英语人>词典>汉英 : 错误检测 的英文翻译,例句
错误检测 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

error detecting
更多网络例句与错误检测相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Turing Award Citation): For his work on numerical methods, automatic coding systems, and error-detecting and error-correcting codes.

( 授予 Richard Hamming 图灵奖以表彰其在)数字方法,自动编码系统和错误检测和错误纠正编码领域的杰出贡献。

One is matching and bit reversal basing on prediction arithmetic. The other is error correcting arithmetic based on digital watermark. And the paper gives relative testing result through construct a testing model.


Taking into account the data fusion and confidence measure, a Mahalanobis distance is derived. The technique is applied to face retrieval and its canthus detection. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can reduce adverse effects of feature detection errors and enhance the pattern recognition rate.


This method uses quantified conjunctive normal form formulas to represent the unknown constraints in the circuit under verification, and needs no modification of the circuit structure so that it saves the computational resources significantly.


This paper provides a method of variable integrity testing to detect the faults of software By checking the definition domain of the variable itself and the restriction condition of consistency between variables, we only need to determine the bound of each output data, rather than the exact value Although the output of testing case cannot be easily caught, this method can improve the efficiency of detecting faults Furthermore, the checking point is not limited to the final output place, but spreads over the reference places in the program code to key variables just like those at the checkpoints under debugging As a consequence, the testing becomes more precise

由于软件测试用例的输出部分很难确定,而通过测试变量自身的定义域和变量间的一致性约束关系,只需要确定输出值的范围而不用知道其确切的值,就可以提高了错误检测的效率同时,检测的范围不局限于程序最后的输出结果,而是散布在程序中的各个有意义的变量,正如调试过程中设置断点观察的那些变量,使得检测错误更加精准1 引言软件测试的本质在于针对要测试的内容确定一组测试用例[1] 测试用例分为输入和输出两部分功能测试和结构测试等基本的软件测试方法,都比较关心测试用例的输入部分定义域的确定,而对测试用例的输出部分考虑得较少例如,边界测试和等价类测试[2 ] 只考虑测试用

Truly. He was still at Marquette then—not anywhere near a household name obviously—and spellcheck doesn't help when it comes to proper names and who the heck spelled Dwayne "Dwyane" anyway?

真的。他依旧是一个来自马凯特大学的球员-而明显地不是一个在任何地方附近都家喻户晓的名字–当拼写错误检测系统没有对於某些特有的名字是没有用的,就像是韦德的名字& Dwyane &都会被拼写错误检测系统更正为 Dwayne ,不是吗?

Although our script cur- rently supports only one type of error, we still use a generic error variable in case we wanted to continue development of this script to add more error detection in the future.


Although our script cur- rently supports only one type of error, we still use a generic error variable in case we wanted to continue development of this


Although our script cur- rently supports only one type of error, we still use a generic error variable in case we wanted to continue development of thisscript to add more error detection in the future.


It is not uncommon to detect errors only during instantiation, which may happen at link-time.


更多网络解释与错误检测相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

automatic error correction:自动错误校正

automatic digital computer 自动数字计算机 | automatic error correction 自动错误校正 | automatic error detection 自动错误检测

automatic error correction/detection,AECD:自动错误校正/检测

自动错误校正/检测 automatic error correction/detection,AECD | 自动错误检测 automatic error dection | 自动错误检测 automatic error detection

fatal error:严重错误

] 严重错误(fatal error) [定义:合乎规范的 XML 处理器必须检测到,并向应用报告的一类错误. 在遇到严重错误之后,处理器可以继续处理数据以发现更多的错误并可以向应用报告这些错误. 为了支持错误的更正,

Suppress warnings:检测项将忽略所有的警告性检测项,不会显示具有警告性错误的测试报告

Floating input pins:"输入引脚浮接" | Suppress warnings:"检测项将忽略所有的警告性检测项,不会显示具有警告性错误的测试报告" | Create report file:"执行完测试后程序是否自动将测试结果存在报告文件中"

Suppress warnings:检测项将忽略所有的警告性检测项,不会显示具有警告性错误的测试

Floating input pins:"输入引脚浮接" | Suppress warnings:"检测项将忽略所有的警告性检测项,不会显示具有警告性错误的测试 | Create report file:"执行完测试后程序是否自动将测试结果存在报告文件中"

error, transposition:对换错误

error, timing 时序错误 | error, transposition 对换错误 | error-detection protocol 错误检测协定

errors, undetected:未被检测出的错误

无误码秒 error-free-seconds | 随机错误 errors, random | 未被检测出的错误 errors, undetected

ERD ErrorRecordingDevice:错误记录器

EQCC EntryQueryControlConsole 登录询问控制台 | ERD ErrorRecordingDevice 错误记录器 | ERDET ERrorDETection 错误检测

ERF ERrorDETection:错误检测

ERCL ERrorCheckingandCorrection 检错与纠错 | ERF ERrorDETection 错误检测 | ERI ERrorFunction 误差函数

bug monitor:错误检测程序

bug key ==> 双向报键,快速发报键 | bug monitor ==> 错误检测程序 | bug patch ==> 错误标记码,错误补块,勘误号