英语人>词典>汉英 : 阿贝尔群 的英文翻译,例句
阿贝尔群 的英文翻译、例句


Abelian group
更多网络例句与阿贝尔群相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because the group operation of an abelian group is


The ellipse rotating symmetric group is proposed,which is an Abelian group .


Let G be a finite abelian group with two elements generating set M .


In some finiteness conditions, we prove that there exists a natural Abelian group homomorphism from the Grothendieck group of R to the Grothendieck group of A.


The security~ of these cryptosystems is based on the dificulty in solving descrete logarithms with Abelian group .

本文讨论了一些公钥密码体制(ElGamal加密与解密算法、Diffie -Hellman密钥交换方案和Shamir协议)在阿贝尔群上的扩展,它们的安全性均建立在阿贝尔群上离散对数求解困难性的基础之

Let G be a finite Abelian group ,an ideal in the grouping Zpr is called an Abelian code over Zpr.


For anelliptic curve E over a number field K,the set of K-rational points of it forma group Evia a special kind of"addition".This group is a finitely gener-ated abelian group,and is named Mordell-Weil group of E/K.


Defined a new combination rule for the vectors of a vector space, obtain a new special group, called Bai-Liang group,which is exchange group, i.e. Aber group.

定义了新的向量结合法的多维向量空间的所有向量,组成了一个特别的BAI-LIANG 群,是交换群,即阿贝尔群

Definded a new combination rule for the vectors of a vector space, obtain a new special group, called Bai-Liang group,which is exchange group, i.e. Aber group.

定义了新的向量结合法的多维向量空间的所有向量,组成了一个特别的BAI-LIANG 群,是交换群,即阿贝尔群

The cyclic group of order 3, above, and {1,-1} under ordinary multiplication, also above, are both examples of abelian groups, and inspection of the symmetry of their Cayley tables verifies this.

上述的 3 阶的循环群和{1,-1}在普通乘法下的群都是阿贝尔群,可以通过检查其凯莱表的对称性来验证。

更多网络解释与阿贝尔群相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abel transform:阿贝尔变换

X位比特间插奇偶 Bit Interleaved Parity of depth X BIP-X | 阿贝尔变换 Abel transform | 阿贝尔群 Abelian group

Abelian group:阿贝尔群

如果,这种 运算也符合交换率,那么就叫阿贝尔群 (Abelian Group). 如果有两种运算,一种叫加法 ,满足交换率和结合率,一种叫乘法,满足结合率,它们之间满足分配率,这种丰富一点 的结构叫做环(Ring),如果环上的乘法满足交换率,

topological abelian group:拓扑阿贝尔群

拓扑[学]|topology | 拓扑阿贝尔群|topological Abelian group | 拓扑变换群|topological transformation group

non abelian group:非阿贝尔群

non abelian gauge theory 非阿贝尔规范理论 | non abelian group 非阿贝尔群 | non adiabatic change 非绝热变化

non abelian group:非阿贝尔群无忧雅思网

non abelian gauge theory 非阿贝尔规范理论无忧雅思网vH ]6\\([kQ G4fV1{@ | non abelian group 非阿贝尔群无忧雅思网4r;UP)w"To'D | non adiabatic change 非绝热变化无忧雅思网+ae,T7v3[8U+o'v-{X

ordered Abelian group:有序阿贝尔群

有效域|effective domain | 有序阿贝尔群|ordered Abelian group | 有序单形|ordered simplex

commutative group:可[交]换群Abel(阿贝尔)群

可换体 commutative field | 可[交]换群Abel(阿贝尔)群 commutative group | 可[交]换律 commutative law

discrete Abelian group:离散阿贝尔群

离散[的]|discrete | 离散阿贝尔群|discrete Abelian group | 离散逼近|discrete approximation

finitely generated abelian group:有限生成阿贝尔群

有限群的完全分解|complete resolution for finite groups | 有限生成阿贝尔群|finitely generated Abelian group | 有限生成模|finitely generated module

elementary topological Abelian group:初等拓扑阿贝尔群

初等群|elementary group | 初等拓扑阿贝尔群|elementary topological Abelian group | 初等因子|elementary divisor