 青年, 青春活力, 青年的思想等 | Young Turk 青年土尔其党党员,少壮派,激进分子 | **Your belly button is bigger than your stomach 眼大肚饱

young blood:年轻人, 青年, 青春活力, 青年的思想等

picture sensor 图象传感器 | young blood 年轻人, 青年, 青春活力, 青年的思想等 | cerbral ganglion 丘脑, (昆虫)脑神经节

youth :青年

"Y"是英文"青年"(youth)的第一个字母,代表青年,"Y"的复线代表青年集体. 标志外型和正中的圆象征冉冉升起的太阳,托起江泽民同志题写的"青年文明号"五个大字.

youthful:年轻的, 青年的

wrongful heir 非法的继承人 | youthful 年轻的;青年的 | youthful offender 青少年罪犯

suitable or appropriate for young people:年轻人的;青年的;适合青年人的

My mother died young. 我母亲去世得早. | suitable or appropriate for young people 年轻人的;青年的;适合青年人的 | The clothes she wears are much too young for her. 她穿的衣服显得过于年轻了.

The near and the dear one:無論身旁的或是親近的人

I hope you have fun 我希望你過的快樂 | The near and the dear one 無論身旁的或是親近的人 | The old and the young 是老年或是青年的