英语人>词典>汉英 : 限制主义的 的英文翻译,例句
限制主义的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The implementation of anthropocentrism is restricted by the historical, realistic conditions and people's ability.


Though this expression was restricted and regimented, it did not require many such instances to bring utopianism into disrepute.

虽然这表达受到了限制和regimented ,它并不需要很多这样的事例,使乌托邦主义的声誉。

Malarney, Shaun Kingsley."The limits of 'state functionalism' and the reconstruction of funerary ritual in contemporary northern Vietnam." American Ethnologist 23, no.

Malarney, Shaun Kingsley〈国家功能主义的限制以及当代北越葬礼仪式的重建〉《美国民族学家》第二十三卷第三期(1996年),540-561页。

The administration was also wedded to the fundamental tenets of Reaganomics: cut taxes and free the supply side and everything else will take care of itself.


Too many share his rigid restrictionist convictions.


There are two models of liberalism and restrictionism in sublease legislation.


In nature, the concept of judge's elucidatory authority is the supplement to and restrictions on argue-orientedness, compensating for accusation injustice, accusation delay and high cost of accusation caused by complete litigant-orientedness.


Arminianism, which takes its name from Jacobus Arminius, is a moderate theological revision of Calvinism that limits the significance of Predestination.

亚米纽斯主义,其中考虑其名称由雅各布亚米纽斯(雅各布Harmensen ),是一个温和的神学修订限制加尔文主义的意义预定。

And legal system of our country currently in effect pays close attention to subleasing behavior lack , stipulate that mainly in the 224th "contract law ", the department adopts not to restrict the doctrine legislation pattern completely, stipulate be unable completely perfectly , come across from this in trying practice operation many difficult problem.


In return, Tisza not only denounced anti-Semitism but also used his political machine to check the growth of an anti-Semitic party. In 1896 his successors passed legislation securing the Jews' final emancipation. By 1910 about 900,000 Jews made up approximately 5 percent of the population and about 23 percent of Budapest's citizenry.


更多网络解释与限制主义的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antinational:反国家的, 反国家主义的

antinatalist | 人口限制拥护者(的) | antinational | 反国家的, 反国家主义的 | antineoplastic activity | 抗肿瘤活性


从本体论角度来讲,这种观点是概念论(conceptualism)的变体,好比波普尔(Karl Popper)的"世界3". 这种对数学的理解,也遇到了激烈的反驳. 第一类批评来自关于数学基础的讨论,其论点是:构造主义和直觉主义的数学基础受到其规则概念的限制,


近年来,"用户至上主义"(consumerism)已经入侵校园文化,在某种程度上"用户至上主义"限制了现代"技艺高超的手艺人" --高级终身聘任教授大干事业的雄心.


作为全球网络传播的主导意识形态,"全球主义"(globalism)主要体现在以下四个层面:此外,对网络媒体的受众也应加强分析. 在国际传播时代,媒体受到技术因素的限制. 受众定位相对较为单一. 如中央电视台的国际频道,

i. Legal Moralism:法律道德主义

a. Freedom and the Limits of Legitimate Law 自由和立法的限制 | i. Legal Moralism 法律道德主义 | ii. Legal Paternalism 法律家长主义


美国学者弗里德里希指出立宪主义的三个思想根源:即自由主义(liberalism)、合理主义(rationalism)和个人主义(individualism)(34). 早期或狭义立宪主义只涉及政府权力的限制和分立问题,因此一种政体可以是立宪而非民主的,也可能是民主而非立宪的.


restrictionism 限制主义 | restrictionist 限制主义 | restrictive 限制的

restrictionist:限制主义 (名)

restrictionism 限制政策 (名) | restrictionist 限制主义 (名) | restrictive trade law 限制性贸易法律, (经济用语) 监督限制性安排和专卖业的法律


restrictionist 限制主义 | restrictive 限制的 | restrictively 限制性地


四、积极主义(activism)与消极主义(passivism)司法积极主义与消极主义方法在美国宪法解释理论与实践中亦是一种普遍被使用、甚至影响更大的方法. 人们一般是使用司法积极主义与司法限制来界分的,"消极主义"是德沃金所提出的一种方法论概括.