英语人>词典>汉英 : 露腿的 的英文翻译,例句
露腿的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与露腿的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Monty Ellsworth, a neighbor of the Kehoes, recounted, There was a pile of children of about five or six under the roof and some of them had arms sticking out, some had legs, and some just their heads sticking out.


Twilight reigns over it. We perceive vast fluctuations in that fog, a dizzy mirage, paraphernalia of war almost unknown to-day, pendant colbacks, floating sabre-taches, cross-belts, cartridge-boxes for grenades, hussar dolmans, red boots with a thousand wrinkles, heavy shakos garlanded with torsades, the almost black infantry of Brunswick mingled with the scarlet infantry of England, the English soldiers with great, white circular pads on the slopes of their shoulders for epaulets, the Hanoverian light-horse with their oblong casques of leather, with brass hands red horse-tails, the Scotch with their bare knees plaids, the great white gaiters of our grenadiers; pictures, not strategic lines--what Salvator Rosa requires, not what is suited to the needs of Gribeauval.

com 。黄昏将近,千军万马在暮霭中往复飘荡,那是一种惊心动魄的奇观,当时的军容今日已经不可复见了,红缨帽,飘荡的佩剑,交叉的革带,榴弹包,轻骑兵的盘绦军服,千褶红靴,缨络累累的羽毛冠,一色朱红,肩上有代替肩章的白色大圆环的英国步兵和几乎纯黑的不伦瑞克步兵交相辉映,还有头戴铜箍、红缨、椭圆形皮帽的汉诺威轻骑兵,露着膝头、披着方格衣服的苏格兰兵,我国羽林军的白色长绑腿,这是一幅幅图画,而不是一行行阵线,为萨尔瓦多·罗扎①所需,不为格里德瓦尔②所需。

He saw himself, stripped to the waist, with naked fists, fighting his great fight with Liverpool Red in the forecastle of the Susquehanna; and he saw the bloody deck of the John Rogers, that gray morning of attempted mutiny, the mate kicking in death-throes on the main-hatch, the revolver in the old man's hand spitting fire and smoke, the men with passion- wrenched faces, of brutes screaming vile blasphemies and falling about him - and then he returned to the central scene, calm and clean in the steadfast light, where Ruth sat and talked with him amid books and paintings; and he saw the grand piano upon which she would later play to him; and he heard the echoes of his own selected and correct words,"But then, may I not be peculiarly constituted to write?"


He saw himself, stripped to the waist, with naked fists, fighting his great fight with Liverpool Red in the forecastle of the Susquehanna; he saw the bloody deck of the John Rogers, that gray morning of attempted mutiny, the mate kicking in death-throes on the main-hatch, the revolver in the old man's hand spitting fire smoke, the men with passion- wrenched faces, of brutes screaming vile blasphemies falling about him - then he returned to the central scene, calm clean in the steadfast light, where Ruth sat talked with him amid books paintings; he saw the grand piano upon which she would later play to him; he heard the echoes of his own selected correct words,"But then, may I not be peculiarly constituted to write?"


They had all laughed but Lucy had felt her flesh twitching between her legs.


I began to wonder what God thought aboutWestley, who certainly hand't seen Jesus either, but who was now sitting prounly on the platform , swinging his knickerbockered legs and grinning down at me, surroounded by deacons and old women on their knees praying.


Jack said he'd had a thing going with the wife of a rancher down the road in Childress and for the last few months he'd slank around expecting to get shot by Lureen or the husband, one.


They wear a black or blue-gray overcoat,and they have a white belly,[00:20.61]a pair of short legs,and two wings that serve as flippers.


更多网络解释与露腿的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bareheaded 不戴帽子的 | barelegged 露腿的 | barely 仅仅

barelegged:露腿的, 没有穿袜子的 光着腿

bareheaded | 不戴帽子的 | barelegged | 露腿的, 没有穿袜子的 光着腿 | barely | 仅仅, 刚刚, 几乎不能

barelegged:露腿的; 未穿袜子的 (形)

bareheaded 不戴帽子的 (形) | barelegged 露腿的; 未穿袜子的 (形) | bareness 赤裸; 无装饰; 无遮盖; 空无 (名)

bareheaded:不戴帽子的 (形)

barehanded 手无寸铁的; 空手的; 未带的 (形) | bareheaded 不戴帽子的 (形) | barelegged 露腿的; 未穿袜子的 (形)


不过,有些作品,如第26王朝时期以青铜和黄金制作的"荷露斯(Horus)神像"能看出古埃及金属工艺的遗风尚存. 荷露斯头上戴着圆锥形的白色王冠,王冠上细致的雕刻着栩栩如生的秃鹰,王座以黄金做狮首为椅腿上部,椅子下部表示着狮子的身体,


阿富汗猎犬(afghan hound)、沙露克伊猎犬(saluki)以及古代不少名猎犬均长着一副英俊的面孔. 家庭饲养大型猎犬,需保证其充分的运动. 世界第一名猎犬是胴长腿短的猎獾犬(dachshund),最受宠的是猎獾犬与小型猎兔犬 (beazle)


现在推荐几款腿部舒缓产品,让你随时保持完美比例的美腿. 婕若琳 (GALENIC) 纤姿美腿凝露清爽好吸收,就算夏天也不会有黏腻的感觉. 搭配抬脚和按摩,也能减缓疲累的酸痛感.