英语人>词典>汉英 : 难看的 的英文翻译,例句
难看的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
botchy  ·  grotty  ·  malformed  ·  rebarbative  ·  ugliest  ·  ugly  ·  unbeautiful  ·  ungainliness  ·  ungainly  ·  unsightly  ·  botchier  ·  botchiest  ·  grottier  ·  uglier  ·  uglies  ·  ungainlier  ·  unsightlier

更多网络例句与难看的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Avoid removing too much of the crest anteriorly and leaving an unsightly deformity posteriorly Fig.


This is an awkwardly ugly building.


Can try try out knife to blow besmirch directly, want nevertheless very careful, did not leave ugly scar.


The busdriver said,"That's the ugliest baby I've ever seen."


"He told the artist diplomatically that his ugly picture was ""unusual""."


He tells the artist diplomatically that his ugly picture be "unusual".


One who is extremely conservative.a gangling teenager; a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man.


A very handsome young man.a gangling teenager; a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man.


A gawky lad with long ungainly legs; clumsy fingers; what an ungainly creature a giraffe is; heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair.


A small, hard-looking man with sunken cheeks and a rarely seen Chris Webber Sixers T-shirt unfurled ugly hook shot after ugly hook shoot.


更多网络解释与难看的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1. adjective 难看的;丑陋的 | Some buildings here are just very ugly. : 这里有些楼的外观很难看. | She became very fat and ugly in only one year. : 她在一年之内变得又胖又丑.

botchy:难看的, 不精致的

botchwork | 笨拙(或粗心)的工作粗制滥造的活 | botchy | 难看的, 不精致的 | bote | 森林采伐权

botchy:难看的; 不精致的 (形)

bossism 头领的支配; 领袖的政党控制 (名) | botchy 难看的; 不精致的 (形) | botfly 马蝇 (名)

unsightly a. displeasing to the eye:不顺眼的;难看的

thereby ad. by that means; in that connection 由此,从而 | unsightly a. displeasing to the eye 不顺眼的;难看的 | vicious a. dangerous; cruel 险恶的

ugly ducking:由庸俗难看的小孩子长成才貌出众的人

由来已久的争吵/ancient quarrel | 由庸俗难看的小孩子长成才貌出众的人/ugly ducking | 邮递员敲门游戏/postman's knock;post office

When I discovered all your dirty, grotty magazines:当我忽然看见了你留下的东西难看的杂志

Drinkin' tea in bed, watchin' DVD's 躺在床上喝茶看碟 | When I discovered all your dirty, grotty magazines 当我忽然看见了你留下的东西难看的杂志 | You'd take me out shopping 你会带我出去逛街

hideous a.1:骇人听闻的, 可怕的 2.极其丑陋的,难看的

hermitage n.1.隐士住处, 偏僻的寺院 2.隐士生活 | hideous a.1.骇人听闻的, 可怕的 2.极其丑陋的,难看的 | hibernate v.1.冬眠 2.冬眠时期


malformation 难看 | malformed 难看的 | malfunction 故障

ungainly:难看的, 不象样的, 笨拙的; 难看地, 不雅地

The landscape unfolded before me.风景展现在我的眼前. | ungainly难看的, 不象样的, 笨拙的; 难看地, 不雅地 | keep the room at a uniform 一致的, 一式的, 一样的temperature.使那房间保持恒温

stodgily:塞满的(平凡的, 式样难看的)

pedantic adj. 卖弄学问的, 假装学者的, 吹毛求疵的, 钻牛角尖的 | stodgily 塞满的(平凡的, 式样难看的) | ostentatiously adv. 夸耀地