英语人>词典>汉英 : 限制消费 的英文翻译,例句
限制消费 的英文翻译、例句


limited consumption
更多网络例句与限制消费相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus obtains that: Maintains Chinese economy sustainable the premise is the financial capital disposition optimization and the financial organ function transforms, as well as the foreign direct investment or other financial capital enter the limit, the enterprise and the inhabitant deposit reduce, expend the pattern innovation and the expense growth.


Meanwhile, in the new market environment after China's accession to WTO, reduction of import tariffs, lifting of import restrictions and decontrol of business authorities will make China, the globally largest steel products consuming market, a target market attracting the surplus steel products of the world.

与此同时,在加入 WTO后新的市场环境中,进口关税的降低、进口限制的取消和经营权的放开将使中国这个全球最大的钢材消费市场成为全球过剩钢材追逐的目标市场。

The U.S. is moving down-market because of the economic recession and restriction on consumer credit.


Hungary has a rule that limits spending growth, the source of past indiscipline.


She put a kerb on her spending.


Limiting the consumption of sugar and refined food also proves to be effective in preventing kidney stone formation.


No matter its are still be the consumption below the line can obtain integral on the line, integral does not accept consumptive pattern restriction, all but current exchange.


With that on re-conceptualisations of poverty to identify four main types of strategies: strategies to increase resources, strategies to change the quantity of human capital, strategies involving drawing on stocks of social capital, and strategies to mitigate or limit a decline in consumption also Moser,1998

与上重新conceptualisations贫穷确定的四个主要类型的战略:战略,以增加资源,战略,改变的数量,人力资本,战略制定,涉及对股市的社会资本,和战略,以减轻或限制下降,在消费(也莫塞尔, 1998年

Limit consumption of store-bought baked goods such as doughnuts, cookies, cakes and crackers.


With the help of the theoretical resources of the theory of "consumer society" and the distinction between "the true needs"/"false needs", this paper tries to show that Marx's discussion of the civilizing tendencies of the capital and the limits latent within them inspires us to see that the civilizing tendencies revitalized in the form of consumer society are perhaps actually new forms of "barbarizing tendencies" of the capital, and only through combining itself with socialism can market economy overcome the tendency of its self-destruction.


更多网络解释与限制消费相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

constrain: v.1:强迫,迫使 2.限制,约束,抑制

consternation: n.惊恐,惊愕 | constrain: v.1.强迫,迫使 2.限制,约束,抑制 | consumerism: n.1.保护消费者利益运动 2.消费 3.消费主义

constrain: v.1:强迫,迫使 2.限制,约束,抑制 来源:考试大

consternation: n.惊恐,惊愕 | constrain: v.1.强迫,迫使 2.限制,约束,抑制 来源:考试大 | consumerism: n.1.保护消费者利益运动 2.消费 3.消费主义

consumerism: n.1:保护消费者利益运动 2.消费 3.消费主义

constrain: v.1.强迫,迫使 2.限制,约束,抑制 | consumerism: n.1.保护消费者利益运动 2.消费 3.消费主义 | consummate: v.1.完成,实现 2.使完美无缺,使完美



limited liability:有限责任

这是因为,由于"有限责任"(limited liability)的限制(个人消费不可能为负),当企业家的个人成本与社会成本是不一样的,个人财富越少,二者之间的差别就越大.


"(178页)它和劳动资料不同的是:"它们在所参加的每一个劳动过程中被全部消费掉". (178页)但是,由于这种生产资料在物质上是牢牢地被限制在生产领域之内,并不进入流通,因而被拉姆赛(Ramsay)这样的经济学家错认作固定资本的范畴.


主要以桌子为主体,附加桌上屏风(Screen)的系统家具. 诸多因素的影响必使这类产品的成本居高不下,产品普遍运用难度较大,市场份额受到限制. 但办公家具制造商要看到此产品隐藏的商机--随着成本的降低和消费观念的改变,


但旅客消费抬高物价; ...进(entrance) 与出(exit) :看(look)与监控(supervise). 空荡: 监视 ... 与权力技术的启蒙作品,后者却是现今美国监狱研究的发展趋势之一. ...制性技术规范",具体定义船用柴油机氮氧化物(NOx)的排放限制.


active_sess_pool_p1 该消费组最大的并发线程数,缺省为不限制(unlimited)queueing_p1 作业在队列中等待的最长时间(单位:秒), 缺省为不限制(unlimited)switch_time 切换时间(单位:秒),缺省为不限制(unlimited)max_est_exec_time 一个进程被允许的最长执行时间(单位:秒),


西哥举办的南美洲和墨西哥最大的纺织品服装和面料 展会面对拥有14亿人口的南美洲消费市场 而且墨西哥与美国签有 "北美自由贸易协定" (NAFTA) 而根据NAFTA规定 美国自1994年1月1日起取消从墨西哥进口纺织品和服装的配额限制,