英语人>词典>汉英 : 集会场所 的英文翻译,例句
集会场所 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与集会场所相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Okay. The Greek word "agora " means a place of gathering


A public building of ancient Rome having a central nave with an apse at one or both ends and two side aisles formed by rows of columns, which was used as a courtroom or assembly hall.


I feel at home in all churches, regardless of persuasion, because they are places of congregation.


Serious places, such as conference rooms and concert halls, theaters and other leisure and entertainment is also edsun-2010 phone signal isolator indispensable sites on the cell phone signals through the effective s你好elding, to ensure orderly conduct of the meeting, so that exposure to public recreational people entertainment leisure time is not interrupted.


The Hunting ground is also a holy place for them, that is why they have such an intense sense of the territoriality.


But must I give away the secret, here in the market-place?


This spirit is withering all our hopes, and ofttimes causes the colored parent as he looks upon his child, to wish he had never been born.


It has been a rallying point for the British people at times of national rejoicing and crisis.


Being the core area of the center district in the national famous historical and cultural city of Jinan, the Quancheng Square and Quancheng Shopping Street Area acts as an important node in the city's characteristic scenical belt with strong attractions for tourist, as well as a central site for civic activities such as meeting, recreation and shopping.


It was played by women:hetairai or courtesans who entertained at the symposia or respectable woman who played at weddings or for their own entertainment.

Chelys lyre由在集会场所供男人们消遣的妓女或者交际花这类风尘女子演奏,或者在婚礼这类自娱自乐的场合由良家妇女演奏。

更多网络解释与集会场所相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a bear garden:嘈杂的场所、集会

Have a bear by the tail遇到难以应付的事情 | A bear garden嘈杂的场所、集会 | 3、Bird 鸟


Whare:房子,集会场所内的会议厅; | Hangi Hangi:毛利人传统的烹饪方式,将食物埋在土中做熟; | Kumara:原产于南美,是先期毛利人所带入新西兰的一种甘薯.


舞会(Prom)是一种跳交谊舞等的集会,舞会(Prom)是一种高尚讲究礼礼仪的社交活动,也是展示个人魅力的场所. 大多数追赶潮流的年轻人们,会在周末假期花上很长的时间搜集在中国舞会上穿着的礼服.

Whare:房子. 集会场所内的会议厅

Whanau 家庭. | Whare 房子. 集会场所内的会议厅. | Whenua 土地.