英语人>词典>汉英 : 附庸风雅 的英文翻译,例句
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The extravagant life and artiness of the salt merchants aggravated the degenerated morals and manners formed in the mid-Ming Dynasty.


And I know I may be an artsy person in sb′s eyes.


I will never express the so called noble art as hoity-toity if I do not have the slightest feeling.


La-di-da, look who's got a new car.


Add to it a liberal dose of intellectual pretentiousness and you get the tone of the book page in your daily paper and the earnest and fatuous atmosphere breathed by discussion groups in little clubs.


During the last few days I have been thanking God I was not a superior person, and that I had not a facile pen or a great sense of saturnine humour so that I must indulge in something parallel to Nero's fiddling while Rome burned.


I wasn't interested in a snob degree.


In my middle age, I don't read for the superficial snobbism. Neither do I hesitate to say no to others. I no longer make my presence with showy actions.


Many rich ladies, although nature has not endowed them with any spontaneous pleasure in literature or art, decide to be thought cultured, and spend boring hours learning the right thing to say about fashionable new books that are written to give delight, not to afford opportunities for dusty snobbism.


Many rich ladies, although nature has not endowed them with any spontaneous pleasure in literature or art, decide to be thought cultured, and spend boring hours learning the right thing to say about fashion able new books that are written to give delight, not to afford opportunities for dusty snobbism.


更多网络解释与附庸风雅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


该乐队的名称很有意思,是将"眼泪"(tear)和"附庸风雅"(arty)两个词语组合在一起,形成了一个全新的、简单易记的单词. "Tearty"的作品在英伦相当受欢迎,他们出到五年来共发行了四张专辑及一张E,每张唱片都有超白金的销量.

Arty:装作爱艺术的 附庸风雅的

artistic 艺术家的 巧妙的 有艺术感的 | arty 装作爱艺术的 附庸风雅的 | arty-crafty 爱做手工艺品或衣服的


有人说"火绒棒"的音乐像严肃的宫廷舞会外面那些平民的自娱自乐,那是因为他听过了专辑>(Curtains)的优雅和朴素. 还有人说"他们没有那么多的附庸风雅,这感觉就是一个看起来就很居丧的小老头坐在酒吧的一角絮叨着他永远说不完的烦心事.

La-di-da, look who's got a new car:附庸风雅的家伙 还搞了辆新车

Buy a new car,|买辆新车后就会想 | "La-di-da, look who's got a new car. "|附庸风雅的家伙 还搞了辆新车 | I thought about giving all my money, just giving it away,|我考虑过把我所有的钱捐出去

a pretty penny:一笔相当大的款子, 可观的一笔钱

**A poor man's something 附庸风雅,鲁门弄斧 | A pretty penny 一笔相当大的款子, 可观的一笔钱 | A problem shared is a problem halved 诉苦于人,苦留一半


该乐队的名称很有意思,是将"眼泪"(tear)和"附庸风雅"(arty)两个词语组合在一起,形成了一个全新的、简单易记的单词. "Tearty"的作品在英伦相当受欢迎,他们出到五年来共发行了四张专辑及一张E,每张唱片都有超白金的销量.


他甚至用"压力"(pression)这个词来形容那些社交圈里混又没有去过中国的人的处境. 然而,有意思的是,中国和中文就有点像历史上的罗马帝国和拉丁文,没有法国人不喜欢的,甚至谁都愿意在公共场合提一下中国或孔老夫子的语录,附庸风雅,