英语人>词典>汉英 : 附加电路 的英文翻译,例句
附加电路 的英文翻译、例句


added circuit · adjunct circuit · by-product circuit · stand-by circuit
更多网络例句与附加电路相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Circuit components added to an existing system to provide additional or alternate functions.


The circuit of 89 S51 MCU as the center, additional A44E Hall sensor location and realize the Taximeter statistics, a brownout AT24C02 achieve in the system and when the system priced preservation time information, output by paragraph 8 of the digital display.

本电路以89S51 单片机为中心、附加A44E 霍尔传感器测距,实现对出租车计价统计,采用AT24C02 实现在系统掉电的时候保存单价和系统时间等信息,输出采用8 段数码显示管。

S98ZKA0336 VCD UP-GRADING CIRCUIT BOARD FOR A CD PLAYER OR CD-ROM 获证 US 发明 08/815309 5926606 2017/3/9 540,000 Nuvoton 让与 A VCD up-grading circuit board for a CD player or CD-ROM includes an MPEGdecoder, a microprocessor, a DRAM, an audio digital/analog converter, a TV encoder and a synchronous clock generator. The VCD up-grading circuit board for a CD player or CD-ROM is attached to the CD player or CD-ROM to allow the CD player or CD-ROM to play a VCD without additional connection between the VCD up-grading circuit board and the CD player.

S98ZKA0335 自动产生及校正系统同步时钟之影音光碟机升级板获证 TW 发明 86101019 90406 2017/1/29 460,000 Nuvoton 让与本发明系关於一种自动产生及校正系统同步时钟之影音光碟机升级板,尤指一种可附加於CD播放机内而升级为影音光碟播放机之升级用的电路板,此升级电路板为可解决传统升级电路与CD播放机之间同步讯号连接之不便性、易产生干扰与更改CD播放机原有线路所衍生之各项缺陷下,而为一种无需於其间额外连接同步时钟讯号,而在升级板上内建一同步时钟产生器,以随时监视CD播放机与MPEG解码器之左右声道取样时钟讯号之相位差而立即补正,即可达到令两者完全同步者。

In these cases, additional overload protection is required to avoid damaging the input circuitry of the instrument.


Based on the analysis of relevance weight among output signals the method constructs the set group of output signals with minimum relevance weight to reduce the loss of fault coverage using grouping compression,and the method needs no auxiliary circuity.


As the objects on which multi-valued modular algebra operation is imposed usually are multivalued signals, so are the operation results. Application of ternary edge-triggered flip-flops makes us be able omit extracoding circuits in timing circuits.


To obtain this pure dc supply filter circuit must be attached to the rectifier.


During the testing process, the circuit use the on-off power supply's pull and push structure as prototype, gaining a additional LC in series resonance circuit, which is also a opposite sharp structure. In the same frequency,and in the work state of work voltage, receiving even more high efficiency and output power.


1 If an appliance intended for permanent connection to the power supply or an appliance equipped with a polarized or grounding type attachment plug is intended to be connected to the grounded conductor of a power-supply circuit, a lampholder supplied as a part of the appliance shall be so wired that the screw shell is connected to the grounded conductor.


This action of charging the capacitor is shown in the following equation: ADC Clock resistor RSW 式决定的:(1 K ) and RIN for the period S1 is closed; this period is controlled by ACQ_PS setting.

时间。然而这个时间远远大于外部的电阻和电容电路所消耗的时间,同时在计算电阻和电容电路时候的时间常数时,要考虑到外在附加的贴片电容和插针电容,对ACQ_PS 是一个非常高的值,而系统需要低采样频率。

更多网络解释与附加电路相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

added circuit:加法电路

addaverter 加法转换器 | added circuit 加法电路 | added loss 附加损耗

added circuit:加法电路, 相加电路 附加电路

added buoyant layer | 增加浮力层 | added circuit | 加法电路, 相加电路 附加电路 | added copy | 增添复本

added component:附加元件

add ons 附加元件 | added component 附加元件 | adder 加法电路

added component:附加元件KFz中国学习动力网

add ons 附加元件KFz中国学习动力网 | added component 附加元件KFz中国学习动力网 | adder 加法电路KFz中国学习动力网

applier:灌肠器, 填充器

applied | 应用的, 实用的 | applier | 灌肠器, 填充器 | applique circuit | 附加电路

applique circuit:附加电路

high pair (链系的)线点对偶 | applique circuit 附加电路 | downslide surface 下滑面

applique circuit:专用电路,附加电路

applied voltage test | 加压试验 | applique circuit | 专用电路,附加电路 | appload | 加载应用程序

Superimposed back pressure:附加背压

superimposed arches 层叠拱 | superimposed back pressure 附加背压 | superimposed circuit 叠置电路


QG是闸极总电荷值,是QGe是QcG及另一附加之成份之总和,此附加之值和闸极"Overdrive"电压有关由于有一些未知的杂散(stray) 电容存在电路中,所以校正脉冲是必须的.

boosted circuit:附加电压电路

boost-up circuit 升压电路 | boosted circuit 附加电压电路 | boosted circuit 升压电路