英语人>词典>汉英 : 降低价值 的英文翻译,例句
降低价值 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
devaluation  ·  devalue  ·  devaluates  ·  devalued  ·  devalues  ·  devaluing

更多网络例句与降低价值相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Specifically, we use a resource-based perspective to show that a decrease in the inimitability of an entrepreneurial firm's intellectual property does not necessarily diminish performance when piracy increases the value of this resource, and an information economics perspective to explain why and when imitation can increase the value of an intellectual property resource.


We have found that some natural ecosystem services value of Eucalyptus forest is less than that of montane rain forest by 85.82 million Yuan per year. And the decrease value is regarded as a part of natural input. Eucalyptus planting is a kind of mode to use natural resource, it will certainly bring much more economic and social services.


By expanding the L-B model and integrating the impulsions into the model, we can conclude the different influeces to corporation value and debts level come from different impulsions:1 The change of demand——If the demand increases temperately, the corporation value also increases and the firm will increase its debts level, vice versa.2 The change of technology——New technology reduces products\' cost and improves the corporation value, the firm will increase debts level. 3 The unsymmetrical change of the firm\'s decision——The leader\'s corporation value increases and will increase its debts level, the follower is contrary.


The analysis results for community species component and plant diversity showed that exclusion did change the species component and increase plant diversity remarkably, while the indicateor life-form structure, palatability analysis indicated that community for old exclusion is becoming perennity and unpalatability, whereas community for comparative exclusion is under stable non-equilibrium condition, in the view of vegetation coverage, mean height, biomass, palatability of plant composition, community for old exclusion has lower than new, comparative exclusion which proves partly that long-term exclusion can not increase grazing values for semi-arid rangeland.


It discusses the forming of the competitive advantage, cost advantage and diversity advantage of the enterprise under the management of the value chain, as well as the operation chain-the basis of the value chain. From the angle of the combination of funds flow, value flow and information flow, the article also researchs the cost of the enterprise operation and its motivation, which lay a foundation for the optimization of the operation chain and the reducement of the operation cost together with the realization of the optimization of the inner value chain of the enterprise.


The HRV decreasing was correlated tightly with the degree of coronary artery stegnosis and the quantity of coronary artery involved in CAD patients, it indicated that myocardial. ischemia was important cause for HRV decreasing, and CAD severity could be predicted possibly with the Lower HRV.


The image of the company will be upgrade and the management efficiency will be heightened. And that the values of third party logistics are embodied through cost value, service value, dispersing risk value, improving competitive edge value, society value and so on. The value of third party logistics is origin from four parts, the first is that improves the efficiency, the second is that intergrades the client and achieves the increase of scale economy by degrees, the third is that intergrades the portrait and transy logistics and enhances the competitive advantage, the fourth is that expands the business of client and appreciates the value of supply chain.


The value that can be provided to an organization can be enhanced or diminished by the review that an auditor conducts of the organization's response to a nonconformity, as well as by the "close-out" process that is applied.


The value that can be provided to an organization can be enhanced or diminished by the review that an auditor conducts of the organization's response to a nonconformity, as well as by the "close-out" process that is applied.


Corporate market value that departures from intrinsic value influences managers behavior and thus holdbacks corporate value creation.


更多网络解释与降低价值相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(2)化学纤维丝噴烫丙铜(ACETONE)约一秒间,自行粘着成型,较一般點膠式美观价值间. (3)对天线圈可免用纸管,大幅降低成本,提昇工作效率,提高成品附加价值.

activity analysis:作业分析

尽可能消除不能创造价值的作业,对能创造价值的作业要尽可能减少其资源消耗量,降低作业耗费,这一切都要要借助于"作业分析"(Activity Analysis). 作业成本法最大的贡献在于它强调成本动因. 如果就精确性而言,


这项细则起源于宾夕法尼亚州科尔(Coal)对马欧恩?(Mahon)(1922年)一案,在这件案子中霍姆斯(Holmes)法官声明,"......对财产的管制应该有一定限度,如果管制太多的话,那么它将被认为是一项索取. "换句话说,如果分区树大幅度降低财产价值,

convex function:凸函数

在企业税收呈凸函数(Convex Function)的情况下(如图1所示),有效边际税率为税前价值的递增函数,则企业的税后价值是税前价值的递减函数,企业税前所得的波动将会增加税负,因此公司会有动机使用衍生产品降低税前所得的波动性获得降低税收支出的好处.


desalt除去盐分; | deforest砍伐森林; | devalue降低价值;

vt. devalue:降低......的价值;使(货币)贬值

n. description 种类 | vt. devalue 降低......的价值;使(货币)贬值 | n. difference 差额


各个派系(Faction)对玩家的角色具有不同的评价,玩家可根据此评价值获得新任务或奖励. 评价值则根据玩家完成哪个派系的任务而不同. 游戏里还存在降低评价值的任务.



VE value engineering:价值工程- 由于要求降低成本,因而推动的活动

VAD Visual Aid Display 一种列出了生产线作业程序以引起操作员注意的受控... | VE Value Engineering 价值工程- 由于要求降低成本,因而推动的活动 | WI Work Instruction 指出怎样生产产品的作业指导书,可能包含图片或...

Value Engineering, VE:价值工程

价值工程(value engineering ve)与价值分析(value analysis va)两种活动都是对商品的价值、功能与成本进一步做思考与探索,以小组活动方式,集思广益朝各方向寻求最佳方案,再运用体系分工的方式达成价值提升或降低成本的目标.