英语人>词典>汉英 : 附着于 的英文翻译,例句
附着于 的英文翻译、例句


attach oneself to
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Therefore if thou shalt separate from thyself, that is, from thy understanding, whatever others do or say, and whatever thou hast done or said thyself, and whatever future things trouble thee because they may happen, and whatever in the body which envelops thee or in the breath, which is by nature associated with the body, is attached to thee independent of thy will, and whatever the external circumfluent vortex whirls round, so that the intellectual power exempt from the things of fate can live pure and free by itself, doing what is just and accepting what happens and saying the truth: if thou wilt separate, I say, from this ruling faculty the things which are attached to it by the impressions of sense, and the things of time to come and of time that is past, and wilt make thyself like Empedocles' sphere


It is earthbound and rooted in human labor.


A frenum from subpatellar fat pad between femur and tibia attached to anterior of intercondylar fossa before anterior cruciate ligament and subpatellar fat pad was attached to femur.


The second step, dividing the sternocleidomastoid just below and with preservation of its upper attachment for closure and reflecting it laterally exposes the upper extension of the splenius capitis.


Levine argues that the gap is an epistemological one that is compatible with the thesis that facts about consciousness supervene on the physical facts, while Jackson and Chalmers argue that the fact that there can be no conceptual analysis of consciousness supports metaphysical dualism: consciousness is neither identical with nor supervenient on the physical.

Levine认为这个鸿沟是认识上的,相容于'意识是附加在物理事实上的依附事实'的主张,而Jackson and Chalmers认为意识的不可概念分析支持形上学二元论:意识不是同一于也不是附着于物理物上。

First 27 rabbits of the experimental group were destabilizated by operated on L6、7.Inj Diazepam 0.25 mg/kg,Inj Ketamine 0.02 g/kg and Inj Atropine 0.125 mg/kg was one by one injected into the rabbit through the auris vein,shearing the rabbit hair of backside waist,fixing the rabbit on operation table in face lying,using 1% Povidone Ioding to degerm the operation area.Every rabbit was incised at the backside of its waist,that incisal opening is located in the center of the intervertebral space (L6、7 space) that both side iliac crest line correspond ,from the meso-ordinate direction cut about 4 cm incision,cutting open skin and subcutaneous tissue,thoroughly ,exposing the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the upper-inferior articular processes,entirely segregating the muscles that cohere the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the articluar process,then excising the supraspinal ligaments and interspinal ligaments,biting off two sides the inferior articular processes of L6,in order that resulting in intervertebral destabilization,using 0.9% Inj.Sodium Chloride to washout the incisal opening,in order sewing up each layer tissues.

方法] 取48只6个月龄日本大耳白兔,雌雄不限,体重为(2.5±0.2) kg,随机进行分组,分为对照组和实验组,对照组为21只;实验组为27只;先将实验组兔腰背部皮毛剪除,用安定注射液1.25 mg/kg、氯胺酮0.02 g/kg、阿托品0.125 mg/kg顺次耳缘静脉注射麻醉后,俯卧固定于手术台上,用1%碘伏消毒手术区域,以髂嵴平对椎间隙(即L6、7)为中心,从正中取一长约4 cm纵行切口,切开皮肤及皮下组织,锐性分离,暴露棘突、椎板及上下关节突,将附着于棘突、椎板及小关节的肌肉全部分离开,然后依次切除L6、7棘上及棘间韧带,咬除第6腰椎两侧下关节突,造成椎间失稳,用无菌生理盐水冲洗切口,依次缝合各层组织;术后动物在笼中自由活动。

Inj Diazepam 0.25 mg/kg,Inj Ketamine 0.02 g/kg and Inj Atropine 0.125 mg/kg was one by one injected into the rabbit through the auris vein,shearing the rabbit hair of backside waist,fixing the rabbit on operation table in face lying,using 1% Povidone Ioding to degerm the operation area.Every rabbit was incised at the backside of its waist,that incisal opening is located in the center of the intervertebral space (L6、7 space) that both side iliac crest line correspond ,from the meso-ordinate direction cut about 4 cm incision,cutting open skin and subcutaneous tissue,thoroughly ,exposing the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the upper-inferior articular processes,entirely segregating the muscles that cohere the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the articluar process,then excising the supraspinal ligaments and interspinal ligaments,biting off two sides the inferior articular processes of L6,in order that resulting in intervertebral destabilization,using 0.9% Inj.Sodium Chloride to washout the incisal opening,in order sewing up each layer tissues.

方法] 取48只6个月龄日本大耳白兔,雌雄不限,体重为(2.5±0.2) kg,随机进行分组,分为对照组和实验组,对照组为21只;实验组为27只;先将实验组兔腰背部皮毛剪除,用安定注射液1.25 mg/kg、氯胺酮0.02 g/kg、阿托品0.125 mg/kg顺次耳缘静脉注射####后,俯卧固定于手术台上,用1%碘伏消毒手术区域,以髂嵴平对椎间隙(即L6、7)为中心,从正中取一长约4 cm纵行切口,切开皮肤及皮下组织,锐性分离,暴露棘突、椎板及上下关节突,将附着于棘突、椎板及小关节的肌肉全部分离开,然后依次切除L6、7棘上及棘间韧带,咬除第6腰椎两侧下关节突,造成椎间失稳,用无菌生理盐水冲洗切口,依次缝合各层组织;术后动物在笼中自由活动。

The centre of infraspinous fossa was infraspinatus. The distance from the origin of teres minor on the margo lateralis of scapula to inferior angle of scapula was 5.8-7.0 cm and it was 4.0-6.5 cm for teres major.


The coated article includes a glass substrate, a coating of an antimony doped tin oxide deposited on and adhering to the glass substrate and a coating of fluorine doped tin oxide deposited on and adhering to the surface of the coating of antimony doped tin oxide.


RESULTS:①Growth and adhension of osteoblasts: 24 hours after inoculation, osteoblasts were fully adhered to the wall in the BPCB group and cover slip group.


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bacterial adherence:细菌粘连

(2)广义上指多数颗粒状抗原附着于抗体形成细胞的现象. 但为了避免同(1)项相混,称为免疫细胞粘连(immunocyte adherence). 抗原附着于细菌时,称为细菌粘连(bacterial adherence)附着于红细胞时称为玫瑰花瓣状形成(rosette for-mation).


中耳有3块听小骨,从外向内分别称为锤骨(hammer)、砧骨(anvil)和镫骨(stirrup). 这3块听小骨连成一个杠杆样装置,锤骨的外端附着于鼓膜内面,镫骨的内端附着于中耳深部的一个卵圆形膜,即卵圆窗(oval window)上. 卵圆窗的下面还有一个圆形薄膜,


蜘蛛,英文 Spider 一字,源自于纺织机 Spinner 之古字 Spinder ;属节肢动物( Arthropod ),有八只脚,身体仅分成头胸部 (Cephalothorax) 及腹部 (Abdomen) 两部分,不具触角,除附着于头胸部的八只脚外,尚有触肢 (Padipalpus ;

conus elasticus:弹性圆锥

3.弹性圆锥 弹性圆锥(conus elasticus)为弹性纤维组成的膜性结构,自甲状软骨前角的后面,向下向后附着于环状软骨上缘和杓状软骨声带突. 整体呈上窄下宽的圆锥状(图4-8),此膜上缘游离,紧张于甲状软骨前角与声带突之间,称声韧带,是构成声带的基础.

large intestine:大肠

3.大肠(large intestine) 大肠分为盲肠、结肠和直肠三部. 盲肠附有蚓突(阑尾). 1)盲肠为大肠的始端,其前面和前腹壁直接或间接贴靠,背面附着于髂窝,盲肠内侧与右侧腰大肌邻接. (2)阑尾(appendix) 阑尾附于盲肠后下端,形如蚯蚓,阑尾的位置极不一定.


简介初级飞羽(primaries)附着于鸟翼末端节的飞羽. 生长在相当于人的手掌位置的鸟的前肢处. 生长在相当于人的小臂处的飞羽称为次级飞羽. 对鸟的飞行很重要. 相关条目鸟类 羽毛 ...


中耳有3块听小骨,从外向内分别称为锤骨(hammer)、砧骨(anvil)和镫骨(stirrup). 这3块听小骨连成一个杠杆样装置,锤骨的外端附着于鼓膜内面,镫骨的内端附着于中耳深部的一个卵圆形膜,即卵圆窗(oval window)上. 卵圆窗的下面还有一个圆形薄膜,

margo medialis tibiae:胫骨内侧缘:行于胫骨内髁与内踝之间,为胫骨内面与后面的分界线

margo medialis scapulae 肩胛骨内侧缘:从肩胛骨上角延伸至肩胛骨下角... | margo medialis tibiae 胫骨内侧缘:行于胫骨内髁与内踝之间,为胫骨内面与后面的分界线 | margo mesovaricus ovarii 卵巢系膜缘:附着于阔韧带...

cord velamentous insertion:脐带帆状附着

脐带附着异常包括:脐带帆状附着(cord velamentous insertion)及球拍状胎盘. 前者是指脐带附着于胎膜卜,脐带血管通过羊膜与绒毛膜间进入胎盘,后者系指脐带附着于胎盘边缘. 脐带帆状附着时,若胎膜上血管跨过宫颈内口位于胎先露部前方时,称为前置血管;

vocal process:声带突

杓状软骨的基底呈三角形,前角名声带突(vocal process),系声韧带及声带肌的附着处;外侧角名肌突(muscular process),环杓侧肌及部分甲杓肌外侧部的肌纤维附着于其侧部,环杓后肌附着于后部,杓肌附着于其底部的后内角.