英语人>词典>汉英 : 雕塑 的英文翻译,例句
雕塑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sculpture  ·  insculp  ·  sculp  ·  sculptures

carve and mould
更多网络例句与雕塑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It points out the double attribute of material in sculpture art , corporality and culture .


The article indicates the variation of western sculpture in different culture period, different schools and styles from the using of sculpture materials. it points out the double attribute of material in sculpture art, corporality and culture.


The paper"s conclusion is that the need and recognition of agriculture from a new socialism country are precondition of the appearance of the sculptures; the State"s attitude of how to increase the agriculture yield greatly affects the proposition of the sculptures; while the same international circumstance and political background unified the problem of nationalization of sculpture and the emphasize of agriculture foison from the state, they all having a great deal to do with the nice hope of the new state that it yearned for becoming more mightier and more independent.


He is the only Italian representative, chosen from among a vast number of artists, to attend "Pour preparer 2010"(inaugurated on the 30th of March 2007 at Shanghai's Sculpture Space).


The influence of symbolic sculpting, western pop art sculpting and raffish sculpting along with cartoon style sculpting has also had a negative impact on the development of modern Chinese sculpting.


I very happy, we will become very good friends, but also to welcome you to China for sightseeing, I can assure you on China, 56 national culture and their customs and habits, I like art, now engaged in Sculpture, I now have to establish their own sculpture, design and development process can produce works of art sculpture, export Western countries, if you are interested in the sculptural arts, we can cooperate, you could be responsible for sales, I could be responsible for the development, design, Production, wages of workers in China less expensive, production costs are relatively low, this can mass production and sales, you can visit you where the public's appreciation of Chinese culture, such as China's "Terra Cotta Warriors" is the Chinese culture has a long record, Foreign friends of the pro-Mi!!!


During this period he contributed to the development of open-form sculpture, kinetic art, and sculptural construction. Among his innovations are "cage sculptures," which consist of objects or models contained within cage-like structures, and tabletop works such as the gamelike No More Play and the macabre Point to the Eye.


11 Guest Professorship in ENSBA, Paris; 11 Shanghai Spirit — Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China; 7 Sui Jianguo and Zhan Wang, Galerie Loft, Paris, France; 6 Sharing Exoticisms — Contemporary Art Lyon Biennale, Lyon, France; 5 Chinese Contemporary Sculpture Invitational Exhibition, Qingdao Sculpture Museum, Qingdao, China

2000年&中国雕塑邀请展&;&中国当代雕塑展&;&东方广场中国雕塑精品展&;&共享异国情调——里昂当代艺术双年展&;&隋建国、展望作品展&;&第三届上海双年展&; 11月在法国巴黎高等美术院作为期三个月的客座教授; 11月举办《上海·上海——第三届上海双年展》; 9月举办(人文山水----景观艺术展)桂林中国上海美术馆上海·中国; 7月举办《隋建国、展望作品展》 LOFT 画廊巴黎·法国; 6月举办《共享异国情调——里昂当代艺术双年展》里昂·法国; 6月举办《东方广场——中国雕塑精品展》北京·中国; 5月举办《中国当代雕塑邀请展》青岛雕塑艺术馆青岛·中国; 3月举办《中国雕塑邀请展》上海美术馆上海·中国。

The sculpture and the environment union is in the sculpture design an extremely important link,The city sculpture, the landscape sculpture and so on a series of layings aside in outdoor sculpture artware, appear with the environment union especially importantly.


From the medle ages sculpture,we can see that people in that period take human sculptures merely as a decorative part of an achetecture;The Rassanance make people regained their natural inner strength,and people express their admiration to the heros,using the pose of human sculpture. The great master Rodin reach the peak in making the full use of human pose,as a way of artistic expression. While doing so. he turned the the development of sculpture into a new track-the way of expression itself. From then on,in the hands of some mordern sculptors,human pose and the distinctive personal expression ways of each sculptor and the matiral.


更多网络解释与雕塑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

planet artiste:星球艺术家 使用XXX次星球雕塑或给上色工具

missionista 传教士 达成XXX个任务 | planet artiste 星球艺术家 使用XXX次星球雕塑或给上色工具 | sightseer 观光客 达成XXX次宇宙探索

planet artiste:星球艺术家哄骗XXX次星球雕塑或给上色对象

missionista布道士杀青XXX个义务 | planet artiste星球艺术家哄骗XXX次星球雕塑或给上色对象 | sightseer参不雅客杀青XXX次宇宙索求

beaux-arts:美术, 艺术(包括绘画,雕塑,建筑,音乐,舞蹈,木刻等)

beaux | 喜修饰者, 纨绔子弟, 情郎, 求爱者 | beaux-arts | 美术, 艺术(包括绘画,雕塑,建筑,音乐,舞蹈,木刻等) | beaver board | 画油画的一种人造纤维板

animal carving:动物雕塑

现代雕塑 Modem sculpture | 动物雕塑 Animal carving | 抽象雕塑 Abstract sculpture


雕塑 sculpture | 雕塑小型稿 maquette | 雕塑的骨架 armature

sculptural arts:雕塑艺术

Sculptor's Apparatus 玉夫星座 | sculptural arts 雕塑艺术 | sculpture 雕刻; 雕刻品; 雕塑

sculpture:雕塑 雕塑

摘要: 雕塑 雕塑(sculpture) 造型艺术的一种. 又称雕刻,是雕、刻、塑三种创制方法的总称. 指用各种可塑材料(如石膏、树脂、粘土等)或可雕、可刻的硬质材料(如木材、石头、金属、玉块、玛瑙等),创造出具有一定空间的可视、可触的艺术形象,

sculpture park:雕塑公园

在伦敦和摄政公园(Regent's Park)和雕塑公园(Sculpture Park),新锐雕塑艺术家以大胆手法挑战人们对花园景观理所当然的期待. 2010年4月14日到19日由意大利著名设计杂志ABITARE以及北京工业设计促进中心共同发起的中国设计交易市场(CDM)在米兰托尔托娜设计图书馆隆重开幕. 这是2010年米兰国际设


萨提亚开始强而有力地使用雕塑(Sculpting)的技巧. 她让来访者以不同的身体姿态呈现并强调应对的方式和传递的信息. "雕塑"将我们内在的应对过程外显化. 当我们呱呱落地的时刻,便成为最基本、最初的三角关系(The Primary Triad)父、母、孩子中的一部分.

Musee de la Sculpture en Plein Air:露天雕塑博物馆

位于苏利桥(Pont Sully)及奥斯特利兹桥(Pont Austerlitz)之间的塞纳河左岸,建设了露天雕塑博物馆(Musee de la Sculpture en Plein Air),于1980年始建,在这段步行路上摆放了许多现代雕塑,露天雕塑已融和于周围环境里,随着天色的转变,气候的变更,