英语人>词典>汉英 : 雷德克利夫 的英文翻译,例句
雷德克利夫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Its main central site consists of the Radcliffe Camera, the Old Schools Quadrangle, the Clarendon Building, and the New Bodleian Building.


Eldon's work at the new Candela/Decker gallery in SoHo. Next year Daniel Radcliffe, the "Harry Potter" star, is to portray Mr.


Space thunder 汉姆?The shell 尔 Doctor encouragement Helen becomes the emancipator of thought, Joseph?Hero 弗 is lousy to deduce a drama for Helen of ingenious and vivid portrayal, Carnegie enthusiasm help Helen tested to go into Harvard to pull virtuous gram benefit man woman college, these a wise mans increased the 姿 of life for Helen colourful, created for her vital of fun.


I had to agree that Hindley had certainly attacked Heathcliff first.


I will follow you wherever there is room for a chair; that one must be on one's guard; that at night there would be people pillaging isolated dwellings in the deserted corners of Paris (there the imagination of the police, that Anne Radcliffe mixed up with the Government was recognizable); that a battery had been established in the Rue Aubry le Boucher; that Lobau and Bugeaud were putting their heads together, and that, at midnight, or at daybreak at latest, four columns would march simultaneously on the centre of the uprising, the first coming from the Bastille, the second from the Porte Saint-Martin, the third from the Greve, the fourth from the Halles; that perhaps, also, the troops would evacuate Paris and withdraw to the Champ-de-Mars; that no one knew what would happen, but that this time, it certainly was serious.


Radcliffe: You're the one who works 25 hour days.


Radcliffe: You're too kind.


After picking up the guitar at the age of 12, Raitt felt an immediate affinity for the blues, and although she went off to attend Radcliffe in 1967, within two years she had dropped out to begin playing the Boston folk and blues club circuit.


I will follow you wherever there is room for a chair; that one must be on one's guard; that at night there would be people pillaging isolated dwellings in the deserted corners of Paris (there the imagination of the police, that Anne Radcliffe mixed up with the Government was recognizable); that a battery had been established in the Rue Aubry le Boucher; that Lobau and Bugeaud were putting their heads together, and that, at midnight, or at daybreak at latest, four columns would march simultaneously on the centre of the uprising, the first coming from the Bastille, the second from the Porte Saint-Martin, the third from the Greve, the fourth from the Halles; that perhaps, also, the troops would evacuate Paris and withdraw to the Champ-de-Mars; that no one knew what would happen, but that this time, it certainly was serious.


Thanks to her performance, we put up with the expected Grand National of monsterdom – centaurs, bat-winged horses, Ralph Fiennes gurning as gargoyle-faced Voldemort – and accept the alarming cubits added by age to Daniel Radcliffe's Harry, Emma Watson's Hermione and Rupert Grint's Ron.


更多网络解释与雷德克利夫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beatrix Farrand:比阿特丽克斯.法兰德

人们可以通过对一些过渡时期人物的职业调查,如约翰.c.奥姆斯特德、小奥姆斯特德、阿瑟.舒克利夫(Arthur Shurcliff)、弗莱彻.斯蒂里(Fletcher Steele)、吉尔摩.克拉克(Gilmore Clarke)、比阿特丽克斯.法兰德(Beatrix Farrand)和洛克伍德.德.福雷斯特(Lockwood de Forest)等,

Elisha Scott:埃利沙-斯科特

40、小雷德克纳普 Jamie Redknapp | 41、埃利沙-斯科特 Elisha Scott | 42、史蒂夫-麦克马洪 Steve McMahon

Jodie Whittaker:乔迪.惠特克

Leslie Phillips 莱斯利.菲利普斯 | Jodie Whittaker 乔迪.惠特克 | Vanessa Redgrave 凡妮莎.雷德格拉夫


在前期报道中,我们曾得知丹尼尔.雷德克里夫对哈利将在第七本>系列中死去. 近期通过 >(Mirror) 杂镜牟煞帽ǖ,可看的出,丹对哈利必死一说仍旧深信不疑.

Daniel Radcliffe:主演:丹尼尔.雷德克里夫

时代华纳旗下的>(Entertainment Weekly)也将哈利波特系列影片的主演丹尼尔 雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)作为封面人物. 许多波特迷认为,华纳兄弟所说的推迟上映的原因--认为该片在暑期会有更大反响--等于是承认这家电影公司只在乎更高的票房收入.

Daniel Radcliffe:丹尼尔-雷德克里夫

虽然20岁的丹尼尔 雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)以4,200万英镑身家,成为最富有的年轻英国男星. 不过他在20 ...饰演哈利波特的丹尼尔雷德克里夫,个人资产已经累积到4200万英镑,大部分都是靠饰演哈利波特的进帐. 虽然20岁的丹尼尔 雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)以4,

Preston Radcliffe:普雷斯顿.拉德克利夫

Dudley Crosston 杜磊.科朗斯通 弓箭大师徒弟 | Preston Radcliffe 普雷斯顿.拉德克利夫 | ma'am 夫人

Stanley Sadie:斯坦雷 赛迪

Alec Hyatt King 艾拉克 海特 金 | Stanley Sadie 斯坦雷 赛迪 | Philip Radcliffe 菲利普 莱德克里夫

Vanessa Redgrave:范尼莎.雷德格雷夫

1986年春他与范尼莎.雷德格雷夫(Vanessa Redgrave)合作出演了两部改编自莎翁作品的电视剧<<驯悍记>>(The Taming of the Shrew)和<<安东尼和克利奥帕特拉>>(Antony and Cleopatra).

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix:哈里波特与凤凰令

官方下载地址 官方地址 官方论坛地址雅虎娱乐讯 下面带来今夏最能够触动人心的几部影片,按照期待指数排列: <<哈里波特与凤凰令>>(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) 主演:丹尼尔-雷德克利夫,埃玛-沃森,鲁伯特-格林特,迈克尔-刚本,拉尔夫-费因斯,