英语人>词典>汉英 : 闲着的 的英文翻译,例句
闲着的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

at leisure
更多网络例句与闲着的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He's an eager beaver, never staying idle.


She picked it up with her free hand.


A seventh gravedigger came beside Mr Bloom to take up an idle spade.


He opened it with his free hand and sprinkled a sparkly pink powder onto the bleeding wrist.


I didn't spend three hours repairing the vacuum cleaner so that it could sit in the closet.


He don't have to do zip,I am free the whole weekend!


Idle carpenters; jobless transients; many people in the area were out of work .


He commandeered idle men and vehicle.


Traditional board game, then Astraware Boardgames is just for you


If I were you, I wouldn't have the heart tot leave the kids at home uncared for.


更多网络解释与闲着的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And lazy afternoons:闲适慵懒的午后时光里

Sunny days and starry nights 阳光灿烂的日子里,星光灼灼的夜空下 | And lazy afternoons 闲适慵懒的午后时光里 | You count the castles in the clouds and hum little tunes 你数着云朵上的城堡,哼着小曲

at leisure:有空闲,闲着的;从容地,慢慢地

at large 一般的;普遍的;详尽地;在逃;逍遥自在地 | at leisure 有空闲,闲着的;从容地,慢慢地 | at liberty 自由,有权(做某事);闲着

at liberty:自由,有权(做某事);闲着

at leisure 有空闲,闲着的;从容地,慢慢地 | at liberty 自由,有权(做某事);闲着 | at stake 关系到...的得失;在危险中

elbow grease:费体力的工作,重活

(5)give someone the cold shoulder 冷淡某人 | (7)elbow grease 费体力的工作,重活 | (8)twiddle one's fingers 闲着无事


idle 闲着的,无效的,空虚 | igore 不理,忽视 | illegal 不合法的

You are in the collar now. Marriage has its obligations:你现在行动受约束了,结婚是要负责的

He is not in collar at present. 他现在正闲着. | 5. in the collar:受管束 | You are in the collar now. Marriage has its obligations. 你现在行动受约束了,结婚是要负责的.


其余的发音基本都是哥哥(dede)、弟弟(daidai)我(we)要(ya)了(re),倒是让你能隐约分辨出来. 小嘴一刻都不闲着,也不知道她在说什么,说完还会很认真的看着你,好像看你听懂了没有. 精细动作方面:妈妈给宝贝买的套各种形状的柱子,

While in a grove i sate reclined:听着融谐的千万声音

I heard a thousand blended notes, 我躺卧在树林之中, | While in a grove i sate reclined, 听着融谐的千万声音, | In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts 闲适的情绪,愉快的思想,

vino, virino, tamburino:生活中的一切享受和乐趣;吃喝玩乐

rapide - senvide 快得不见踪影 | vino, virino, tamburino 生活中的一切享受和乐趣;吃喝玩乐 | okupi sen celo lokon sub cxielo 闲着什么事也不干;无所事事

Incredible Bowel Movement:(不可思议的大肠蠕动)

14、Idle Brain Malfunction(大脑闲着会出问题) | 15、Incredible Bowel Movement(不可思议的大肠蠕动) | 16、Inherently Bad Manuals(天生不足的使用手册)