英语人>词典>汉英 : 隐晶岩 的英文翻译,例句
隐晶岩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aphanite  ·  aphanitism  ·  kryptomere  ·  cornean

更多网络例句与隐晶岩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

TheJiyang depression located in paleomonsoon climate zone in the period of the sahejieformation sedimentation, the wet and hot climate made ancient lake become deeperwater, enhanced stratification, reduced primary productivity of plankton, decreasingsedimentary velocity of carbonate, increasing sedimentary velocity of clay, fortifiedreductibility on certain degree, and then would be available for development of blackshale, dark shale and oil shale; In the contrast, the cold and dry climate lead ancientlake to shallower water, subdued stratification, increaser primary productivity ofplankton, enhancive sedimentary velocity of aphanitic carbonate, decreasedsedimentary velocity of clay, and then would be available for development calciteshale, calcite laminar shale, calcite mudstone, shaly carbonate rock, even laminarcarbonate or dolomite rock.


Rhyolites are a group of extrusive igneous rocks with phenocrysts (visible crystals that grew out of the molten lava) of quartz and alkali feldspar in a glassy to cryptocrystalline groundmass.


Rhyolite is the aphanitic equivalent of granite.


Changhua County, Zhejiang Province, China produced a Aphanitic block, to dickite and old stone-based multi-mineral rocks.


Identifying the minerals that occur as phenocrysts in porphyries is the method often used by geologists to name handspecimens of aphanitic rocks.

地质学家常用的鉴别这种矿物质的方法是根据隐晶质岩产生的斑晶,通常命名为隐晶质岩石的 handspecimens 方法。

Within these thirdorder sequences, there are many subtidal carbonate cycles that are made up of both the mediumto thinbedded aphanitic micrites and the thinbedded marls in the transgressive and the early highstand system tracts, and many grotesque sedimentary structures are developed in the bedding planes of aphanitic micrites.


Several conclusions are drawn from the study. The ore deposit mainly occurs in the lower Cambrian Shuigoukou Formation, which is situated at the limbs of Qingshixia-Yujiatai overturned multiple syncline. The ore-hosted rocks are silicalite and mudstone. The content of SiO2 is high in the rocks of V ore deposit. Silicalites are mainly aphanitic quartz and chalcedony and the barite is sedimentogenic. The correlation between V and Cr, U, Ba is good. The rare earth element distribution patterns show Ce-negative or positive anomaly, obviously Eu positive anomaly and the right dip graphics.


LREE depleted spinel lherzolite xenoliths are the 2%~15% partial melting residues of spinel lherzolite with 2 times REE concentration of chondrite. LREE enriched spinel lherzolite xenoliths are the prodiuct that 1% partial melting of garnet lherzolite derived melts mix in ratio of 2% with most LREE depleted spinel lherzolite.


Their characters include (1) the particular configuration of the MT structures;(2) the obvious interface with rich organic matter and pyrite between the MT ribbon cracks and the host rock;(3) the host rocks are characterized by nonstromatolitic micrite limestones with few liminites;(4) the special macroscopic fossils of algae which were simultaneously developed with the MT structures.


更多网络解释与隐晶岩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


aphaniphyric 隐晶斑状 | aphanite 隐晶岩 | aphanitic texture 隐晶结构


aphaniphyric 显微隐晶斑状 | aphanite 隐晶岩类 | aphanitic 隐晶质的


隐晶基斑状;非显晶基斑状 felsiphyric | 隐晶岩;非显晶岩 aphanite | 隐晶岩的 kryptomerous

calc aphanite:钙质隐晶岩

calc alkaline rock 钙质 碱性岩 | calc aphanite 钙质隐晶岩 | calc spessartine 钙锰铝榴石

diabase aphanite:辉绿隐晶岩

辉绿角闪石岩 diabase amphibolite | 辉绿隐晶岩 diabase aphanite | 辉绿细晶岩 diabase aplite

aphanitic texture:隐晶结构

aphanite 隐晶岩 | aphanitic texture 隐晶结构 | aphanitic variolitic texture 隐晶球颗结构

aphanitic basalt:隐晶玄武岩

隐晶岩 aphanite | 隐晶玄武岩 aphanitic basalt | 隐晶基斑状结构 aphanophyric texture

aphanitism:非显晶岩, 隐晶岩

aphanitic | 非显晶岩的, 隐晶岩的 | aphanitism | 非显晶岩, 隐晶岩 | aphanizophyll | 蓝溪藻黄素甲阿番叶素束丝藻叶黄素


钾锰氧矿 cryptomelane | 隐晶岩 cryptomere | 隐晶的 cryptomerous


冰扰作用 kryoturbation | 隐晶岩 kryptomere | 隐晶岩的 kryptomerous