英语人>词典>汉英 : 阳光照射的 的英文翻译,例句
阳光照射的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与阳光照射的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A sunlit butte gives color and contour to an expanse of Australia's Simpson Desert.


Photo Gallery: Plateaus A sunlit butte gives color and contour to an expanse of Australia's Simpson Desert.


Also has the balcony, I take a French window, has the sunlight to shine.


When winter comes, notice how leafless trees appear; when spring hits, compare shade and sun exposure differences.


This aerial photo captures a view of partially sunlit pastures bordered by groves and hedgerows near Monmouth in southeastern Wales.


I walked down Station Road in the sunlit emptiness of afternoon.


My mother was sitting on the porch drowsing in the sun.


The inspiration originates the Mediterranean sea in southern France in summer, the sunshine reflects off the natural colors, including dark blue, brown beach, green palm trees and off-white hotel carlton cannes etc., which to convey a geogerous style of 2009SS collection.

本季的故事源于夏日法国南部地中海海水经阳光反射出的深蓝,海滩的褐色,棕榈树的翠绿,阳光照射的亚白的hotel carlton cannes,意蕴出2009春夏的华丽风范。

Such features originates the inspiration that is from the south of France in summer, dark blue reflected by the sunshine on the mediterranean sea, beach brown, palm tree fresh green, off-white hotel carlton cannes, which all to express gorgeous style in 2009AW collection.

H.L拥有法国贵族气息,本季的H.L产品在于她独特的华丽色彩,天然的布料以及细节的设计,本季故事其渊源于夏日法国南部,地中海海水经阳光反射出的深蓝、海滩的褐色、棕榈树的翠绿、阳光照射的亚白的hotel carlton cannes,意蕴出2009春夏的华丽风范。H.L的特色——主张品质感、新时尚、女性自我表现的意识,融合天然的色彩,创造出华丽、自然、轻松,简单而不失特色的品牌特质。

This is also the case in Tenerife where the site of Taucho faces southwest and into the afternoon sun.


更多网络解释与阳光照射的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


sunlamp /太阳灯/ | sunless /阳光照射不到的/阴暗的/ | sunlight /日光/阳光/


sunlamp 太阳灯 | sunless 阳光照射不到的 | sunlighting 退休后工作

sunless:阳光照射不到的; 阴暗的 (形)

sunlamp 太阳灯 (名) | sunless 阳光照射不到的; 阴暗的 (形) | sunlight 日光, 日照, 阳光 (名)


sunlight 日光 | sunlit 阳光照射的 | Sunna 伊斯兰教教规


sunlighting /退休后工作/ | sunlit /被日光照射了的/阳光照射的/ | sunnily /照着阳光/快活地/


sunlit 阳光照射的 | sunlit 被日光照射了的 | sunnily 照着阳光


sunlit 阳光照射的 | Sunna 伊斯兰教教规 | sunnily 照着阳光


sunlit /被日光照射了的/阳光照射的/ | sunnily /照着阳光/快活地/ | sunnite /回教徒的一派/

sunnily:阳光充足地; 快活地 (副)

sunlit 被日光照射了的, 阳光照射的 (形) | sunnily 阳光充足地; 快活地 (副) | sunniness 阳光充足; 性情开朗; 快活 (名)

Or dream along the sun bright rills, or view my land with pride:再会了,梦中骄傲的田园和阳光照射下的小溪

No more I'll walk the golden hills with Nancy by... | Or dream along the sun bright rills, or view my land with pride 再会了,梦中骄傲的田园和阳光照射下的小溪 | We sail away at dawn of day, the sails ar...