英语人>词典>汉英 : 长辈 的英文翻译,例句
长辈 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
betters  ·  elders  ·  eldership  ·  father  ·  seniority  ·  fathered  ·  fathering  ·  fathers

elder member of a family
更多网络例句与长辈相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was found that participants (n=87) showed higher tendency to use Zhongyong action in their conflicts with close than with distant relationships. There was no significant difference between conflicts with compeer and with eldership.

采用了严格编制的量表调查了 87 名大学生被试在以亲疏远近,长幼尊卑划分的亲密平辈,疏远平辈,亲密长辈,疏远长辈四种人际冲突情境中所采用的中庸行动的高低。

A strictly designed scale was used to measure people's Zhongyong action in four different interpersonal conflicts with close eldership, distant eldership, close compeer and distant compeer.

采用了严格编制的量表调查了 87 名大学生被试在以亲疏远近,长幼尊卑划分的亲密平辈,疏远平辈,亲密长辈,疏远长辈四种人际冲突情境中所采用的中庸行动的高低。

Participants showed the lowest flexible action in their conflicts with distant eldership, the highest self-restrained action in conflicts with close eldership, the higher egoistic action in conflicts with distant compeer and eldership.


If some elderships pay much attention to my growing,I would accept the elderships' well-meaning ideas. So I could grow up composedly.


This article utilizes the literature material law the questionnaire survey procedure the teaching cut-and-try method carries on the analysis to the middle school sports teaching discovered the question includes: As a result of the birth control policy implementation in the Wei County two middle-school students the only child increases day by day the child becomes in the family the treasure the elder dotes on has Canada in addition the social life level unceasing enhancement the child nutrition surplus situation remarkable increase a student physique front year obviously drops therefore the middle school physical education becomes everybody attention gradually the focal point how very good physical education how does cause the student to like on the physical education how finally causes the physical education to become the student to grow the growth important curriculum namely the physical education plays truly imparts knowledge and educates people in the school should get up nurtures the human nurtures the body the vital role.


Why do some elders, especially Chinese elderships want to disturb me, but we have no animosity in the foretime.


I think that I have never want Chinese elderships to take great care of me, but Chinese elderships should not bother me in a fuddle.


Some elderships said I'm very brave, some elderships said I'm very hoydenish.


I'm younger than many elderships' children. I wish the elderships are always our parents, not the stubborn olders. Talking on the network could be equable,also could be busy,and could be fratchy.


I tell everybody clearly: My living, learning, and job are looked after and leaded naturally by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, British Queen Elizabeth II, former Canadian Governor General Adrienne Louise Clarkson , President Bush, President Obama, and Mr. Lu Peining to guide. President Hujintao and Chinese top legislator Wu Bangguo also could express their mind in the necessary time. The other Chinese elderships only need to do their job on their duty to ensure everybody have a peaceful living, that's enough. If rest elderships of the whole world their elders have any ideas, they could tell UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon together, my family members and teachers would think about the meaningful and rational ideas.


更多网络解释与长辈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to assign priority according to seniority:按资排长辈

明箱操做 black case work | 按资排长辈 to assign priority according to seniority | 按本钱因素盘算的公民经济分值 GNP at factor cost

He treated me like a pal at first. He was avuncular:一开始他把我当作是个好伙伴 像是长辈一样

It's three o'clock in the afternoon. I meant t... | He treated me like a pal at first. He was avuncular.|一开始他把我当作是个好伙伴 像是长辈一样 | He teased me about being a waster. I called him an old...

back talk:<口>回嘴, 顶嘴(尤指对上级或长辈的顶撞),反唇相讥

spread film 铺展膜 | back talk 回嘴, 顶嘴(尤指对上级或长辈的顶撞),反唇相讥 | longer 比较久的 比较久

back talk:回嘴, 顶嘴(尤指对上级或长辈的顶撞),反唇相讥

back sweetening | 加硫醇后以试硫液脱残余游离硫法 | back talk | 回嘴, 顶嘴(尤指对上级或长辈的顶撞),反唇相讥 | back taper tap | 倒锥丝锥 机用丝锥

No back talk:<口>回嘴, 顶嘴(尤指对上级或长辈的顶撞),反唇相讥

19.Who's going to keep track of everything? 明了. | 20.No back talk. 回嘴, 顶嘴(尤指对上级或长辈的顶撞),反唇相讥 | 21. ...before abruptly dropping out of sight. 唐突地.

betters:长辈 上司 胜于己者

grass roots 基层群众 | betters 长辈 上司 胜于己者 | superior 上级的 较高的


betterness | 金银块超过标准的纯度 | betters | 长辈;胜于己者 | Bettina | 贝蒂娜


9、我的一些同辈 some of my generation | 10、长辈 elders | 11、公开地 openly


elderly 稍老的 | eldership 长辈 | eldest 最年长的

Happy New Year to Elderships:春节英文祝福语 给上司/长辈

春节英文祝福语 给上司/长辈 Happy New Year to Elderships | 春节英文祝福语 给上司/长辈的祝福语 Happy New Year to Elde... | For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season!值此佳节,老板,献给您及...