英语人>词典>汉英 : 长肥 的英文翻译,例句
长肥 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

flesh up
更多网络例句与长肥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The alocasia used to have only three leaves without any new leaves grew up in more than a year. I irrigated the root with 116 microbial fertilizer in May 5. The new leaves started to show up new leaves in just one week. Look, the leaves with dust are the original leaves, while the new ones are only two months old. I didn't wipe the dust off to show the difference. Don't laugh at me!


If there are blisters skin furuncle or damaged, as well as tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, acute pharyngitis in patients with other diseases, as well as children under 2 years of age (compared delicate skin, easily lead to infection) are not suitable for external application, treatment paste medicine at the same time stimulating cold food should be fast, do not贪凉, do not eat肥甘thick and greasy, help生痰wet food, fast seafood, shrimp, beef, ducks, geese, peanuts and other food such as fried-prone structures so as not to affect treatment.


By Visual Basic 6.0 program, taken the distance between hole 200mm and buried depth 120~150mm as the optimization goal, the most optimum parameters range of the mechanism was obtained as follows: the initial angle between planet frame and the line formed from spraying-fertilizer needle-tip and planet wheel axle was -45°~-40°, the initial angular displacement of planet frame was 40°~50°, the distance between spraying-fertilizer needle-tip and the planetary gear axle center was 280~300mm, simultaneously, the semi-major axis of elliptic gear was 29.364mm, the teeth quantity was 23, the ratio of semi-minor axes and semi-major axis was 0.958, the radius of circular gear was 25mm.

对该机构进行运动学分析,建立了数学模型,以穴距200mm和入土深度120~150mm为寻优目标,应用Visual Basic 6.0软件编程得出满足机构运动要求的最优参数范围为:喷肥针尖和行星轮轴连线与行星架的初始夹角-45°~-40°、行星架初始角位移40°~50°、喷肥针尖与行星轮轴心距离280~300mm,此时椭圆齿轮长半轴29.364mm、齿数23、短半轴与长半轴比0.958,正圆齿轮半径25mm。

Witnesses describe the killer as a fat, bright-red, snakelike animal measuring 2 to 4 feet in length and weighing more than 20 pounds.


This can also be constructed for corrals, can be "rigged" to the sheep, but sheep manure long cycle is very long.


After finding out the king's intention, the leader felt sad, self-reproached and contrite :"It's my careless fault which led to all of us crossing into the royal garden and got encaged. As soon as the king sees that we are fat enough, we will be killed, what should I do?...."


Those sheep have fattened out since I last saw them.


Check before my son is also relatively severe zinc deficiency, because the child is relatively small, do not eat zinc, and only the adults eat their babies through the mother, eat at a relatively high zinc foods and nuts, such as: lean meat, beef Apple nuts and so on, that time I feel special good, good no longer fat, huh, huh!


Base on mensurating and comparing about grass growth speed、variance of the green rates and burning spot after using two grain size and raw material slow-release fertilizer on the two golf Green in Shenzhen,we can know IBDU fertilizer has bigger grain size and shorter effect period,on the other hand ,it can enhance the growth of the Green grass quickly than UF fertilizer .In short ,IBDU fertilizer can apply to the golf Green in the north or cool region,but UF fertilizer is fit for the golf Green in Shenzhen and peripheral region.


Excess kurtosis and fat tail characteristics in time series of interest rates indicates that the series is a nonlinear stochastic process which can be caused by conditional heteroscedastic or caused by long memory.


更多网络解释与长肥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


sleeve width 袖肥 | elbow width 肘肥 | elbow length 肘长

fatten sth up:使...长肥

fasten to 固定在. . . 上 | fatten sth up 使. . . 长肥 | fault system 断层系统


fatten up 使肥胖 | fatten 长肥 | fattener 养肥禽畜者

fatten:发胖 长肥

skin and bone 瘦得皮包骨的 | fatten 发胖 长肥 | fatten up 饲养使肥

fatten up:饲养使肥

fatten 发胖 长肥 | fatten up 饲养使肥 | fill out 发胖


fatten 长肥 | fattener 养肥禽畜者 | fattening 养肥禽畜的

A bashful dog never fattens:羞怯之狗长不肥

76. A lion at home, a mouse abroad. 在家如狮,在外如鼠. | 77. A bashful dog never fattens. 羞怯之狗长不肥. | 78. Every cock crows on his own dunghill. 公鸡总在自己的粪堆上称英雄.

A bashful dog never fattens. (EP):羞怯之狗长不肥. (英谚)

A barleycorn is better than a diamond to a cock. (EP) 对公鸡来说,大麦粒... | A bashful dog never fattens. (EP) 羞怯之狗长不肥. (英谚) | A bean in liberty is better than a confiture in prison. (EP) 自由地...

Ton-Tongue Toffees:肥舌太妃糖. 双胞胎所发明,吃了以后舌头变长、变大

Canary Creams 金丝雀饼干. 双胞胎所发明,吃了以后会变成近似黄色小鸟的模样,过一会儿又恢复原状. | Pumpkin Pasties 南瓜馅饼 | Ton-Tongue Toffees 肥舌太妃糖. 双胞胎所发明,吃了以后舌头变长、变大.


stall 陈列台 | stall-feed 在畜舍饲养使长肥 | stallionstone-horsestudhorse 种马