英语人>词典>汉英 : 露宿 的英文翻译,例句
露宿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bivouac  ·  bivouacks  ·  bivouacs

sleep in the open
更多网络例句与露宿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is only a light and living slumber to the man who sleeps afield.


I cannot, after one night, even begin to imagine what it must be like to sleep rough on London's streets night after night.

"那个晚上过后,我甚至无法想象每晚露宿伦敦街头是什么样的景象"。在王子的这句话中,我们学到了"露宿街头"的常规表达,那是 sleep rough,其中rough有"粗糙,艰难"的意思。

I want to be a homeless street beggar.


There the bees bivouac while a small percentage of them go searching for new real estate.


In the bivouac of Life ,?


Come Fly with Jenny——A Story Of My Friend Who Excel In the bivouac of life Be not like dumb driven cattle!


When the fighters bivouacked in snow-covered ground during combat, their feet, socks, and hands were frozen together in one ice ball.


The Native Americans who attend sometimes camp out in traditional teepees and they may wear traditional leather clothing, called buckskin.


Being grateful for the food and shelter given by the Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity, he now volunteers to work in the Hostel for the Homeless.


I cannot, after one night, even begin to imagine what it must be like to sleep rough on London's streets night after night.

&那个晚上过后,我甚至无法想象每晚露宿伦敦街头是什么样的景象&。在王子的这句话中,我们学到了&露宿街头&的常规表达,那是 sleep rough,其中rough有&粗糙,艰难&的意思。

更多网络解释与露宿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


第一台阶 The first step | 露宿 Bivouac | 固定保护绳索 Fix

ledge bivouac:岩缘露宿袋

leather fabric boots/半皮靴/ | ledge bivouac/岩缘露宿袋/ | Leeper Z piton/里柏Z型岩钉/

camping out:sleeping outdoors:睡在户外,露宿

18.camping out:sleeping outdoors.睡在户外,露宿. | 19.tents:帐篷. | 20.We'll be heading back late in the afternoon.我们会在黄昏时往回返.

camping out in tents:露宿在帐蓬

21.we can get an early start. 这样我们可以早点出发 | 22.camping out in tents.露宿在帐蓬 | 23.Head back回去

doss out:在室外睡觉/露宿

doss /睡床/床铺/睡眠/睡/ | doss out /在室外睡觉/露宿/ | dossal /挂布/缎帐/

Rough sleepers:露宿者

Rubbish collection垃圾收集 | Pest team害虫防治人员 | Rough sleepers露宿

So many years vagabondize and past night in the open day and night:多年漂泊日夜餐风露宿

阻挡不了我行程-----------stop my jo... | 多年漂泊日夜餐风露宿------So many years vagabondize and past night in the open day and night | 为了理想我宁愿忍受寂寞----but for ideal I would rather bear up wi...

(in) case he slept outside and was found in two:所以他只能露宿在外

when he said that he loved his life /一个一说到他自... | we had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door /... | (in) case he slept outside and was found in two /所以他只能露宿在外,

sleep rough:在户外露宿; 随处栖身

over rough and smooth 不管甘苦难易; 无论高低起伏 | sleep rough 在户外露宿; 随处栖身 | take the rough with the smooth 能享乐也能吃苦

I sleep rough but you're rolling in clover:我餐风露宿(露宿街头),你却过得逍遥自在

live in clover:to have enough money to be able to live a very comfortab... | I sleep rough but you're rolling in clover.我餐风露宿(露宿街头),你却过得逍遥自在. | Wild horses couldn't drag me there.八皮...