英语人>词典>汉英 : 闲谈 的英文翻译,例句
闲谈 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cackle  ·  chat  ·  chatting  ·  chitchat  ·  chitter  ·  claver  ·  confabulate  ·  confabulation  ·  coze  ·  jaw  ·  ramble  ·  schmooze  ·  tattle  ·  tongue  ·  visit  ·  visited  ·  tattling  ·  cackled  ·  cackles  ·  cackling  ·  chats  ·  chatted  ·  chitchats  ·  chitchatted  ·  chitchatting  ·  confabulated  ·  confabulates  ·  confabulating  ·  rambled  ·  rambles  ·  tattled  ·  tattles  ·  tongues  ·  visits  ·  chinfest  ·  schmoozed  ·  schmoozes  ·  schmoozing

bull session · chin music · have a chin · idle talk · make talk · wag one's chin · chew the fat · chin-wag · shoot the breeze · engage in chitchat · a dish of gossip
更多网络例句与闲谈相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'd like to confabulate with my friends at weekends.


Phoenix town is original and simple, which has much contradiction with the modern times. These boat trackers who still cry out belong Tuojiang River,these women who wrapped with coarse cloth and decorated with silver, these abrupt electric perches and swing wire in the sky of old town, these colorful cutain and bed sheet are optionally hanged on gate baluster of the town.


The American Psychological Association published a study about the "boomerang effect of gossip."


In This space , we can sure make any bull session闲谈),but maybe discussing is a better way to udgrade our e.


The manager let us cut the cackle.


Heidegger's acerbic descriptions of "idle talk" or Gerede is a well known point in case: Idle talk and pointless chatter are from the philosopher's point of view a kind of degeneration of real or authentic communication; instead of a common exploration of the truth, we engage in a repetitive exchange of commonsensical trivialities.


Such a sweet gift — a piece of handmade writing, in an envelope that is not a bill, sitting in our friend's path when she trudges home from a long day at work, a day our words will help repair.


On getting home he would take up a book, even while his valets were undressing him, and read himself to sleep; and from sleep turned at once to gossip in the drawing-rooms and the club; from gossip to carousals and women; from dissipation back again to gossip, reading, and wine.


He read and re-read everything he came across. On getting home he would take up a book, even while his valets were undressing him, and read himself to sleep; and from sleep turned at once to gossip in the drawing-rooms and the club; from gossip to carousals and women; from dissipation back again to gossip, reading, and wine.


In addition, the chat can also enrich our lives, to increase interest in life, so some people would say that chat like a gem stone as the original, is not developed "treasures."


更多网络解释与闲谈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bull session:闲谈

bull point 得分 | bull session 闲谈 | bull terrier 杂种犬的一种

bull session:闲谈,男性之间的谈话

bull market 牛市-多头市场 | bull session 闲谈,男性之间的谈话 | like a bull in china shop笨手笨脚


coney /兔子/兔毛皮/巴斯坦产的岩狸/ | confab /交谈/闲谈/ | confabb /交谈/闲谈/谈心/


confabb /交谈/闲谈/谈心/ | confabulate /交谈/闲谈/谈心/ | confabulate with /谈心/会谈/

have a chin:闲谈

have a chat with 闲谈 | have a chin 闲谈 | have a chip on one's shoulder 好斗

have a chin:聊天, 闲谈

chin-waggingn.[俗]闲谈, 聊天 | have a chin聊天, 闲谈 | take it on the chin[俚]输, 失败, 忍受痛苦(处罚等)

small talk:闲谈

闲谈有关表达 闲谈(small talk),并不是漫无目的地聊天,而是为了正式会谈而打破僵局(break the ice)的一种谈话方式. Hey, it's such ...

Small Talk: Slang:闲谈篇:俚语用法

7 Small Talk 闲谈篇 | 8 Small Talk: Slang 闲谈篇:俚语用法 | 9 Small Talk: Replies 闲谈篇:回答

Small Talk: Replies:闲谈篇:回答

8 Small Talk: Slang 闲谈篇:俚语用法 | 9 Small Talk: Replies 闲谈篇:回答 | 10 Introducitons: Oneself 介绍篇:自我介绍


taste?blindness味盲 | tattle闲谈 | tattler闲谈