英语人>词典>汉英 : 霰 的英文翻译,例句
霰 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)

tapioca snow
更多网络例句与霰相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Clams as well as many other species of mollusk produce aragonite first and then transform the crystal to calcite.


These blast an area with bomblets: handy in the heat of war, but often leaving a lethal legacy of unexploded ordnance afterwards.


Shotgun shell, such as buckshot shell and shotshell, is different from general cartridge. It has a plastic wad in which many ball shots are loaded.


Why did it happen Mai Lizhong " Chalazion "and" Mai Lizhong,"whether or not the same as Zhenyan how to treat Chalazion how to treat Some people often long,"Chalazion" and how to prevent my 23-year-old, a few days ago right Eye on the eyelid swelling pain, the eye care inspection, said that "Mai Lizhong", which is commonly known as the Zhen Yan.


Simulation results indicate that convective precipitation is almost all transformed by melting of graupels, but in unseeded clouds, the ice crystals amount is such rare that it contributes little to graupel formation.


The model results show that the hail embryos are mainly graupel particles.Solid phase precipitation accounts for 46% of ground precipitation amount and graupel-fall is 65% of solid phase precipitation.Graupel particles grow by accretion with rainwater and cloud water.Accumulation zone of supercooled water...


In the initial stage, there is little ice particles, and the rain water form mainly through the collection of cloud water and auto-conversion process. In the growing and mature stage, both the cold and warm rain processes are important. The collections of rain water and graupel with cloud water and the melting of graupel are very important to the rain water. Graupel grows mainly through riming cloud water and colleting snow.


At the same time ice crystal and graupel collect more supercooled rain water to reduce the amount of rain water. Graupel grows through the collection of ice crystal and graupel with supercooled rain water and riming of cloud water.


Terrain heightened can enhance blocking effect, which lead to strengthen water vapor flux divergence and vertical convection, and cloud water increases but centralizes in the middle-low level. This change intensify accretion of snow by collecting more supercooled cloud water, and rain water converts into graupel by collecting more snow, and dry growth of graupel increase at the same time. Rain water augment because of more graupel melting, and rain water continue to increase by collecting cloud water in the low level.


Description :A shotgun shell is a self-contained cartridge loaded with shot or a slug designed to be fired from a shotgun.

弹枪补充 8 发弹药。描述:弹枪弹药是一种通过填装在弹枪发射的单发弹药。

更多网络解释与霰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aragon spar:霰石

"矿物共生组合","aragenetic assemblage of minerals" | "石","Aragon spar" | "石,文石","aragonite"




"水成岩","aqueous rock" | "文石;石","aragonite" | "枝晶","arborescent crystal"


arachidicacidsolution 花生酸溶解(作用) | aragonite 石,文石 | arbiter 判优器判优电路

ruin aragonite:废墟霰石

ruin agate 废墟石 | ruin aragonite 废墟石 | ruin marble 废墟大理石

aragonite sinter:霰石华

石泥 aragonite mud | 石华 aragonite sinter | 石化作用 aragonitigation

botryoid aragonite:葡萄状霰石

botryococcane 丛粒藻烷 | botryoid aragonite 葡萄状石 | botryoid 葡萄状的


粒肿(chalazion)也称睑板腺囊肿. 是睑板腺开口堵塞,腺体的分泌物潴流在睑板内,对周围组织产生慢性刺激而引起的一种炎性肉芽肿. 他有一纤维结缔组织包裹,囊内含有睑板腺分泌物. 因其质硬、形圆,状若粒,故称粒肿.

ruin agate:废墟霰石

Rudolph P's Topaz 鲁道夫二世黄宝石 | ruin agate 废墟石 | ruin aragonite 废墟

tarsal cyst:霰粒肿,霰粒肿

tarsal cartilage 睑板软骨,睑板软骨 | tarsal cyst 粒肿,粒肿 | tarsal gland carcinoma 睑板腺癌,睑板腺癌